Thursday, January 31, 2008
yes, i'll complete the thingy on hk trip soon :D
i love bio lessons :D
and mdm yong :D
and her curry chicken :D
bio lessons classics;
-musk is actually male horse testes mixed with alcohol.
brandon suggested using blender, i said juice extractor's better.
-when gabriel kicked wj's chair, wj dint know, sat on the non-exixtent chair and fell down.
-argueing on how the currychicken nxt wed should be cooked.
(zhipeng wanted more potato, xinyi said she hates potato, duno who wants more chicken. think mdm yong shud just make more pots of currychicken. haha :D)but the most classic was the musk thingy. hahahaha.
oh, and mdm yong's curry chicken motivated me to go to school nxt wednesday (((((:
i love my cca, really!
fine, sort of.
but lately i think its a serious bore and waste of time.
when laoshi's not here, we just help the sec2s & 3s with cny songs.
ystd, laoshi came. she taught us this kinda super cool song.
for like, 20min. thn its alr 6pm le. -.-
cant wait for the gz tee though :DDDDD
and mon & tues (x
kinda dread cny.
its not gna chng unless kaufu they all managed to buy the plane tix here.
i mean, there's no point in looking forward to cny these years.
Labels: randomness again.
Friday, January 25, 2008
i'm only posting these so junqi wont bother me tmr. haha.
but i'll try post all on saturday or tmr night :D
oh, and the date is anyhow de, so that it wont interfere with the entry i posted today. haha.

bye bye s'pore!

so cool right!
(although i have no idea whr is the place. haha)
damn pretty lor! one monent its twilight thn suddenly everything's dark.

