Friday, March 28, 2008
it must be karma or smth.
like, tues i sort of ponned sch and now i get flu.
thanks manxzxzxzxzxzx.
so today i was talking to everyone with my ah-do like voice. :O
yeah~! and i talked damn softly. lol.
took the malay quiz just now. haha.
got 7.25/15! :D
not bad eh.
thanks jq and mp! :D
mp and i were saying they should round up.
mine should round up to 7.5, thn 8. thn whole number 10/15.
oh, and i think my little bro's malay is better than mine D:
btw! thankyou twinnnn for you nice msn nick! :DDD
even though ur like, IGNORING ME ONLINE NOW.
and caroline u horrible owner~! poison ur one and only penguin!
today music rockzxzxzxzx~!
haha! mrwong taught indian music.
so lol la, mrwong started to teach us the Raga scale thn he kept singing again and again and again.
quote, "bring out the apnn in you"
LOLOL can!
lessons was funnnnn :DDDDD
msng's lesson was kinda scaryyyyy. =x
oh and funny thing was, today, like, everyone's dad came to fetch.
my dad came, instead of mum.
lynette's dad came.
and even mrwong's dad came.
ooooooooooh, i want to play the sims le :DDDDD
Labels: karma
Monday, March 24, 2008
i don't want to go to sch tmr cos i'm still having headache and now one eye is SWOLLEN.
yeah, so if i go to sch tmr,
i'll be an easily irritated one-eyed weirdo.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
longggg weekend :D
although it feels damn short, shorter thn normal wkends.
went out almost every day lah.
tired D:
went westcoast's mac for breakfast.
was like, super crowded.
super jammed at carpark also!
ooh! and while queuing met this nyps tchr! lol!
aftr tht went varsitypark.
mum&dad went to meet this interior desinger.
talked for like, 2plus hrs~!
so now, have an idea how my room's gna look like, except for the wall's colour!
i want, same colour, but 2 diff shades.
duno what colour! ):
mp and i wanted to be incharge of 406,
but mrs sabar gave us 407.
we dun really know anyone thr except 1 or 2,
so we chnged again,
and got 408.
but~! I CANT STAND JUNQI! (yeah, as if ppl wud believe)
so we chnged again.
and got 409.
wanted to try for maybe 404 or smth,since bryan dun want let us have 406!
but too late and ppl started arriving.
all i did was.
-pass the pen to whoever's standing on my right.
-and say "write ur hp no, and sign."
-and maybe "the stickers' inside"
-next person!
junqi, mp, clare, jr, kel, me travelled to dohbyghaut.
before we split up.
on the mrt was damnnnnn funny.
mp was tellig scary stories to the rest thn junqi and i kept making effects to scare them.
all i said the whole morning on the streets was, "hi, excuse me, would u like to donate to the s'pore cancer society? thankyou!"
nah, actually it sounded more like, "hiexcusemewouldyouliketodona- thankyou."
yeah!!! its that sad! ):
those that donated alot were mostly tourist.
makes me wonder,
why are some s'poreans unwilling to donate, when the tourist are helping ppl who are not even frm their own country?
not that i dun like all the ppl who dun donate,
i mean, if ur late, busy, hands full, its okay. i understand.
but if ur free and not busy and quite well-off, cant u just donate a little?
hey, even 20cents is okay u know.
went to eat with junqi at 11plus.
no, i meant, junqi watched me eat.
thn we took mrt to cityhall before splittling wayssss.
we were like, "hey, u sure u know the way not! latr get lost call me kay!"
anw, main point.
without getting lost or whatever..
reached sch, thn helped out somemore.
left at 2pm.
earned 7hrs of cip :D
dad's b'day!
went varsitypark's karaoke rm to celebrate with yima and ka.
its really damnnnnnnnnn big and pretty lah!
6 two-seaters sofa, 2 coffee table, etc, etc.
thn mum&dad talked to this contractor guy,
while i went to do MY AMATHS HW. (((((((((:
aftr that went home.
yima and ka stayed for dinner.
played THE SIMS just now :DDDDDDDDD
ka and jun found the game. lol!
so funnnnnnnnnnnnn (((((((((:
retro manxzxzxzxzxz!
ohhh, its 11 le. shall go sleep!
nightxzxzxzxz! :D
Labels: looooong wkend
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
haha (x
and isabel! i've finally updated ur link xD
i shall post some long-ago-outdated-pics.
guzheng steamboat :D the day before CNY eve (:
this pic is just so cute! don't you all agree! :D
happy CNY eve~! :DDD
this pic is like, the best except yixun blocked ryancher's head with his bag -.-
its okay, nicky and sengchiy dosen't come to my blog :P
Labels: outdated photos
Thursday, March 13, 2008
ughhhh, i think my laptop's seriously screwed ):
its like those, you know, old ppl fall ill, thn they're never fully recovered ever again...
sigh, ever since my dear laptop tio-ed a virus last year, she was never the same again..
slow loading, cant open this pg that pg, error here and there..
march hols are like,over.
everyday's so wasted!!!
monday; eng frm 8-12.30! serious boredem! all i've learnt is that i should not attempt arguementative essay. went sumo house with junqi, mp, kel, clare, jr left early. lol, ended up a little late for chem redox test.
tues; went varsitypark! :D saw my new room. at 1st i was like, "OMG SO SMALL" but since it has glass slidding door at one side and a not bad view. so. i shall ignore the size matter for now. ):
wed; maths in the morning. went to celebrate _ with family aftr maths :D
today; STARTED ON MY HOLS HOMEWORKKKK ;DDDDD jiayu came for tuition in the aftrn and aftr tuition whle waiting for her mum i showed her some real old photos (p1, p4) started laughing like a couple of madwoman. 6h chalet aftr O's manxzxzxzxzxz! the ppl without O's shall do all the planning and stuff.
JUNQI AND MIAOPENG HORRIBLE LAH. GO VIVO THIS AFTERNOON. WHEN I HAVE TUITION. HMPH. but thn again, i just went vivo to shop with gwen last month,plus i have no more space in my closet. BUT I WANT TO BUY A NECKLACEEEEEE.those long onessss.have totally nothing t blog about~!ahhh! wait wait! i rmb!
hahaha, last fri! music!
i've got a b4 ((((((((((:
yes, although thrs ppl who did much better thn me, but still!
b4 (((((((((((:
ohhh, thn aftr setwork, mrwong came in for twopart.
(not all o us have twopart, only the performing minors have. read; lynette and i dun)but we were thr happily enjoying the aircon and reading 8days to go away :D
mwong; hey u 2 can go alr!us; but we want read 8days!ian the extra; yeah they want read my mag.mrwong; this is like the kinda cha lou (teahouse) right, got free aircon. u 2 want me to get coffee?me; dunwan! i want tea :Dokay, that was lame.
Labels: march hols are wastedddddd
Friday, March 07, 2008
the stuff i got on my hk trip '07

7 tops, 1 jacket, a pair of shoes, 2 bags. i wanted a pair of those pretty boots that everyone else on the streets have but mum said no.
hmph. i've wanted them since like, 2 yrs ago alr!
nvm, i will get them this year~!
oh! mum&dad got me that mickeymouse cushion in disneyland hotel.
if ur wondering why dint i buy anything else frm disneyland/ disneylnd hotel,
it was because i was happily trying to stop my nose frm bleeding and having flu/ fever/ whatever when they were buying stuff.
i'll post the remaining 7341306 photos when i'm free :D yes, i know i've said that since 1st jan.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
omggggggggggggg. i can't stand her and i hate her!!!
she is just so. so. so. so. ughhhhhhhh.