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Saturday, January 31, 2009

shopping with trish.

finally got my pencil case. (:
decided not to get a new waterbottle, notebook.
still pending on bag.
i like the shiny nike one and the white addidas one.
but they are ex! ):
bbq at nanhuaaaaa.

whee we didnt need to pay cos mrchia treated us! :D
yay! chia ftw!
thn mass walked to chengwei's house.
the guys started singing tuts my barreh on the way -.-
learnt how to play muchkin! LOLOL.
its fun okaysxz! (x

sectionals in the aftrnn,
mp house for awhile aftr that.
mrted back to clem with caro, wj, andy, allen, sk, ryan.
the guys' conver was damnnnn joke. as usual. LOL.
i want to get into ac! ):
so that i dont have to wake up at some inhumane time in the morning!
and travel all the way to potong pasir! ):
then i'll be 10yrs schoolmate with jiayu and nicky and hopefully chowler!
nicky and i will be bestfriends LOLOL.
i'll be schoolmates with leon and yuxi.
i'll be schoolmates with nh ppl whom i wanna see.
i dont have to say byebye to the new ppl i met at acco!
lol and yes i've promised my sl that i'll treat him drink if i get in haha.

11:25 PM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
happy Chinese New Year people (:
or, as seph says, 黑鼻牛耳.

had attempted to have reunion lunch ystd.
in the end, only me, trish, nicky, leon went. magic number 4 again.
those other whom we asked all have family stuff. oh man ):
before leon and nicky reached, trish and i were staring at the directory in taka finding restaurants/ cafes with food within budget haha.
so, in the end. lunched at some HK cafe.
leon's reaction when he read through the menu and when his food came was super funny haha.
nicky almost ordered durian fried rice LOL.
but other thn that lunch was pretty much normal.
had lameshitsxz conversations etc.
walked ard for awhile in FarEastPlaza aftr that.
the guys wanted to find some hp shop and i wanted to find a pencil case. haha.
aftr that we bused to crown centre tgt whr nicky and i alighted.
while accompanying me to wait for 151, he told me that acjc has SWIMMING during pe. i was like, omgwtf! need to jian fei!!

had reunion dinner at yima's.
cny was the same as previous years.
aftr dinner at home we video convered with kaufu and everyone else in hk :D
oh mansxz i wanna go hongkonggggggg ):

i can be talking to person A and B about the same things,
but whatever A says would piss me off while i would carry on to listen to B.
even when the stuff they say are more or less the same.

oh i was reading ka's e-tales this two days.
what do you call a blonde with two brain cells?

grandparents frm dad's side gna come over this saturday for a week.
so i'll have to share a rm with mum.
i feel guilty for saying this, but its a little effed up i think.
cos, i seriously dislike sharing rm/ bed.
i mean, if its overseas during holidays/ sleepover, its fine la.
and its for a whole week mansxz!
and i cant even slp on the floor in the piano rm cos there might be effing crawling things crawling ard at night.
plus! i cant talk on the phone till late night/ early morning! ):
so effing.
why dint mum&dad get a five room place!
right, there's no 5rm apartments in varsity.
then, at least, convert one frigging rm to a guest room.
oh wait, thn there would be no space for the piano and guzheng.
dammit why dint they buy the penthhouses la!

wj told me to sms him aftr i've finished updating so that he'll chiong to room to watch cos his watching rush hour 3 now.
think i shall do that.
although he's comfirm gna gimme the "-.-wtf" face later on.

12:30 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009
okay, i told my sl-to-be (hopefully) that i'll mention him in my blog if he mentions me in his.
so, yeah.
lukas; my oh-so-wonderful-sl. -.- haha. okok. think that he's a really friendly guy. then, erm, so far, he's the only person in acco that i've added on msn & facebook LOL. okay that was a very random fact but senior, i've got nth much to say abt you! i mean, hello! i've only met you twice! haha. also the first acco person that talked to me, i mean, like, chat, not those "hello how are you/ what sch u frm/ how many points you got/ etc" but normal TALKING. hmm, and and and. i'm not a bimbo okaysxz! plus! i dont think i'm that quiet lor! but, during co i dont really talk cos i dont really have ppl to talk to lol.

