Saturday, February 28, 2009
spent 2hrs in the cafe with daniel, zhenwei, nicholas before going for co at 430.
lol zw damn funny, stayed all the way till 4plus then decided to pon cca :X
co that day was okay.
practise was quite short i guess.
2plus hrs. although thr was no break ):
(junqi, mp, caroline, bestfr, anyone else who heard the story before, skip this part of the post. this is a vvv summarised version of what i have told you. minused all the complains, bitching and all.)mass pe was ohmygoodnessly horrible.
and yes, that was the, erm, light workout.
cross country.
i miss nanhua's crosscountry at westcoastpark mansxz! ):
(me, farlin, hidaya, their friends, shanwei, kenneth, kelvin, their friend and that friend's friends. which consisted of kelly lol.) bussed allll the way to BISHANPARK.
and then it rained.
but i was rather lucky, although my notes and shoes and clothes and bag got wet, my GC's still working, nth's stolen.
trained back with some allen, poh, ryan, few other nh guys.
like omg, horrible, cold, wet, hungry, stood the whole journey frm amk to clem.
lol i swear i wouldnt go into mos burger again in pe attire! its damnnnnn frigginggggg cold!
anw thanks poh for accompanying me to wait for the superrrr crowded 189 :D
a very tutorialish day.
aftr school went to plaza sing cos there was this world of sports sale.
got a pair of adidas. very prettaye :D
founder's day!
camwhored in the morning with yanling, kayyan, stella & sandra.

blur photos just showed that we are not professional camwhorers haha.yl and i were kinda entertained by daniel and his friends lameshitsxz jokes too lol.
but other than that it was rather boring.
went back to nh! kinda impromtu i think :X
saw mdmyong, ms chng, mrs chiang, mrs sabar.

mum came, zoomed allen&poh back to school before sending me to orchard.
met phoenixxxxxxxx :D
they watched me eat. hehhhh.

talked/ heard them talk lots of crap haha.
watched he's just not that into you with suiki, ian and daniel.
boo i wanna watch confessions of a shopaholic!
i'm in a vvv chickflick mood lol.
the starting, ending, some parts are interesting and funny la.
but the middle was quite slow.
but still worth watching i guess.
suiki i want gossipgirls season twooooooooooooooo!
trained to cityhall with daniel.
met gab, waited for wj. went to clem.
dinnered with gab, wj, allen, poh, twinnn, bestfr at subway.
till ystd, i nvr knew that guys actl ate whole packets of potato chips. within 10min somemore :0
i always thought chips were meant to be shared with a grp of more than 10ppl, else it would be never ending.

lol i think the other photos are non postable photos. haha.sat ard and bitched till 8plus.
thanks guys for waiting with me till dad's car is here :D
(even though wj ran away away once he saw his bus -.o)
co co co co co co.
830 till 6.
Monday, February 23, 2009
starting to like 1sb6! (:
although i miss phoenixxxxxx ):
maths T;
was okay, i think the tutor's nice! although she just HAD to call me yaya :O
lol we mass chicken rice.
maths L;
same LT as leon and nicky! (:
chem L;
usual, kinda zzzzz.
same LT as leon, nicky, kenneth, shanwei! (:
zomg damn cool lucas/ lukas (idk how to spell) is frm nyps tooooo!
although he transferred out aftr p3 lol.
realised that he know quite a few nyps ppl whom i know too! haha.
coolness, now 1sb6 has like, 5 nyps ppl including me!
phys T;
was total T.T i think.
but ah well, the classrm was nice :D
chem T;
think chem's gna be okay (:
started raining damnnnn heavily, most of us got super wet on the way back to the main building frm NL ):
hahaha, was quite joke.
thankyou daniel for the jacket :D
think w/o the jacket i would have died with the aircon behind me with the back of my shirt totally wet -.o
warmup was running 2 rounds -.-
(although i think mass pe's muchhhh worse. no wonder there's like, super little slightly overweight ppl in ac)omg la.
yanling and i were like; eh omg! we miss nh pe! ):
was running halfway then saw eugenepoh waving at me :O
thanks lor! there i was running in the rain, and ur up in the bleaches, nice and dry, and you HAD to rub it in by waving oh so happily!
