Saturday, August 30, 2008
got my new camera today!
a very pretty red sony T300 (((((:
it came with a very pretty pink leather camera pouch :D
okay, ystd's pictures! :D
recalled this while reading issy's blog,
we started taking pics cos,
mrwong; its so long since we took a picture huh. oh wait! i've got my camera!
-runs in to get.
the first 2 pictures were taken while mrwong's searching for cam and then trying to on it and operate it i think.

quite alot of us wore class tee ystd! yay!
-the class tee's the one i'm wearing not the one issy's wearing. kinda obvious. no?
lol. lynette finally camwhored abit xD

without isabel! :X

yay! us! we stayed back to talk crap till 730. wahaha.

mrwong look like a student in this picture! heh heh.

he tried to stuff everything in but failed.
ending the post with..

Friday, August 29, 2008
ohman. ricky! :DDDDDbestfriends came over today! (:
attempted to mug.
but brandon had the urge to go swimming.
(and do his 75 laps so he can get big chest and back muscles so he can looklike the Hulk)on the way to the toilet-me; eh, the guy's toilet's on your left.bestfr; okay. *con't walking straight. blur right.the cleaning auntie near us; boy, ni de zai pang bian!*cos like, he walk straight towards the female toilet instead :Oanw! he gave up after abt 10 laps. :X
went to central to get video cam from yx.
ended up
waiting half and hr plus for them -.-
joined mum and bro for lunch after that.
thn went back to watch the olympics bball final, team USA vs team SPAIN!
okayokay, so it was on last saturday, but all 3 of us dint manage to watch that day and i happened to record it down :Dthe match was damn nice lahsxzxzxzxzxzxz.
ohman, and
ricky was soooooooooooooooooooooo cute XD
everytime close up shot on ricky,
me; -poke poke poke. ahhhhhhhh! boyfriend boyfriend!those two asses; -.-mp was a total pig okay!
her; wake me up when kobe bryant's playing. *zzzzzz.zomggggg. pig pig pig pig pig!
dont worry mp, we'll still be friends with you even if you
ordered a chicken in KFC :P
so like, soon aftr the match at 4plus i left for music.
they left my house at abt 5plus i think.
cos mp had to go out with family and stuff.
i miss my bestfriends already and i think they miss me more. HAHA.
treated issy and lynette bubbletea!
today was
damn fun mansxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzx!
ohohoh! and!
daniel and i have the same birthday! (:
although he's one year older lah.
did a tkss paper.
which was quite easy.
-as in, i cant do the qns, but i know its easy.after the paper, everyone left soon.
issy, meli, me, lyn, jasmine, ian, kenneth stayed backkkk to crap.
mrwong joined us!
wa, he very sad lah!
his own students nvr give him tchrs' day present one!thn i was like; nvm, you still have us! yay! -twist. or whatever u call that twit, mrwong; yes, i still have you all! -twists all of us crapped frm 6plus till 730.
took photos! yay!
shall get the photos frm issy and mrwong tmr or smth. :D
conclusion; today was a
happy day.
somehow i think i'm quite easily contented? :Xissy's going to australia tmr!
enjoy your trip okay!
miss you! (:
and! and! i dont want THAT many chocolates actually :O
heh heh.
okay, byebye people!
tireddddd. ystd phoned for 3plus hrs till midnight plus thn woke up at 7 today :Ohaha.Labels: happy day?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
hello i shall update :D
it has been a horribly hectic week!
practical prelims are finally over ystd! :D
and i think i did okay!
mrwong was commenting on my playing,
have a few prablems here and thr for piano,
and for my zhan tai feng he was like, "
i like your interpretation of the piece" and that it is "
rather impressive" but yeah, got some parts can be improved.
yay, i shall work hard for O's practicals! :DDDD
i'm gna get an A1 for the practical part!
i will i will i will! i'll try.
and yay,
recording's over too! (((((:
eraned $20 xD
sorry to the flute person and the composer (sry i cant rmb your names) for keep screwing up and holding you guys back!
THANKYOU MRWONG for adding some extra $ for us cos we stayed till 8 to record. (:
THANKYOU lynette, isabel! :D
yes, your drinks nxt friday.
lyn pei-ed me alllll the way during recording! lovelovelove!
isabel helped me pack my stuff and carry my gz case back to the car! lovelovelove too!
and meli too! thanks for pei-ing me awhile! :D
seriously, when i kept screwing up i almost cried.or at least, i had to fight back the urge to just give up and walk out.anw, i'm glad i dint (:so yeah, last night aftr i reach home at 8plus it was total relaxationnnnnnnnn manszxxzxzxz.
right, some other things during the week other than music xD
wednesday yx, brandon, bryan, wj, caroline came over.
