Saturday, June 21, 2008
photos! again!
12th june; housewarming!
i booked the KTV room for them. ((((;
girls; trish, me, haidee, tammy, jean.
guys; yixun, teohong, joseph, aaron, leon, nicky.
grp photo!
yay, most ppl frm our SEgrp (trish and i thought this up since we all have sonyericsson hps. haha, thrs me, trish, nicky, kenny, sengchiy, aaron, leon, joseph.) came :D haha. except kenny and sengchiy who were in europe. lol, the guys were saying when sc come back frm europe he'll have accent and wear lots of bling etc. HAHA!
gossip gossip gossip!
SOMEBODY dint come cos she chose some monkey in the ZOO over me. -hmph.
18th june; gathering at yuhan's!
mum picked up jean thn drove us to the hci busstop to meet haidee :D
the bus took forever to come.
so jean suggested, "the bus will come when we sit down"
so we sat down. and the bus came.haha!
aftr 10plus min on the bus we realised that nicky was on the bus too. lol!
he muggerrrrrrr! went to do phys and chem b4 that!
we missed the busstop, which wasnt surprising since only nicky knew how to get thr -.-
so in the end we cabbed to yuhan's. haha.
so many ppl went! :D esp those rare ones like, jess, yuxi, yusi, jasmine, etc.
grp photo! leon and teohong were not thr yet! D:
taken this when weining and i went up to checkout jack's place 1st. haha.
"hey guys! smile okay!" only nicky responded. -.-
gossiped so much that day! :DDDDD ehehehe. and found some new gossip partners :D
dad sent jean, haidee, nicky, kenny to the bus stop opp KAP on the way home.
jean was freaked out by haidee cos haidee kept laughing and vibrating. i dint care, i was safe infront. HAHA.
20th june; shopping trip with gwen!
before anything, i must say, I MUST LEARN THE JOY OF GIVING!
cos, like, ystd i FORGOT TO GET $ FROM MUM! AHHHHH. but thankyou gwen for lending me $ 1st. hehe.
and i HAD to buy stuff for jy and wj, the june babies (although i think using the word baby is kinda weird on them, okay, BIG GIANT BABIES. MUAHAHA)
so i dint get anything for myself although i saw this very very very pretty top at forever21 which costs $27.
she came over for lunch, we went vivo thn ikea thn came back for dinner.
"haaaaaa! my pretty pretty shades. I HAVE, YOU DONT!"
argh, gwen! hmph!
so i helped myself and camwhored.
that was one of the examples. lol.
aftr awhile, "gwen, i feel like some camwhoring bimbo!"
gwen, "u mean, FEEL LIKE only??"
Labels: long post and many photos.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
moving house tmr.
aftr staying here for like, more thn a whole decade!
that was what i was thinking,
till wj told me smth tht sounded MORE unreal;
O's is in 3half mth time.
3.5mth= 14wks.
14wks= abt 98 days.
Labels: O's are like, so near.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
thr's ct2. ohmygod. i only knew when mschian told us this morn. )x
went for chem small grp this morning.
zhipeng screwed up and came today when his grp is tmr. lol!
mschian went through 2005 paper.
kinda happy for my mcq (((x
32/40 :D
hey i know its not that good but i'm improving!
okay, i dont know what else to post alr.
ohman, i wanna talk so badly! but seems like those that i wanna talk to are not online and i dont really wanna sms cos i've alr exceeded my 1000 free ); call meeeee! lol.haha, that was
just random.
Labels: whatever
Monday, June 09, 2008
happy birthday bryan! sweet 16! haha :D
went for
class bbq at brandon's ystd.
quite alot ppl turned up.
even mschian and oliver
(her boyfriend) came.
the food was goooooood. ((((((((x
sheena and i pratically camped near the grill once the first batch of food is cooked.
aaron was the only one who dared to touch the bloody chicken wings lah! haha, but the chicken wings turned out super nice ((((x although i think its not completely cooked at one or 2 parts :O
realised that sheena and i had quite alot in common. so cool. haha. :D
yes, and wj u should feel guilty, ask me go thn ignore me! lol!
left at abt 10pm, aftr eating and eating and eating with sheena.
haha, in btwn we went to search for a toilet, we were like, "when thr's swimming pool and gym, thrs the toilet!"
okay, i'm lazy to blog alr.
Labels: class bbq
Saturday, June 07, 2008
last sleepover at farrer!
they all were SUPPOSED to come at 5plus.
but somehow, at 5 thr was still no plan, lol.
at 515 or smth, kenny smsed and said he was like, outside my door.
haha, poor him,
rush all the way frm dunno what to realise that everyone's not here yet o.O
while waiting for the others we watched this boring ch8 show :x thn he taught my bro rubik's cube LOL.
called gaybie at 6, he was still at home -.-
called leon at 6plus, he was at joseph's place, thn they would come together in gaybie's
chauffered car.
-.- yeah, chauffered.trish's CO ran late. ):
7.30, finally, everyone reached. lol!
spent like, 20min on whr to go for dinner.
on the way to the bus stop/ while waiting for bus we were STILL deciding. haha.
decided to get on 174 before knowing whr to eat. lol!
chnged our minds 3x before getting off at paragon to spaggedies (sp?)
it was alr 830...
ate and talked and stuff.
joseph ordered 2 portions lah! LOLOL. but dint finish both -.-
grp photo! :D
left to right; aaron, leon, sengchiy, trish, me, joseph, kenny, nicky. somehow we all looked kinda weird in the photo. lol.
reached home at 1030 plus 11. only trish, nicky, aaron, kenny stayed over.
my CJ7 toy did not do that to nicky! my bro did it~! lol.
talked talked talked talked all the way frm 11plus till 4plus 5!
so proud of ourselves, we dint watch dvds :D
found our p6 yearbk!
the guys recognise ppl they know by "hey! that's the fag!" "omg! that bitch!"-.o
lol! thn
no one dared to walk out to toilet/ kitchen.
at 330am it was super freaky. (x
decided not to bore you guys with all the freaky lameass fun stuff (x
at 4plus 5, trish and i decided to trade the blanket for the bed witht the guys.
3 guys share one blanket= you dun wanna know.