hello hongkongggg :D

that's wanwan. my 3plus yr old cousin :DD
at 1st when we saw him he just refused to smile.
mum had no choice but to force him to do so
from thn on he loved smiling at the camera. and at everything else.
seeeeee! awwwwwwwwww.
the nxt morning, had brunch with relatives at some resturant.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
so, meanwhile, i'll just tell everyone my chinese marks.
A1 (((((((((:
ohhh, thn when we went forward to get the results slip i was like "ohhh, what did i get! what did i get!" thn i only saw the A, was wondering whether it was 1 or 2. haha. thn seowlaoshi was saying "ni kao de bu cuo ah" i wondered "eh, is he comforting me or really congratulating" (note, by thn i still dont know it was a 1 or 2.) thn when i saw the paper whr we had to sign i finally saw a 1. hahaha. i was like. "wow. okay." haha, seowlaoshi said "bu cuo! bu cuo!!" again. he must be thinking "eh, why she get A1 like no reaction!" (note, before me was xy, her reaction for getting A1 was very, extreme.)
hmm, so, congrats to all those who got good results. (:
to those who dint do that well for this, dun worry, its only 1 subj out of so many (:
Labels: A1 (: a good start. :D
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
happy belated bday renjeannn :Dfeels like the wkends just over and another wk is flying by alr.
have 3 tests nxt wk; ss, chem, phys.
oh, and thr's hist test on thurs. and a short music test on fri.
lol, thn zhipeng was saying thurs must eat b4 going to take O's chinese results.
cos even if u jump u wont be an e4 gui3 -.- fine, i do have some teeny weeny good news to say though.
monday's gz was not bad.
crapped ard with jr, sp and hz.
havent talked to hz for like, ohsolonggggg!
haha, gossip gossip! xD
today trish smsed and asked if i want a 6h jersey :DDD
have not asked the others yet, going out to check the prices with her nxt wk 1st. say yes people, say yesssss! haha.
okay, i dont feel like blogging abt anything else alr.
ohhhh! found the mv for 青花瓷! :DDDDD
the mv feeling is kinda like fa ru xue la!
(same female lead also. haha)but its still damn cool!
like, the past life the girl died thn they meet again in the present, and the guy died.
whoa, damn tragic lah! but its kinda qi1 mei3 in some way.
shall watch it again.
and i think the female and male lead are gd lookinggggg :D
Labels: randomness
Sunday, January 20, 2008
arghhhhh. i was gna post abt the HK trip (yes, finally) but i just realised that this laptop dun have the photos. -.-
sry junqi :D
Saturday, January 19, 2008
damien! be nice and send me the photos. :D
please. pretty please!!! (((:
jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous. nvm, i shall wait for the next concert! (:
- i shall poke whoever is laughing at this.ystd was kinda extremelike, extreme good and bad lor.
extreme ups;
-get to pon lessons frm 12 (:
-lessons before 12 were okay! and i actually enjoyed PE today! :D
-guzheng was fun (:
-music was funnnnnn :D haha, i brought the yrbk to show isabel and melissa.
-aftr music was fun toooo :D while waiting for their bus and mum's car.
(yes, by that i also mean talking to you, chik, since u havent phoned me for N yrs.)
-dinner celebrating mum&dad's anniversary :D had dinner at some korean resturant lol.
(although we ate dinner at 830plus and my last meal was at 12plus. it was okay lah. lol.)
extreme downs;
-NO JAY CHOU! )))))):
-i screwed up during performing for zhan tai feng ):
-no jay chou
-no jay chou
-no jay chou
Labels: NO JAY CHOU );
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
OH YAY :D WE'RE GNA GET OUR GUZHENG TEE SOONNNNNN (: ITS GNA BE SO NICE AND PRETTY THAT IT'LL MAKE EVERYONE JEALOUS! and the guys agreed to baby pink! haha. so, it might be baby pink or yellowish-orange (:
today's gz was not badddd :D
although we wasted a zillion hours crapping. haha.
thn during practise suddenly everyone started playing '07 syf songs. ah, nostalgic-ness. (: but i forgot like, almost everything =x hey! 3 sheng bu very hard to rmb for so long de what! haha.
omgggg, damien's such a mean assssss. everytime he see me he would say, "zhou jie lun" arghhhhhh. mean. mean. mean. meannnnnnn! )))):
things to do;
-complete a maths hwk
-chinese ws
-eng paragraph on conflict
-chem (elearning ws)
-bio wb!
-improve on melody for songwriting
-maths tuition hwk
i should look at the bright side i guess,
such as, half the things are needed on fri instead of tmr -.-
wow, comforting eh.
sigh, chinese new year's coming.
but it dosent really feel festive and stuff.
feels like the family's getting smaller each year.
fck i still miss gong gong lotxzxzxzxzxzxzxz. okay, that is so emo. it wasnt meant to be. bright side of cny, cny eve! out with 6h :DD
i think.
ahh, misss themmmmmmm!
(yes, we just had a 2 day 1 night gathering in nov, but still!)Labels: GUZHENG TEEEEEEEE.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
hmph, i wana blog abt HK but blogger dun allow me to upload pics! D:
(or maybe its cos my laptop's internet connection's not that gd, but whatevs)so i shall just bore whoever's reading this abt thurs and E-learning Day.
had chem test aftr sch with 402 in AVA1.
it was like, the most interesting test i've ever had.
80plus ppl in a small rm, doing a test tgt.
lol! yixuan and brandon were damn joke la,
say tap on whose shoe jiu which option (for MCQ).
thn in the end brandon said use calculator easiest, got alphbets and numbers -.-