went back to nh for cny today. saw quite a lot of 2008's batch ppl lol.
talked to mdmyong and seowlaoshi and mrschiang and saw mrchia!
haha. kinda miss these nice nice wonderful tchrs manszx. ):
spent some time with gz juniors with sp.
thn movied with caro, etc. at vivo.
bride wars. the movie's okay ba. not bad. but not really worth my $8.50 D:
that vera wang's wedding gown was very wow though LOL.
bussed home, prac gz a bit, went to clem to meet sp again.
mrt-ed to bugis. saw damien. i lead the us to the steamboat place.
guzheng steamboat! :D i think there was 33 ppl in total?
sat with xinyuan, xuelin, suping, belinda and rosary!
haha, the sec3 juniors were damnnn high la. so cute!
ohohoh! bowen curled her hairrrrrr! it's nice la.
aftr everything mrt-ed back with sp, belinda and rosary.
talked quite alot.

school's starting in a week or so.
in a totally new environment.
i'll miss sooo many people!
esp those that i talk to a lot in class. haha.
no more turning back to talk to mp.
no more lameshitsxz comments frm zhipeng.
no more turning ard to point and laugh/ roll eyes/ shake head at brandon.
no more weijie to talk to during bio.
i'll miss many many others too. those that i'm close with but dont really talk that much during class time lol.
caroline, twinnn, bryan, sheena. etc.
but thn c, s, b, i'll still meet up with them since we still go out/ you guys come over and all.
but twinnn, i think i'll only see you during those tchr day/ chalet, whatever. ):
and all those ppl not frm 405!
junqi, kel, jr, clare, etc.
and! 6h ppl that's in nh! if we dont get into the same jc its gna be so weird! dont get to see you guys in sch. ):

damnn this post is getting too emotional. it was supposed to be a random post for my sl lol.
shall stop here.
omg its alrd 1130plus and i still have co tmr morning till aftrnn.
ahhhhhhhh noooooooooooooo. )))):
i shall go slp soon :D

11:40 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
overdued photos! :X

9th jan; bbq with isabel, lyn, ian & jasmine!

11th jan; gathering at sengchiy's!

highlight #3
highlight #2
highlight #1! :D
14th jan; sajc openhouse with sheena, caro& grp, wj& grp, zhenyao, william, bryan.
thn nyjc aftr that (:
that day was reeeal fun :D
esp in the morning with sheena & caro. haha
at nyjc, i found ka's painting! :D

but when i attempt to take a photo with it.... thanks man caroline!

17th jan; celebration of mum& dad's wedding anniversary in advance at this restaurant at Mandarin Oriential Hotel.

like, omgggg the stuff thr's damnnn prettaye. and yeah, the food's nice la.

18th jan; cycling at ECP with jiayu, trish, joseph! :D
frigging fun! (:
and trish, you cycle quite okay what! esp for a second timer! :D
(excluding that part when u knocked into me :X)
had lunch at this hk cafe.
joseph's a piggggggggggg! ate big breakfast before coming and still ate two protions! (the worst part of this is that he dosent get fat.)
the food costed me like, $17! and cos of that! i dont have enough money to buy that pair of super pretty but a little bimbotic white shades! ):
the other lameshitsxz photos are in facebook, uploaded by jiayu.
we camwhored quite a lot wahahaha.
aftr the whole thing, joseph's dad came to fetch us back to his place frm the park.
thn aftr some time mum&dad came, fetched joseph back to hostel and me back home.
to C; you are really very lucky. treasure what you've got (:

19th jan; mp, wj, caro and will came for sleepover (: bryan & brandon pangseh D:

was pia-ing gossip girls with william the whole night LOL. now i'm faster! left with 2 episodes only! ahh! go go gooooo! :D i'm starting to like Blair more and more la! and ahhhh i still think Nate's hotttt no matter what william says! D: haha! aaandd! although i find Chuck nicer now, i STILL cant stand the way he treats girls. okok, stop now, before this becomes a post on GG. XD

20th (ystd); aftr chasing all of them out of the house at 1230, went clem sports hall to watch bball match btwn nush and nhhs with jiayu, nicky, chowler, the rest of nh '08 bball team lol. jy and i were wearing our class tees cos they orange (nush's colour) and cos they have the words "nan hua high school" (so we wont be total traitors) jy, nicky and i were more or less neutral, cos we're thr mainly to support joseph but dont want nh to loose damn badly LOL. but in the end i think nh won. :X watched everyone eat at kfc. found mum at ntuc with jy. sent her to nh/ nush to meet joseph as they're going coro. went home.

today; acco in the aftrnn.

whoo long post mansxz. byebye.

