Wednesday, November 26, 2008
prom photos will be up sooooooooon.
latest by tmr i think!
else, heh heh, aftr 14th dec XD
but i've uploaded most of them on
facebook (:
yeah, today was boring. ):
Saturday, November 22, 2008
sighsxzxzx, i miss this place damn a lot can. ):
tmr; date with trish plus family/ familyfriends bbq at night.
2 days latr; grad night!
4 days latr; date with elaine!
6 days latr; off to hongkong!
7 days latr; off to japan!
oh man, cant wait :D
Thursday, November 20, 2008
whoo! top scorer for PSLE is from
plus there were like, 4 top scorers out of the total 15 in the nation.
oh man, i think it's unfairrrr.
this year all they need is 250 (plus-ed hcl!) to get into nygh )):
damn, our year was 255 lah T.T
okay okay, i've graduated frm sec school, and nanhua was fine.
but still!
the quiz that
isabel tagged me to do so and told me to copy paste frm
kenneth's blog.
so, yeah.
Who tagged me : Isabel.
Rule 1 : People who have tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Rule 2 : Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. Those people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending other people.
no i'm not tagging anyone. lol.1. What is your CCA?GUZHENGGGG! (:
2. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you?i dunno, never happened yet.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?yeahh, crapping with all my bestfrs and everyone else!
4. What would you do with a billion dollars? buy everything i want first thn stuff the remaining into my multiple pillowcases.
oh, and, yeah, give some to charity! ((((;
5.Will you fall in love with your best friend?dont think so.
6. Which is more blessed ? Loving someone or being loved? dunno.
if you love someone but the person dosent give a shit about you; too bad.
if you dont lovwe someone but they keep coming aftr you; too bad.
7. List out your favourite band singer.jay chou! :D
8. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do? kidnap the person's girlfriend XD
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? uh huh.
10. What makes you angry?facing a screwed up situation.
like; when you get pangsehed last minute. or, when people dont wsanna do what you suggest but when u ask them what they wanna do they'll say "dunno"
those arent personal, so dont be oversensitive, people. (:11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?older.
12. Who is currently the most important people to you? MOST important?
13. What is the most important thing in your life? i'll tell you when i know.
14. Would your rather be single and rich or married but poor?depends on the defination of poor and rich.
15. What is your favourite colour?HOT RED
16. Would you give all in a relationship?i'll tell you when i have a boyfriend.
but, yeah, i think so.
17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?the one who loves me.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has?i always forgive, but not forget.
19. What do you want to tell the person you like?don't like anyone. HONEST!
20. Which country you would like to go?many many countries.
fffff, i have a f-ing pimple on my nose.
hope its gone by monday.
oh and the day out with jiayu on
monday was interesting.
saw so many people!
at vivo, met brandon, bryan and zhenyao.
walking to dinner place, met xinyi and caroline.
walking through ikea, met weijie, twinnn, that whole grp.
tueswas out with gwennn (:
i hate her. she's 50kg.
cultural pot at night.
whooooo, guzheng was damnnnn good! :D
haha, mervin's my new friend LOL.
wed;bought shoes and stuff.
went to get contacts in the evening.
went for standard chartered annual dinner's food tasting thing at night! :D
whoa it's damn nice lah.
although the food was, so-so.
like it when dad's part of the recreational team or what you call that.
damn cool huh.
today;went with bro to get his psle results.
i miss nyps.
cant wait for nxt cny eve (:
rotted at home after that.
eh nooo! i got exercise though :D
okay that's all.
whoa this is a frigging long post.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
sharon i'm updating for youuuuuuuuu.
went out with music people;
iss, YOU SHARON, YOU, val, jasmine, kenneth, ian, aldy.
had a lameshitsxzxzx time, playing truth or dare and at toysRus.
frigging tired when i reached home lol. (:
kel's house to celebrate her bday super belatedly.
talked to jq for quite awhile.
played cards.
gossiped. etc.
busy busy week ahead mansxzxzx.
appoinment in the morning,
thn spending the day with jiayu aftr that.
sending yima off at airport in the morn.
out with gwennnn aftrnn.
collect contact lenses evening.
cultural potpourri at night.
out with jq, mp, etc.
thurs and fri;no plans YET lol!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
it's over.
suddenly all done,
so many things wanna do but dunno whr to start from. :X
Sunday, November 09, 2008
holiday mood in full i think. haha.
shopping shopping shopping.
went marina for awhile with mum.
saw this very very wow scarf at zara.
and this potential prom dress. haha.
dint buy anything though.
couldnt decide on prom dress and scarf was a little ex :X
(its $90 :O for smth that i'll wear for a period of time only? unless i persuade dad to bring us go europe or some other cold place for winter next year, or, unless i find that scarf too irresistable by 27th nov. XD)
went imm with yima and ka cos ka wanted to buy bedsheets -.-
and cos the carpark's freee.
went robinsons with mum, yima and ka.
ka finallly got his superduper ex bedsheet :X
and and and! i
fell in loveeeeee!
two tops and a pair of shoes and a bag.the tops will match my guess baggggg XD
but no! cant buy! cos they're both above $100 -.-
and the shoes are $142.
and the bag is another Guess bag haha.
its like. pinkish but not twiittish lol.
damnnnn pretty.
-although i still prefer mine XDdamn, i've go expensive taste ):
i wanna workkkkkkkkkkkkk.
i need like, $500.
for all the stuff i want.
okay. i shall stop blogging.
neck's gna cramp since i'm talking on the phone with jiayu and typing. D:
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

my chocolate birthday cake from Rive Gauche!
i arranged my candles super artistically eh! (its a 16, if you havent realised)
thankyouuuuu mp, wj, and brandon for the cake and for spending my birthday with me rotting, not doing amaths ((((;

our last official music lesson! ))));
hahaha. twitsxzxzxzxzx ftw.

class photo! (:
joseph looked unglam XD
todayyyyy! (: at BillyBombers or smth.
all those drinks (4 cups of water, 1 coke, 2 rootbear float, 2 moccha idk what) are for the
four of us wahahaha.
the bill was
$80. we all stun.
but heng jy and i shared, so, we paid $12 each.
walked ard aimlessly for awhile aftr that cos joseph and nicky had plans plus aftr the meal we're all too broke to go movie hahahaha.
more stuff to blog but i'm lazy.