(okayokay, it is btr than not waving :X)aftr pe my hair was omgly horrible.but ah whatever, everyone else's was, too. hahaha.
sighsxzxzxz co starts at 430 tmr.
lessons end at 210.
so fun.
i shall go look for friend. else i'll be omg bored till T.T
Thursday, February 19, 2009
co ystd was alright.first time i've left the lt during breaks :0pathetic i know!went to get food/ drinks with jeanette.booooo i miss sitting with
phoenix in the morning! ):
1sb6's okay la (:
i know 3 out of like, 25?
junhao, ryan singh, daniel.
to think of it quite lucky la, much better off then poor suiki! ):
but cheer up okay (: i believe that you can survive there! :D
yeeeah. so. today. basically was spent with
yueyue, farlin, timothy, suiki. :D
lectures all the way till aftr phys. which was till.... 1110.
went to buy food with suiki
(she's my new fave toilet/ buy food/ buy drinks partner! hey that meant a lot okay!!!) thn when we got back to the bleaches, greeted by a sight of tim shifting away frm hidaya who was screaming at him if he would marry her -.o
LOL joke! ahhh i'll miss og like omg! ):
got milk tea aftr that. and i totally regret buying it can!
seriously dont know why ian buys it everyday!
aftr that farlin, h and yy went off for bio,
sk tim and i went to the canteeeeeeen.
watched tim eat then kenneth and his friend came to join us.
lol the friend damn funny la. bad influence to us mansxz! XD jkn jkn!aftr that they all went to econs h2.
so i went to make new friends frm other og! LOL.
got to know this girl jolin
(i think, idk how to spell :X) who's gna join co tooo! :D
and i think she's gna join tanbo. wheee. new friend! haha.
okay that's all.
junqi i know your on ur date with huishan and all but please reply my msg!i'm in a very hysterical emo mood now! ):
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
for some idk what reason. some of us phoenix ppl started calling him that LOL.yeah, adds on to his "teh ping boy" etc name. so far, it has been a rather good week :D
(right, today's only tuesday. but whatever)ystd;
housemeeting, they tried to brainwash us to run competitive for crosscountry. no way mansxz! like wj said, i totally wont be affected. if i run, he gimme flowers alrd. LOL WTH.
maths, totally blur, all i can rmb was frantically copying down the working on the screen :X
lol poor wj! frm the time of housemeeting till recess he was having some pw talk. his tchr introduced pw for an hr plus :0didnt eat during recess cos it was superrrr crowded.
GP, found the lecture quite interesting.
phys, kel joined my og whee. so for once during phys i wasnt the only girl :X LOL. we learnt smth abt log i think. everyone was counting down till the end of lecture.
went library aftr that wheee. hahahaha. lib's cool okay. xD
and whooo i finally found a
gossipgirls fan who (like me) totally dont get the point of ppl going crazy over anime! yay! sui ki! :D
so the two of us spent like, half and hr on gg stuff.
eg. "ahhh i think nate's very hotttt!" "i dont like vanessa!" "i like blair!" "dan's such an ass!" etc etc. oh man, been soooo long since i've had a gg talk! ): gg!! :DDD and she's gna lend me season 1 AND 2! haaaaaa! i'm gna win wj and william in watching the episodes!
said byebye to almost everyone and went for econs with poh. since the last time when we
(the very few phoenix ppl) went for lecture, everyone else went to find their friends -.- like wth. loner. had to join kel and her og last min:X so this time i'm prepared. :D pangseh la. pangseh la. hmph. and anw! the vday note on the toblerones were
not meant to be stuffed in some corner in the bag aftr the choc's eaten okay! D:
econs, understood what the lesson was abt! i think. smth abt.. er. MC=MR or smth like that :X
aftr sch walked to bonavista mrt with yanhui! (:
talked quite a lot to her.
met jq and mp at the platform! :D
mp was happily saying hi to yh while i "eh jqjqjqjq! today today etc etc" LOL.
it was like, we saw each other just ystd, instead of almost 3mths ago.
went vivo. thankyou junqi for
PS I Love You! :D and thanks for _! (:
the book's damn nice mansxzxzxzxzxz!
finish alrd hahahaha.
talked to bran, mp, wj. been quite some time since we talked tgt. lameshitsxz convers ftw! ended up talking to bran till 230 :X lol.
i forgot to bring my waterbottle :X
like, wth! ):
thanks shanwei for helping me buy lol. (although i waited for 7252319min for the water to be back :X)
most of us didnt had lessons till 950. so the morning was filled with lame jokes.
like, seriously lame ones!
had a really good time with them. (:
tmr sucks ):
hope that i get into a class with friendly ppl.
lol during
chem suiki and i were doing example qn didnt really listen cos she was teaching mole concept :X
aftr chem went to the void deck with yueyue timothy suiki. kenneth issac joined us aftr that.
went for
phys with the guys while yy and sk went library.
regretted 5min aftr lecture started.
damn, should have learnt frm sw and daniel! LOL.
aftr that watched them eat, thn we went library to meet the rest.
left with sk at 130plus. mum fetched. aftr the 200 experience i really dont see the point of waiting for a bus for half an hr when mum can reach in 10min.
that's all.
co tmr :X
Friday, February 13, 2009
very random;
i want bigger eyes.
