Sunday, March 29, 2009
today was a
vvvvv satisfying sunday :D
have a great sense of achievement. :D
the only down side is that i havent touch my hwk yet ):
woke up at
went out for
brunch with mum, jun, yima, ka and naini
(ka & ho's parternal grandma :D) at vivo at like, 12plus.
after that was
shopping with yima and ka!
wheee (:
shopped at
vivo, then went to
greatworld city to get ka's stuff frm the ZaraMen thr, then went to
IMM cos thr's an esprit outlet :D
all of us got stuff that we like damn alot. :D
i got a top frm esprit, ka got a top and shorts/ 3quaters/ idk what u call them frm zara, yima got jeans frm esprit.sense of achievement :D
okay i think i should go
start on my hwk alrd ):
byebye :D
after a rather long and very very tiring week,
met up with
caro william yx andy gab sk for
dinner ystd at dhoby gaut. :D
boooo but bestfr didnt go cos his mum dont allow, mp didnt cos kinda miscommunication and she's gg warren with family, wj didnt cos he's too lazy :0 and plan kinda screwed also haha then twin and poh cant cos they were sick ): the rest idk the reasons lol.went to bencoolen before that.
(this building beside OG at bugis) to get new specs. think the design's okay, but not smth that i thought i would choose :0then went to find caro william and yx at bugis mrt! :D
thanks for waiting haha (:
bitched abit :D
went to dhoby to meet andy, wait for gab.
sk came when we were waiting for seats.
decided whr to eat rather quickly cos andy said thr's this place whr the food's
cheap and
not bad with
freeflow drinks and icecream! in the end the promotion set meal was quite screwed but dinner was not bad! :D
talked alot alot of crap.
and and and! the
raspberry icecream was nice :X
oh man, ate like, 2 scoops. havent had icecream for damn long alrd! omg lol.
hahahahahahahaha, andy really abit paikia XD
okokok, i dont say alrd, latr he post some unglam photo of me on fb ):
so andy, if u happen to read this, DONT POST MY PICS OKAY :D AND I KNOW U WONT COS U NICE GUY :Dthr! (:took 7 back with gab.
cool, like, last time, i dont really talk to gab, andy, sk, allen, now diff jc/ class, we start talking. haha.
co till 4plus,
combines and sectionals not bad today! (:
and whee i dont have to play da ruan. thanks jiahuan (:the only down part was that i had sweet talk's mango milk tea ):
fatfatfatfatfat!then standard chartered's family day at sentosa, dinnered thr with family and wanteng's family.
have no idea why i'm online at this time, blogging, talking cock to bestfr.
okay, that's all, shall post pics nxt time (:
shall concentrate on talking cock to bestfr :D
haha just now i was telling him thr's this guy in sch who kinda resembles him.
BESTFR MP WJ LET'S CONFERENCE SOON OKAY.i miss our late night/ early morning conferences ):okay, this is rather random, but, i was thinking, if i'm jq or mp or caro i'll probably hate, every other day, i'll sms smth to do with _ then you guys will have to gimme the same replies over and over and over again. sometimes when i'm talking to u guys i think i'm really quite self-centred :X sorry ):so, really, thanks for listening to my whines, my rants, my stories, my updates and all, and reassuring me everytime i tell u guys smth which made me damn sad. (:lol the thanks is for jq mp caro and everyone else who know what i'm talking abt.and i love you guys! (:
Monday, March 23, 2009
cooool, been some time since i've posted such a deep post :Dokay fine! so its not so deep. but anw!talking to
jiayu on msn.
jiayu; this time, really, trust me, he's a good guy.we're talking about, well, how much we miss our nanhua friends.
for her, she said she would rather pia and went nygh, and not know them, and not go through all these.
for me, yeah, i do miss some ppl damn alot now, but no, i don't regret going to nanhua (:
i mean, idk, i cant imagine life without my nh friends!
late night early morning phone chats with bestfr, mp, wj, caro.
animal list with junqi!
405 ):
music class.
no mrchia, mrwong, mdmyong.
no many many things.
but although we disagree on one thing, we agree on how we feel now.
like, you hope that ur friends are happy in whatever jc/ poly they go to. but then when they make new friends you kinda get
jealous and
scared that they would forget you and all.
i feel
selfish but yeah. its
true. ):
life's, many times, it seems that everything's screwed up.but in the end, it all falls into place, like, everything's meant to be.sec1; i didnt wanna come to nanhua. was quite unhappy for a period of time. like, everything's so screwed and all! survived the first few weeks with 6h ppl ard (: iloveyou guys mansxz!sec2; things became better. close friends with jq, mp, zq, kel, jr etc.sec3; posted to 305. mp kept wanted to change class. dont really know why, but i just wanted to stay. so. yeah. we stayed in 305! the yr was quite okay, till like, this incident at the end of the, that time, felt quite screwed.sec4; everything somehow worked out. starting frm like, june, the ppl ard me made me totally not regret coming to nh. even with O's and all.; ac! (: damn i'm not making sense alrd.must be the lack of slp and all ):LOL i just rmbed some reccent joke convers.rmb some parts, exact words forgot alrd;andy; eh, some ppl in my sch, say my skin colour damn nice! red/ rosy!twin; yah, some ppl in my sch say my skin colour v nice also! v dark!me; eh eh! that day! my friend said my fair skin v nice!mp; o.oandy; lol mp damn sad cos she no sch yet.haha idk, at that time it seemed damn funny.sat;twin was asking whr my parents were; ohh, my dad's frm hk, my mum's china to hk. :Dtwin; so u shenzhen la! cos, in the middle of china and hk; errr -.owj; wtf.LOL.okay idk why but i'm damn tired.
shall say byebye to zaria soon and go to slp (:
i'm gna slp
by 11! :D
Sunday, March 22, 2009
starbucks and lunch with seph.
whoo, thanks for the
veh veh cool big white bimbotic shades frm thailand! :D
in the evening, went for my 1st gz lesson.
yeah, thats all.
woke up at 830 cos i promised mum&dad that i'll have breakfast with them.
kinda regretted it cos thanks to this certain bestfr of mine
*glares at brandon* i slept at
5am ):
but had a nice time bitching with him la :D
had some serious talk also. which is rather rare, cos usually our talks are all bitchings and gay convers.
went to sch for co sectionals frm 1-4.
met them at 445 at clem.
bbq was fun.
haha. although some of them damn imba, come 3hrs late. :Oi think the way
guys eat chickenwings' v funny. :X
kept laughing like omg.
havent laughed like that for a longlong time.
dont worry, i promised that i wont post the photos. XDnow i miss all of them damn alot ):
(its just like, 6h gathering last time! aftr the gathering during the hols, i would miss everyone alot, and dread going back to school, being not able to see them)most of them went off at 1015. it was very sudden, i had no idea what happened too. just suddenly, voooom, everyone gone!
had a long talk with
C (:
realised that the ambience by the pool is damn nice for heart to heart LOL.
ohoh! and we decided at we'll
(me,her, everyone who's at the bbq) should like, meet up for
dinner on fridays (:
say yes ppl! :D
it isnt alot, but it'll give me something to look forward to during the week though.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
partial og outing (:
almost watched Coming Soon :X
lucky managed to persuade them to watch smth else in the end :D
thanks girls!
so, we watched
dragonball evolution :O
hahahaha yueyue and i kept laughing throughout.
i think the movie's a comedy with some violence la! LOLOL.
aftr that we went ard
camwhoring XD