yay, the thing's finally done! (((((:
and i think the end product's damn cooooool!
wj's idea for mv is kinda abstract. wahahaha.
but i think it kinda screams
emo, although caroline and yx are convinced it looked like lovestory -.-
usa and spain won the semifinals!
tmr they'll play for the finals! ((((((((((((;
usa will win lah, (i mean, hello!
but i hope spain wont lose too much either.
okay, this was the best pic i can find frm the olympics. i dont care if mp and brandon cant stand his nose lor! he's RICKY RUBIO btw, if your wondering. and yes, he's my boyfriend. yeah. right, wish ah. LOL.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
sick ystd so dint go to school
XD and dint go for music
T.Tcaroline, mp, xy and brandon disturbed me the whole morning~!
(well, not that i really mind, was super bored anw. ahahaha) after awhile only mp and brandon disturbed, thn, suddenly, THEY BOTH DAO ME! asses! -.-
so, like, my timetable for ystd was like,
wake up.
around evening my three bff came to visit :D
gf dint come :X-well, i think that anyone who makes the effort to come vist aftr chem/ oral/ idk what at 5plus 6, is counted as a bff. xD low standards? sorry lor. and brandon; the usual hellos, etc.
caroline; HELLO
T.T can!
so we gosspied.
looked at yearbooks.
played uno. lol, so retro!
(cant find my poker cards.)gossiped somemore.
thn they left.
lol, everyone's saying zomg now instead of omg XD
thankyou isabel and lynette for taking notes, keeping notes, etc (((((:
lol, ian's retarded, he only reaslied that i'm sick at like, 4plus? -.-
zomggggg can!
music practical's nxt wk.
prelims on 10th sept.
ahhhhhhhhh. wtf!
i'm the first to take in our class! T.T
ohmannnnnnnn. i'm in day 1.
and since i'm performing major, thr's like,
8 examiners?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
after O's i wanna learn cello.
so i can play the cello part in
晴天 (((((((((((((;
Saturday, August 09, 2008
go watch this! hilarious mansxzxzxzxzx.
okay i've been wasting time today.
slacking ard.
okay, i shall do smth productive and persuade ppl to go watch fireworks tonight instead of staring blankly at the screen.
happy national day and happy olympics ppl ((:
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
77 days till O's,
-provided that ive counted correctly.that is, not counting nxt thursday's Engglish Oral.
think that we've had so many tests that we're alr kinda numb to the exam mode.
or maybe we're alr too in to the exam mode that we're numb alr.
i hope its the 2nd one lah :X
been daydreaming abt
post O's days lately.
cant believe that in 100 days, everything will be over.
all that we've studied/ prepared for the past 4 years.
whether we
do well or screw up, its all in the nxt 100 days.
wtf in a way.
it'll be the last day of sch in abt 60plus days.
okay, enough.
i shall go mug mug mugggg for phys ct which is tmr :O
Labels: random rants.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
happy birthday and sweet sixteen to elaiiiiine! :Dmy bestfriendsinceidontknowhowlongago!
was rather slackish today.
shopped a little aftr having lunch.
bought a pair of shorts at
G2000, where they had 70% off sale :D
reached home at 5plus, mugged a little bio.
ohhhh! got our
music class tee on friday! :D
many many thanks to
issy and melissa for going through all the trouble for us (:
the class tee's cool (((;
went to walk ard, explore acsi abit on friday.
their sch is
frigging bigggggg!
like, i think its as big or even bigger thn nyps!
issy camwhored and influenced lynette and i to do the same.
i play the piano and therefor am legally more talented than you (:
the taps are auto!
i dont know what was i doing. hahaha. LOL, the guy wearing yellow in the background's rueyjer, playing rugby with daniel. we saw them halfway and kinda stalked them. hahaha.
that crazy girl, one hand injured alr still go play ard like monkey!
LOL, mrwong wore the class tee the wrong way! the treble&bass clef side should be at the back.
okay, that's all. byebye (x
oooooh, and the end of year japan&hongkong trip is more or less comfirmed! :D so exciting mansxzxzxzxzx. been a long time since i've been overseas other than to malaysia and hk! ^^
Labels: random again and again
Saturday, August 02, 2008
accomplished today!
-bio june08 paper.
-chem rv02 paper.
-ss bpgh paper.
-practised my moderato and nocturne.
-emaths paper
Friday, August 01, 2008
errrr... nth really impt happened for the past 10 days other thn
class video and that i've finally
completed coursework for O's music :D
class video!
i'm like, the
MOST impt person cos i provided the cam ^^
LOL. jkn.
okay. anw, all the time spent on it's really worth it.
last wed;
went for fliming.
me and mp :D