OKAYOKAY or, at least, equally small eyes if i cant have big eyes!
zomg i promise i wont sit like that anymore! :Xblack friday cum pre-vday celebrations! (:
kinda went ard the void-deck and bleaches to give chocs to ppl :D
basically all cool ppl whom i manage to see when i have my toblerones with me XD
told suiki; eh i feel like santaclause. :X give give give so little return!
okayokay "to give is better than to recieve" or whatever. but still!
thankyou yueyue for the rose! (:
she was damnnnn sweeeet mansxz, gave all the girls in phoenix a rose each (:
so we gave a her sunflower lol. :D
other og girls were so lucky mansxz, the guys gave them flowers + balloons. UNLIKE CERTAIN OG GUYS WHO ATE ATE ATE CHOCS AND NTH ELSE. -glares. HAHA.
thanasak came to the bleaches and we gave him vday stuff!
thn we went to stacey and cui xia's classes to give them their card + balloooons!
aftr that was HollandV with og! well, supposedly with og la, but in the end it was me, shanwei, issac, daniel, kelvin, timothy. LOL joke.
so, we (minus daniel cos he was blowing balloons :0) started walking towards hollandV with kelvin leading the way. he said byebye to us at the mrt station. he started telling us directions and all on how to walk thr but the moment we said byebye to him we flagged the nxt cab available :X
the guys apparently forgot about daniel lol (we said that we were walking thr)
yeah so. D walked all the way. thankyou for the greentea btw! haha :D
watched them eat icecream at cold rock. talked and stuff.
thn left.
whoo, happy vday mansxz.
boo i want my balllooooooooon wahahahaha.
whee i love phoenix. sianxz we're gna be separated nxt nxt wk or smth ))))):
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
today i did smth
extremely stupid.
i attempted to take bus home aftr co.
(contrary to popular belief, i actually DO know exactly what bus to take to get home, and NO I DID NOT GET LOST.)to be, you know, independent, save the earth; take public transport!, etc etc.
i waited for that damn bus for
half and hr.
lol but it wasnt that bad cos there were ppl accompanying me waiting for bus also.the bus trip was kinda long, at least, longer thn expected la.
the total waiting + bus trip + walking time = about 7min faster then taking train plus bus frm potong pasir
(sajc) -.-
like, wth mansxz!
neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr do such an idiotic thing ever!
esp cos co ended at 640 thn by the time i reached home it's like, 730 alrd la omg.
i dont care, other than those insanely early dismissal i might consider taking pupblic transport.
the rest of the times i'll just call mum XD
call me a spoilt brat, i dont care.
waiting for some bus for half an hr is just sooooo %@?&^#!.
(%@?&^#! cos i'm determined to keep my new year's resolution. plus, if BRANDON can do it, why cant i? wahahaha)
Saturday, February 07, 2009
whoo, the fireless campfire at AC was funnnn ystd! (: damnnnn high! :Dphoenix! (:happy happy at AC! (:although i do miss OG24 ppl at SA! :Xand miss chowler, gab, etc.saw many many people,
frm nanhua, nanyang, music class! (:
whee i'm gna wear AC's uniform on mondayyyyy :Dokay i know i've thank many many ppl in my few posts but whatever, gna thank ppl again.thankyou twinn, trish, junqi, bryan, lukas for telling me not to lost hope on wed.thankyou jiayu for ystd! without you and your og i'll be damn loner can!thankyou ian for helping me buy uniforms ystd and for introducing me to our og ppl! went to acsi ystd aftr sch with jasmine, ian and aldy (:
yay all
ac ppl ftw! :DD
met melissa and mrwonggggggg.
talked and melissa ponned class frm 3 till 4plus.
thn they went off while meli, mrwong and i had lunch lol.
crapped damn alot!
co ended at an
unreal time of 1230 today.