my vvvv cool schoolbag :D and yes its hsm3 -bigbig spastic smile. think bestfr's smile.

went back nanhua to get cert.
reached at like, 130plus.
said hi and bye to caro, wf, xy, bran, yf.
got cert. spent time with jq, mp, lk, yt, rach, hy.
like, omg its damn cute but i wont wanna use that watercooler ever again :Xthen mp and i went GO to find william cos i was kinda gossip girls talked deprived :D
met andy and twin and seowls thr too.
sooo. we talked quite alot of crap before leaving for jp to meet thr others.
cabbed with andy twin and mp.
bitched quite alot on the cab :D
whoo i think twinn's a v good gossip partner (:
met the rest at ljs.

then the 4 of us went to walk ard cos they said they gna wait for wj and sk to come before eating.
but we ended up snacking while walking ard lol.
and and and! i finally got to try that fried chicken i always wanted to! (okay, to almost everyone, this doesnt really make sense.)
finally aftr N hours of walking ard aimlessly, wj and sk reached.
ate at bk. okay, the guys ate, mp and i koped their food (: and drinks.
andy's v proud of his jawline.
twinnn was THE boss. LOL. his shirt tells it all.haha. today was funnnnn (:
bitching, catching up, and simply being with close friends :D
and coooooool, twinnnie said he gna set up this aloha girl branch :0
(hahahaha sounds damn cool, another branch. like some fastfood restaraunt like that! :X)
and and! mp u owe me $3.
and and and! i need to top up my ez-link again :X
this time i'll top up $10. no more $5!
whooo i'm at episode 7 of season 2 alrd! :D
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
i'm blogging with my pretty pretty
PINK Vaio! :D
was deciding btwn the
HOT RED one and the
in the end i chose the
PINK one cos it was kinda, love at 1st sight (
and! she has a name!
Zaria :D
so cool right. last night online mp was suggesting names for her (:
self sectionals till 6.
went to
acsi aftr that! (:
to get my
breaking dawn and to have
waited for
wong to end his lesson and
ian to come.
mel was sick so she didnt go for lesson and i didnt get to see her ):
lol for some unknown reason, ian
walked all the way frm nh to acsi :O
he showed me the O's cert thing. omg its kinda cool la! gna get mine on wednesday :D
wong said his gna leave acsi probably aftr this yr :X and maybe go to
paris to further his studies. thats damn cool la omg! but we'll miss him ):
oh and out of habit ian kept calling wong, "sir." then he was like saying we dont have to call him that since his no longer our tchr. but now we dont know what to call him! haha. so used to saying mrwong alrd. typing wong feels weird :O
had dinner at this ramen resturant in clem. the food was damn ex la ):
ohoh! ian and i met
zhiqing, serene and shimin at the mrt station. cooooooool! i havent met zhiqing and for sosososososooooooo damn long!!!!! i bet they missed me damn alot :D
aftr that went to borrow shirt frm
THANKS :D (and hope u enjoy reading breaking dawn HEH) went to the 189 busstop
(lol this time the bus zoomed damn fast) and i bussed home.
went to ktv rm since like, mum&dad's friends and family came over for some "party" (i mean, it sounds weird to call it a real party or gathering what haha!)
co camp.
as usual, was dreading combines.
then when sgq came he told me that this gz tchr came to teach me today so I DONT HAVE TO PLAY AT COMBINES! :D whooo!
so, yeah, had 3hrs of
non-stop lesson with xuls.
she's like, damn pro in gz. think i've improved quite alot (:
aftr that was lunch with section.
then sectionals. yls came, taught us scales only. abit boring :X
self-sectionals was okay.
damn alot of us bussed to holland v for dinner :D
tanbo section had dinner at this random ramen shop cos thr's
25% off all items LOL.
we tried to squeeze the entire section in this table meant for 4. in the end huishan and jiahuan gave up and went to sit at another table lol :X
bussed back to sch. reached at like, 840plus? we were alrd late but still ended up being the first to reach :X

watched school of rock with everyone else for awhile before going shower with jh, hs and wh.
lol omg we didnt know the lights were motion sensor lights. then suddenly when we were showering the lights went off. DAMN FREAKY OKAY. in the end called peiyan and she came over and saved us frm hysterics. thanks! :D
went back to LT. then went to our rooms.
lol then while the other girls were showering the 4 of us moved ard the toilet to make sure the lights dont go off again :O
went back to our rooms, had gossip bonding session with wenhui, jolene, gweejie and elise :D while jh and hs went to MUG *gasp in disbelief*
attempted to

but halfway, the guys outside saw and started laughing. D
lights out at like, 1am plus. slpt at 2.
woke up at 8plus.
most ppl left cos they had church.
we (wh, j, gj, e and i) wanted to slp somemore but gave up lol.
so 5 of us went out for breakfast aftr finding out that thrs no REAL food provided in the canteen :X
came back, found out that our stuff have been moved back to LT cos the rooms are gna be used for church stuff.
thought that i lost my scores and kinda freaked out before finding them in gj's plastic bag :X
played some bonding games like, whacko, polarbear, follow the leader. hahahaha.
whacko was damnnnnn fun. hahaha, i think i screamed jolene's name more than others cos its like, damn easy to say :X the forfeits for follow the leader was damnnnnnnn funny omg lol.
aftr that was lunch. was raining so we (j1 girls) went to the cafe :O
didnt really eat cos just had breakfast 2hrs ago lol.
for sectionals, watched this ruan concert dvd. then usual practise. etc.
camwhored with jeanette abit lol.

dismissed at 5! :DDDDD
was damnnnnn happy when i saw the car. and dad :D
went to return poh's shirt.
went home.

love love love love her to the max!