but that dint work, in the end all of us wanted the blanket & bed -.-
only aaron who wasnt scared of the very cold aircon took the floormattress.
aaron left at 7plus, i woke at plus,
woke the pigs up at 10. lol.
they left at noon.
a walk in farrercourt with jean (:
so many memories.
so many photos.
shall post the photos on the 11th before i move or smth.
thanks jean of walking with me! :D
so much stuff to talk to her too! haha.
and she's moving to clementipark! (right?)
so it's kinda near me (:
comforting to know that someone's near.
spent the day at VarsityPark, shopped with mum at night.
the place's almost done! :D
well, at least, my room is almost done.
except for curtains and the mirror in the closet.
night, dad and jun went to watch indiannajones, so mum&i went orchard.
awwww, zara has so many pretty clothes this season!
but they're kinda ex.. ):
aftr dinner went Tang's and Shaw (hmm, i know the building's shaw, but the shoppping centre? lol) the shoes are pretty to the maxxxx! :D
but i cant find the exact one that i really want.
sighxzxzx. so fustratingggggg. hope can find one before GSS ends, else will be kinda ex! like, $80 or smth ): thr's 20% off during sale!
saturday (today);
concert and kungfu panda.
had tuition in the morn,
went to bugis junction to meet the rest at 1plus!
met with wenyi first, since she reached at abt the same time as me (meaning; we were both as late. haha)
lynette, isabel and ian (or, as isabel said, "that idiot!") waited for me before eating (x
haha. i'm worth waiting for (:
ian repierced his ear and he looked weird. haha.
isabel agrees!
lol, in the end all 4 of us ate pasta.
and MINE LOOKED THE MOST EDIBLE. although they were all nice. lol.
walked to nafa campus3 and WE WERE NOT LATE!
lol, mrwong was sitting thr giving out tix collecting our $8.
and he was the emcee i think! lol!
interval was kinda boring.
took photos with isabel :D
haha, and we were paparazzis for awhile (x
had to rush off aftr that to watch kungfu panda.
standard chartered bank's movie day.
so staff only need $5 to buy a ticket & softdrink+popcorn.
had dinner aftr that with wanteng's family.
during dinner dad and uncle chi started talking abt jap trip during dec!
anw, the movie's entertaining.
that is, if u want some mindless entertainment.
its not bad, the panda's disgustingly cute! :D

isabel and me!

that was mrwong. looked like those MV kinda thing right~! so cool! haha. isabel's fantastic cam skills.

lol! wenyi.

they had this piano thing. SO COOL OKAY. LOOKED LIKE JAY'S PIANO BATTLE.

they were playing this "the swan" ITS IN SECRET! SO NICE.

muahaha, mrwong (x
-cross fingers that he dosent find my blog :Pokay, i shall end my post here, twin and isabel wanna talk to me on msn.
haha! :D
Labels: fri, sat., thurs, tues, wed
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
isabel tagged me to do this quiz,
realised that i cant copypaste frm her blog =.=
i shall do manual and type all out then.
1. by what age do you wanna get married at?uhh, kinda early for now.. -.- but maybe by 30? duno.
2.what do you want the most now?this moment... to do well for O's!
3. who is the person you trust most now?my mum? yes, i know that's such a ... ans.
4. do you think you have enough confidence?sometimes.
5. if you have a dream to come true, what would it be?happily ever after! muahahaha. u believe in seeing a rainbow aftr the rain?literally? yeah, see before.
7. what is your goal for this year?get, like, <10 size="1">ITS A GOAL OKAY. STOP GIVING THAT LOOK PPL.
8. do you believe in eternity love?love has many types, love btwn friends, love btwn family, etc. so, yeah, i do.
9. have you broke someone's heart that her/ she tried to commit suicide?errr, no?
10. what feeling do you love the most?satisfaction i guess.
11. if one day you realise that the world is coming to an end, and only you can save the world, what would you do?save the world lah, DUH.
12. what feeling do you hate the most?feeling useless and helpless.
13. do you cherish every single friendship of yours?kinda.
14. what do you think is the most important in your life.MOST impt... family.
15. who do you hope always thr for you?friends and family.
16. who are your best friends?they will know it themselves, no need to tell the world :D
17. what would you do if your parents are divorced?well, in the first place, they wont be divorced (x
but if really, thn i'll see how i guess.
18. if a genie grants you 3 wishes, what would they be?1. ppl i care for would be happy.
2. do well in stuff that i do.
3. can i have 2 more wishes please?
19. what's most impt to you on earth?friends, family, myself, etc.
20. -personal Qn.- if i could change anything in the world, what would it be?*** (x its PERSONAL QN ANW :D
nah, dont wanna sabo ppl (x haha.!
date for moving house's
postponed to 12th June.
only 3 days later.
think i should start to pack stuff soon.
never knew that
i've accumulated so many stuff over these years.
12 yrs is a long time okay!
Labels: quiz