happy happy! (x
Thursday, February 05, 2009
damnnnn i emo for nth!they called at 1043 this morning.was in the toilet with cheryl. thanks jetaime and simin for running all the way with my phone to tell me! :Daftr my initial highness i realised that i'll really miss og24, my new friends! really!but, i'm still glad that i'm in ac now! (:
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
but anw, i still wanna thank my mum&dad they were with me alllll the way since 12th jan.thank lukas, really, you helped alot. even if i dont get in you'll get your drink (:thanks trish, weijie, bryan, twin, for being there since the 17th when i joined acco. all those times when i needed assurance, encouragement and even when i was damnnn bored during sectionals and disturbed u all via sms (:thanks junqi, caroline, gab, chow, everyone esle for all their luck too. esp for this week! (:one of the best things that came out of this shit situation is that knowing so many ppl are with me.
Monday, February 02, 2009
school was....... very
been ages since i've woke up at 6 and stayed awake the whole day!
10th oct 2008!
okay, yeah, so. orientation's
5 days.
today till 6plus, tmr 430, wed 330, thurs 5plus, fri 8!
today was mainly those typical ice-breakers games.
before lunch was horrible! like, everyone was super quiet and all, no one really talked.
but aftr lunch aftr a game or two it started to be fun laaa (:
OG24 ftw! (:
made a few new friends and amazingly, i managed to rmb quite a number of ppl's names!
yawen rocksxzxzxzx.
all the activities were alright la, except mass dance :X
that was.... erm. yeah.
mrted to dohby with gabriel and his new friend.
we were kinda complaining abt sa the whole journey lol :0
for me it was cos, just, in a totally different environment was really a lot to take in and all.
thinking again, i've decided to, like,
enjoy the nxt few days and
hope that ac calls me (:
okay, i wanna
byebye! (:
Sunday, February 01, 2009
i've always wanted to have an emooooo post abt those sec4 post-grad stuff.
and since i'm waiting for my hair to dry, tmr's alrd the first day of school and, plus even MP did it!
i shall do it now! (:
and attempt to finish it by 11.
many many photos i think.
although half the ppl i mention wont read this :O
ah, whatever. i shall still do it for the sake of doing.
dosent really make sense :Xfor 405;
we're really a very very mixed class!
normal chinese, higher chinese, trip sci, double sci, e geog, e hist.
the only lessons we have tgt's phys, chem, eng, pe and maths.
maths, our fave/ most hated lessons. haha.
although i wasnt super close with all of you guys, it'll be weird not being in the same class as you guys frm now on ):
just one word; thanks. (:
my glue! :D
oh man, i really miss your very random crappings!
lol that time i called u to join in my conver with wj and bran to save me but in the end failed cos they were talking wayyyy too loudly!
prom! you forgot that your specs were with me! wahahaha! then i forgot too! i brought it along with me to post-prom. LOL.
and many many others.
dino & superman!
whee we can keep in touch easily cos we stay so nearrrrr! (:
as i've said before, i have no idea why you're my bestfriend.
but whatever, your quite a good bestfr, at MOST times.
to think about it, our friendship's really kinda random.
started during class vid actl.
i still rmb, at kfc that time, thinking "ohman! why i sit opp brandon! i have nth to talk to him abt!" and then aftr a few days we were talking till morning.
rolling eyes, laughing at mp, my birthday, ponning school to attempt mug but you ended up swimming then playing cards then watching olympics bball aftr lunch, etc.
promise that we'll still call each other up for random stuff and conference with mp, wj, caro okay. (:
your sacarsm!
the many times two of us suaning mp was the best!. HAHA POOR MP.
those times that you argue with caroline, william, etc, classic!
and yes, i'll get that yellow once a saint shirt for you when i'm in sa the first few days (:
bet you'll miss me damn alot huh! :D
mostly, thanks (: although sometimes you're a total asssssss!
for tolerating all my whines and "weijieeeee~"s, etc.
and for accompanying me, jq, mp to the post-prom thing (:
that was really very very very nice of you.
and! for bringing your laptop over so i can watch gossipgirls!
i rmb that time bran and i had this argument on the phone you talked damn alot to calm us down to make us see that it's actl just a stupid misunderstanding or smth.
thinking back i had no idea whyyyy i thought you were scary in sec3. HAHA.
i'll call you every now and then at 9/ 10pm to wake you up in your weird timing sleeps!
twinnnn! (:
another quite random friendship? :X
i have no idea when/ why we started talking. LOL.
used to think that you're frigging cold and unfriendly in sec3!
haha. although that we're in totally different clique/ grp, we're still quite close i think. (:
most memorable part was chalet when you helped me look for my metal button :D
ohh! and sec3 nov hols when some of us went night safari! forgot what happened exactly but rmb u being super lame wahahaha XD plus, sec3 summercamp zoo! that was fun.
i'm not dao/ unfriendly okay!
and i roll my eyes at many many ppl! not you only lor! ):
lol before moving to westcoast you took my car before.
then we started talking more to each other huh.
but the thing that really made us closer friends was class vid!
hope i can get into ac then we'll be schoolmates for 2 more yrs! (:
gossip girls ftw!!
and nooooooooooo, i still prefer Nate to Chuck!