-ms chian, dun worry, we're just joking, we dint cheat (:jy came back with me to have our 1st maths tuition tgt. lol!
saw mrsloo at the carpark! haha, we say cny ask the whole class go her house bai nian.
E-learning Day.
thanks hx and zq for helping me out and ans my Qns on how to use the nhhs.asknlearn thing! :D
only had to do 5 maths MCQ -.-
so fun right! hahahahaha.
took my time did the maths slowwwww.
hey i got full marks on my 1st try okay! :D
did songwritting homework thn went out for lunch with mum&dad.
went for music aftr that.
as usual, lynette was the 1st to reach, before time.
saw valerie (gz junior) and her friend, so we brought them to the classrm (:
turned out that this yr's sec3's class is really big lah, like, 40ppl.
so, music was okay.
-oh, and i was telling everyone my junior's very pretty xDisabel and mrwong agreed lor! haha, thn kenneth was argueing saying the pretty ones frm his sch :Omrwong's teaching us Jap Music this 2 lessons.
quite interesting, although the music's damn eerie.
oh, thn realised that, like, half the class dint do songwritting,
cos, half the class dint come the wk b4 -.-
so, ms ng dint collect the work.
nvm, i shall improve on the melody thn (:
during break, while lynette and i were reading 8days mag
(yes, thankyou ian), read this article saying that H&M will come to spore :DDDDDit'll be at ION orchard. i was like damn high until i realised that ION will only be ready zillion yrs latr.
mrwong chose to dismiss us early at 615 that day.
thn i though the lesson would be over at only 630plus plus
so i told mum to reach at 640.
reached home,
phoned with chik.
thats all.
Labels: elearning.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
its only the 5th day of sch and....
-405 have alr caused enough trouble and have unintentionally invite unwanted attention to the class.
-i felt that i've been going to sch for hundreds of days non-stop.
yeah, but other than those and some other bad but umimportant stuff happening, sch's okay lor. like, most of our tchrs are not bad, pretty much like last yr.
ohhhhh! and we've got our YEARBOOKS today! :DDDD
unfortunately, thats like, the only gd thing that happened today. =x
sch is just so! great right, esp when all the DMs are monitoring the class like, oh-so-closely.
the poor guys were banned for 2 wks for soccer =x
(but at least that reduces the chances of tchrs scolding them for playing soccer in class xD)
argh, i've been asking my parents abt THE concert on 18th/ 19th since like, last NOVEMBER! and ystd they said, "yes u may go if thr's still tix and u can find a friend to go with u." thanks alot for telling me that only after all the tix have been sold out. YES ALL, EVEN THE $28 ONES. not that i was planning to get the $28 one lah.
but! i shall not loose all hope cos they promised to let me go for the next concert (((:
(unless its like, during A's, which would be such a wonderful coincidence, NOT)
and with the $200 tix ((((((((x
esp mean sadists like junqi who starts laughing everytime i tell her that. and damien, u wait lor! the next concert i'll see u at the seats near stage! hmph~!
Labels: 5th day of sch and abt THE concert
Sunday, January 06, 2008
my first post for the new year. (:
anw, b4 anything.
so, yeah, thr's not much point to go back to nyps now.
mrs loo and mrs tang both retired D:
the only purpose of going back would be visiting our old classroom and meet up with
friends :DDD
yeah. so. like, 405'08 is pretty much the same as 305'07 :D
don't really like the floorplan though, cos 408's on the 5th floor while we're on the 6th! D:
but, nvm, since usually junqi's the one to walk up one level to see us during recess. haaa!
changed a few teachers,
e hist; frm ms ng to mdm seah
pe; frm mr jonathanquek to mr desmondchee
music; frm mr lee to ms ng.
hai, i want ms ng to teach us hist!! how could she do this to us~~~~ ))):
lol, but the music ms ng is rather like the e. hist ms ng in terms of teaching, i think. so. yeah.
ughhh, felt like the wkend's over so fast!!!
cca extravagenza was not bad (: zhiwen, huiting and yanglu came back! :D me and sp managed to walk ard and see all the performing arts cca's stuff. they're all not bad lah. but! nhgz is THEBEST :D
you dont have to remove ur shoes!!!
we have aircon!!!
we provide you with chairs!!!
see! all the reasons to join!
went for acsi's band/ orchestra concert at republic poly today.
WHY must they have it in woodlands, i don't know.
i mean, why not at UCC! it's near their sch lor.
(okay, fine, so its nearer for me too la.)
its not bad lah. quite interesting :D
the first half was a little boring, but the second half was much nicer!
they performed starwars pieces!
okay, i dont watch starwars or anything la, but its nice to hear smth you recognise okay!
oh, and since the interval isabel has been saying how handsome mr wong is today =x
hmmm. but honestly, comparing to the other tchrs, he is not bad looking. xD
aftr the concert all the 10plus of them crowded into the backstage to find mrwong.
the only normal ones, are me, lynette, melissa, who waited outside the backstage door.
i mean! backstage! that's whr everyone chng and stuff what!
ooh, and pictures! :D

lynette took a pic of this and i decided that i wanted to do that too!

me, melissa, isabel, lynette.

ohhh! that's the conductor! we dint recognise him at 1st lah! omgggg, kinda paisae lahh! haha. but he's nice! :D
Labels: 1st post of the year