self sectionals frm 10 to 4.
practised mostly gz in the morning.
lunched at broadway with section (:
practised ruan aftr lunch.
aftr selfsec lukas brought us (me, jiahuan, huishan) to buy picks.
joyce joined us for abit :D
went to the chinatown point one and realised that they dont sell the one that we wanna use :X
so have to rush alllll the way to bras basah.
aftr buying hs and i went to take mrt while those 2 went to bus.
think co camp wasnt as horrible as i thought.
bonded (gossiping and camwhoring's the best way to bond okay!) with quite a few ppl :D
and i think i like the tanbo section more now (: (not that i didnt like it in the 1st place la)
omg its like, 12plus alrd i shall go slp.
byebye! :D
looking forward to og outing tmr.
and wendesday and saturday with nh friends! :D
more photos on fb!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
joseph and
junqi made my day today! :D
thanks seph for the math and lunch (:
although we didnt snapsnap but we kinda shopped! haha.
enjoy your thailand trip and thanks in advance for my white bimbo shades! XD
thanks junqi for your smses. even though it was screwed in the end lol :X
love you guys! :D
(okay fine, so i love many other bffs out there but these two made today awesome in one way or the other :D or, at least, made the sucky part of the day much btr.)oh man, its monday again tmr ):
another week.
mass pe is still a few days away ):
but there's pe tmr ):
oh and i saw waifoon today at clem!
cooooool! :D
Saturday, March 07, 2009
had lessons till 350 before going for self-sectionals.
was rather productive cos i kinda learnt how to lun :D
haha. left at 530, met allen and poh, went nanhua.
thanks for waiting for like, 1hr for me! :D
on the way back, i realised that i was gna be the only girl. again -.-
(okay, so charlene was there, but i also dont know her! haha)saw many many ppl! so cool! haha.
so most of the guys soccered/ rugby/ attempted to kill each other etc.
talked quite alot to yx, and yay! vaio! :D its damn damn damn damnnnnn prettayeeeee right! :D
i'm still deciding btwn the colours :X i like the pink, red, brown, white one! :Oi was damn nice to wj idk why. helped him buy drink, keep wallet and hp, refill water.
OHOHOH IT WAS COS I USED HIS MONEY TO BUY ME GREENTEA. okay. no wonder :Daftr that ryan __ HAHAHA then the guys stopped soccering and we mass talk cock till msloy came to chase us out of the sch cos its 7 alrd :X
walked halfway to the backgate before asking mum to come and get me.
(hello! they took half an hr to walk frm canteen to backgate leh!! if i walk with them till central at that speed i'll get home aftr 8 la omg)thanks wj for waiting with me (:
although, mum reached before the rest actl walked off :0didnt dinner with them cos i'm still kinda sick.
and, last fri dinnered outside, nxt fri dinnering out again. if ystd i last min call home to say i not eating at home then.... :X
lol i was at caro's blog and saw this"Poh was like "eh yawen not coming"Then im like "why!?"Then he went like "she's sick" and reflexly pointed to his head.LOL many people witnessed that okay!Lol yawen's sick in the head so she's not coming lolol!"LOL joke! and nooooooo, i'm sane okay! well, or, i hope i am la :X;
didnt go for combined cos of wasnt feeling well.
but aftr slping for like, 10hrs i was okay alrd so went for sectionals in the aftrnn.
had section lunch with sgq and yls. was. interesting.
lol yls looked damnnn diff frm what i thought.
in a good way la.
sectionals till 4, camp briefing and self-proclaimed break till 5 before self sectionals till 630.
self sec was damn funny lol.
meeting up with joseph and nicky! :D
that is, if nicky wakes up before we leave starbucks :X
anw! trish! all the best for ur tests on monday (:
miss you D:
Thursday, March 05, 2009
people, i wasnt being dao ystd/ today.
at least, not on purpose.
i didnt talk cos i'm having this vvv bad sorethroat and had fever.
i talked super little la.
like, two days add up less thn 50 sentences leh!
this has nth to do with me, but anw! vote for ken for SAJC council! :D
og24 outing!
supposed to go bowling but we went to karaoke in the end lol.
ahh now i miss them ):
talked quite alot to jetaime :D we must must must catch up more okay!
surprised that most of them actl remembered me! :D
and forgot that i went ac! whoo! xD
aftr singing bussed to bukitgombak mrt station with ken, doug, calvin & aaron.
ohohoh! damn cool! douglas is actl my p3/ p4 classmate! omgomgomg! damn coooool!
i couldnt recognise him until he told me la!
then then then! calvin's frm nyps too! like, he was jiayu's exclassmate!
omgomg! super small worlddddddd!
then aaron's actl shanwei's classmate or smth in cat high.
monday (
i think);
during phys this form was passed ard.
i was filling up for both of us.
me; eh yanling! what's ur sirename?
her; guess. its a colour.
me; BLUE!
her; ...
me; what! red, yellow, green orange?
woke up sick.
still went for mass pe.
i think that was extremely stupid.
aftr the leadership thing in the vvv cold lt for 3hrs, i had fever.
went home sleep, left eye swollen again, see doctor, sleep.
missed mp, caro, bestfr alot alot, cos last yr when i was sick, didnt go sch, they came over to visit me. then usual sms spams frm jq. this yr, yeah, there's others who care (: but, different;
left sch at 11 with yanling.
we were both sick ):
although i think she looked more sick thn me :X
reached home, ate, sleep, ate, sit ard did nth, watched tv, did phys, eat, msn.
but i'm supposed to just EAT & SLEEP right.
i mean, i'm sick! ):
haha just found out that caro left her sch today at 11 too!
this must be some sick season :X
monday bestfr sick, ystd me, today caro and yanling.