Nate Nate Nate Nate Nate! LOL.
but wheeee we both think Blair, Serena's nice and Vanessa's not!
sec3 camp was :D
we learnt bridge, gossiped till 2am, bargained with some random shopkeeper, sang mary had a little lamb during some jungle walk, etc. (:
many more eg,
waifoon, zhipeng, sirui.
class life just wouldnt be the same huh.
okay, i seriously dont have much memories about 206 other than NDP and SYF! (:
how we used to dreadddd those practises and cold kfc meals!
and how we miss everything (iskandar esp!) aftr that.
xiaogm, sunrise, t-rex, triangle face, and many many other stuff that'll only make sense to you and me.
our script! (:
the way we can just bitch about any/ everyone by just flipping our yearbooks! :D
ugh, video journalism! ):
and thanks for these few days when i kept freaking out abt __ and had the same conversation with you over and over again.
fat hairball! (:
those lunchtimes at the staircase/ outside your class.
really the best!
sometimes i'll look forward to lunch the whole day just cos of those! (:
first friend in nanhuaaaaa! :D
all those recesses spent with you and the rest.
it's gna be sooo weird not having breaktimes with you guys! ):
i rmb you once saying who who was very pretty and elegant then attempted to walk like her, in the end all of us laughed like omg!
sec1 chinese that time sometimes i'll move to the back with you so that i can complete my tuition homework hahahah!
sec2 i always copied your maths homework! XD
sec3, 206's chalettttttt! (:
oh mansxz, will miss you! ):
okay, chances of you reading this is like, 0.00001%.
anw! erm. erm. i dunno what to say.
i dunno why but i treat you as a close friend :X
everytime something serious/ damn sad happen i'll still sms you and when your phone's not problematic you'll reply smth that'll make me cheer up. (most of the times ba)
and that time you managed to persuade my mum to let me go for post-prom!
whoaaa even i was surprised la LOL.
hope that once in awhile we'll still talk till morning about real random stuff (:
amazing that we still keep in touch! (:
usual gang;
we became very close in late '07 and 2008!
love you guys! (:
okay not gna mention a lot cos we're so close aftr 4yrs, 2 yrs? no problem mansxz! (:
the two years we had were cool.
frm me wanting to pon lessons, till looking forward to fridays!
isabel and melissa;
i'll miss you so much mansxz!
i rmb sec3 there's one lesson whn the two of you kept going "mango!!!!" and laugh like omg.
lessons are soooo much fun with you guys!
issy; the camwhoring part with lyn and you aftr songwritting!
meli; nuuuu straw (:
thanks for tolerating me, not losing patience with me for the whole of 2yrs!
and and and! helping me out many many times in songwritting, theory, etc etc.
lol that time we went for some band thing of theirs and got chased out of the auditorium by some sec2 -.-
we were reaaaaaally close for a period of time huh.
thanks for my birthday presents, presents you get when your overseas.
lol everytime aftr music tests you would bet with lyn and iss but i just wont bet cos i know i'll lose like, damn badly haha.
dont know why but we're kinda like, drifting.
anw! i'm not emo/ moody okay!!!!
just that, u always happen to catch me in the wrong time! haha.
dint really know you well till, end of sec4.
other then the time in sec3 the grp ponned to talk crap lol.
aftr knowing you better, your really fun to be with. those lame convers. haha.
simillar to kenneth, dint really know you that well till last few lessons. ):
memorable; bbq and your lemon tarts! haha!
whoo, 23rd oct ftw! haha. although your like, 1 yr older?
to me, you're the "smartest-music-person-who-always-talked-cheemology-music-stuff-that-i-didnt-understand". haha. :D
that's all, and the paragraphs for ppl are getting shorter due to time constraints!
if i missed you out it's purely unintentional!
i'm in a rushhhh! :X
photos up tmr! (:
this is the unedited version for junqi to read cos she's damn impatient and wanna read stories -.-