brandon acting twit.
ZOMG! AINT SHE THAT SUPERSTAR! dont let the paparazzi see her! okay okay, cant i be zi lian once awhile!
reeeally fun and hilarious.
although its kinda demoralizing when you find out that some guys can actually strut better than you -.- (yeah, brandon, yx, yf, talking abt you guys.)
last saturday;
mp wj yx bryan came over.
wj was a total classic.
while eating lasagna, he asked, "what's the knife for?"
went to the filming place again cos they had to reshoot some scenes. (mp and i extra, we wanted to do hwk thr.)
smth real frightening happened aftr xy yf yj caroline left.
so in the end we left rather hurridly aftr they finished with the scenes.
went kfc with mp yx bryan brandon. (:
talked and talked and talked.
walked to buy bubble tea.
thn talked and talked somemore!
haha :D
xy, nana, caroline, mp, yf, bryan, yx, brandon, wj came over.
wj and i and mp music-ed.
thn leaving nana, caroline and yf behind,
we went tennis and badminton!
okay, i'm gna ctrl C and ctrl V that part frm mp's blog.
"wj's tennis is... ... ... ...
unless you're 3m or taller,you can never get the ball -.o
guess he don't know his own strength?
ate the sweet soup dessert after that.
thank you to ya's mum or maid who made it!
so we were happily eating,
and there's only a little soup left,
so we were all insisting wj have it.
it was damn hilarious.
there were red dates in the soup,
then wj was eating it and he spit the seed out.
don't know who was telling him to eat it.
and he really went swallow it o.O
like omg!? completely speechless.
and because they split soup all over the table,
wj took tissue to clean it up.
then ya was telling wj he's wasting too many,
like 10 whole pieces.
and that the tissue can be separated into 3.
so wj was showing us how exactly it can be split...
since then wj won't stop going on about the "3 ply" thing...
thn there was this time when bryan stuffed the peanut caramel into brandon's mouth. CLASSIC! :DD hahahananatan so cute can, everytime see smth edible will ask me if she can have that. LOL.spent the next half or 1 hour in ya's room.
gossiping, weird, but yes.
then bf & sheena started lame jokes.
wj went and continued.
he tried thinking of new ones,
which we didn't think was funny."
okay, that was
edited. i erased some, added some.
aftr that, mp had to go alr.
so she, caroline and nanatan left by the side gate to bus/ car home.
i sent the guys off to the front to take shuttlebus.
on the way thr they kept singing "appologise"!
zomggggggg, embarrassinggggg!
ahhh, so late alr!
sry issy!
i update abt today some other time?
i wanna sleeeeeeeeeep! :X
Labels: class video