10:53 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
i want need a pencil case (my roxy pencilcase that i've bought in Perth 4yrs ago is toooooo big) and a school bag (i'm not gna use my Guess bag for school and the denim one's too small and i dont really wanna carry sling bags :X) !!! ):
but but but those ppl that i wanna go shop with have started school alrd D: e.g. trish and gwen
then! twinn just told me that 405's second class chalet is cancelled! ):
(nah i'm not frowning at twinnnn. he got very pekchek trying to plan the whole thing cos of some ppl)
oh mansxz! life sucks ):
i have totally nth to look forward to this week alrd lah,
other than guzheng's annual steamboat dinner.

i shall have another post in a lighter tone tmr or smth. haha.

10:02 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009
i'm putting AC as first choice, then SA second.
SA's campus nicer and all.
but it's soooo frigging far away.
if i get into AC i'll save 1hr of transportation time everyday compared to SA.
but now like, everyone's thinking AC or SA/ going SA instead.

11:03 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
my first reaction was "ohmygod ohmygod how to calculate L1R5!!!!"
lynette told me it was written in the letter behind.
so, yeah, i tore the letter open and saw it.
feelings were exactly the same as when i saw my PSLE results.
first, felt relieved that i didnt do that badly.
then, quite happy for a few subjects (eng and music, both a2 :D)
finally, the disappointment.
twin and i had the same ironic feelings la haha.

congrats to those that did well. ((:

oh i wanna thank some ppl too (:
those that were asking me abt my scores and thn wishing me luck for appeal.
thanks trish who accompanied me to acjc today, listening to the mep which has got totally nth to do with you. (okay, so the whole openhouse has got nth much to do with u anw haha)
thanks leon, you told me to go try appeal and kinda taught me what to do.
thanks wj too, for the long long talk ystd and thn those last minute sms replies.
thanks lanxiu for the encouragement.
and of course i wanna thank family (family includes yima they all too :D) for bing there.

i wanna talk to this particular person, i dunno why.
but i think that person is avoiding/ not talking to me for some reason. it's soooo pissing me off.

10:34 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

ohmygod whatthefuck i'm frigging scared.
1 half hr more.

12:27 PM

Thursday, January 08, 2009
long update.

sunday; lunch and sentosa with mum, jun, yima, ka, ho and haley :D
frigging fun (:
went underwater world, pink dolphins, palawan beach.
soooo touristy :D

only one heartshape thing is real the others are jokes lol

monday; 405 chalet! :D

it's okay, i have no idea why she's my friend too.

twitszxzxzxzx ftw ftw!

reached chalet at like, 830. thankyou wj for fetching us.
learnt how to play mahjong! :D
yf's a damnnnn good teacher i think. haha. yay XD
went to macs for breakfast/ brunch/ idk what with mp, allen, andy etc.
thn went bowling with everyone (except those who were lazy and stayed in chalet to sleeeeep)
and anw! to bran, mp, yx, etc. i do not look like a housefly with my pretty pretty red shades okay! even if i do, i'll be the prettiest housefly can!
that was an extremely bimbotic side of me. :X

bestfriendddddddds; our late night/ early morning phone chats (: STUPID WEIJIE ISNT HERE COS HIS SLEEPING BACK AT THE CHALET D:

arcade was boring. even with those amusing games that they play. so i gladly went back to Aranda when bran wanted to go back sleep.
watched Gossip Girls (thankyou wj) for like, 20min before going lunch with ryan and weijie.
brought back food for mp, that ass dint even finish the bowl of noodles.
sheena came! :DDDDD i missed you like OHMYGOD DAMN A LOT!
went to walk walk with mp and S. joined william and kevin while they ate kfc. witnessed Wand S argueing. oh man, i'll miss that sence. it was a total classic.
aftr awhile, twinnn, andy, allen, songko, zhenyao, gab, mp, sheena, william and i went to search for bike rental place :D
the journey there was fun and super lame (:
me; eh omg i look fat!
t; hmmm yah.
me; you know why there was a flash just now when we took the picture?
t; why, cos i dark???

me; no, you black.

S camera shyyyyyy!
-there's a lot more lameshit stuff on the way la haha.

yeah, so, anw, continue.
somehow, i managed to lose a metal button frm my sandals on the way.
went to search for it. (i think i looked stupid la, walking ard slowly, staring at the ground)
and THANKYOU TWINNNN AND WILLIAM, they accompanied me (((((: (honestly, i was surprised and
a little touched :X i mean, MP AND SHEENA JUST CONTINUED WALKING ON. jkn, i'm not angry with you two la :D)
haha william had a super hard time trying to walk slowly with his skates so in the end he went to help mp push my bike lol.
aftr awhile,
me; ahh, nvm la, i go those art shops buy a metal button.
t; okay not? the shoes how much?
me; $20... :X
me; but i got it frm hk!
haha, sorry la twinnnn! and thanks (:
on the way back talked and bitched with twinn abt __.
damn interesting can! and we havent bitch finish :P

went back for bbq.
my marshmellow roasting skills are the BEST i tell you :D
and everyone (mp, s, wj, yx, bryan, bran) agreed!
okok, bran dint really said that mine was the best but he said the marshmellow "exploded" in his mouth. so it must be good right haha.
at like, 930plus, mp, c, s, went upstairs with me to pack stuff.
talked random stuff to s for awhile.
played mahjong a little.
thn mum and dad came at 10.
the 3 of them sent me off. thanks (:
tues; with ELAINE!
went to have lunch and watched Yes Man with my bestie-since-idk-when.
missed her mansxzxzxzxzxzx.
damn it la, she's still so slim D:
the movie was not bad.
oh oh! saw ryan cher! we were walking out and he was going in haha.
aftr the movie E came over, stayed for dinner.
we facebook/ friendster/ blog gossiped haha.
super lame.
i dont understand too ): and yay let's take neoprints next time! :D

lunch at imm with mum, jun, yima, ka, ho.
late night/ early morning phone chat with wj, bran, c.
i lasted till 4plus. dunno what time they hang up lol.
mp that pig, she went to slp aftr typing stuff for her dad at 12plus.

okay, i think i should go sleep.

shopping with mum and bbq with music ppl tmr! (:

11:20 PM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
i just saw mp's post abt chalet and i got motivated to blog abt it too! :D
so i'm gna do that tmr XD

10:45 PM

Saturday, January 03, 2009
2009 alr.
oh man. 2008 was a damn good year can;
hope 2009 would be as good/ better (:

countdown party was okay, not bad (:
missed mp and brandon! D:
before and aftr countdown was spent watching Gossip Girls S1 with william on weijie's laptop HAHA.
the two of us pia like omg the whole evening-4plus in the morning and watched like 9 episodes LOL.

spending the day at home today.
most probably would end up doing nothing at all.
omg i really hate myself at times.

sent jun to sch with mum&dad ystd!
good that he got into nanhua since its really close and all.
does anyone have any of those metal buttons?
cos i forgot that guys' uniform need 4 buttons while girls' only need two :X
oh and thankyou nicky for those uniforms :D

omg, i've been reading a few others blog and they all have new year resolutions but i dont!
ahhhh! nvm, i shall not think of any resolutions and just enjoy life. LOL.

tmr; sentosa with cousins and jun.
monday; 405 chalet!
friday; music class '08 bbq!
sunday; 6h gatheringggggggggggg! :D
thn in btwn preferbly one day with elaine, one day with junqi mp kel etc, one day with SE :D

oh ohhhh nxt yr school reopens on the 4th so jun, mum and i are persuading dad to have countdown to 2010 in hk this yearrrrrr :D

12:09 PM