Thursday, November 29, 2007
got tagged by isabel to do this!
List out the top 5
presents you wish for :
#1 O's cert with 9 distinctions.
#2 tickets to jay's concert in s'pore 18/ 19th jan '08
#3 a bigger bedroom
#4 a new laptop
#5 a hundred wishes that would come true!
what, i greedy, cannot ah.The person who tagged you is
5 impressions of her.
#1 outgoing
-started talking to me 1st in music lessons#2 friendly -
friendly lor#3 generous
-always let me eat the food she buys during break#4 childish
-playing that stupid i-eat-lobster-u-eat-shit game with ian#5 nice
-eh, duh, my friend leh.The most memorable thing she has done for me,
#1 errrrrrm.. i duno. probably being super friendly :O
sry for the horrible ans lah, only knew u for a yr. meet once a wk the most only! D:The most memorable thing she has said to me,
#1 probably calling herself and melissa "MANGO", i was like "huh? mango??"
If she becomes my lover, she will have to improve on?
first, she'll have to become a guy.
If she becomes my enemy, i will
#1 hate her
#2 not talk to her
If he becomes my enemy, the reason is
#1 no reason. cos most probably we wont be enemies.
Pass this quiz to 10 people you wish to know how they feel about you.
okay this is stupid. i duno whose name to type here.
shall go by my links when im out of names.
#1 junqi
#2 moppy
#3 jiayu
#4 kelly
#5 serene
#6 xinyi
#7 caroline
#8 aaron
#9 junhao
#10 weijie
#1. Who is no.7 having a relationship with?
hmm.. no one.
i think (x#2. Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
no one for the moment.
quite sure. lol!
#3. If no.9 and no.10 are together, will it be a good thing?
no, they'll be gay.
#4. What about no.4 and no.5? together ?
same ans as #3.
#5. What is no.3 studying?
same as me except she dosent take music.
#6. When was the last time you chatted with no.6?
ystd at night safari
#7. Does no.4 work?
nope! i think.
#8. Does no.8 have any cousin in his/her school?
nah. quite sure.
#9. Will you woo no.8?
#10. How about no.5?
she's not my type.
#11. Does no.2 have any siblings?
yeah, a bro's the same age as my little bro.
#12. How did you get to know no.3 and no.4?
in sec1, classmates.
#13. Where does no.1 live at?
somewhr in jurong west that's super near to mp and mrchia. haha.
#14. How did you get to know no.2?
#15. Is no.5 the sexiest person in the world?
serene! hmmmmm... ^^
Labels: some quiz.
went night safari ystd!
supposed to meet at cck at 7pm.
i reached at 7.45 and the mainpoint is that im not the last~!
hey not my fault kay.
left the house at 6 with mum to pick up dad so that he can drive me.
stuck at a jam in orchard for almost 30min.
dad missed the exit into cck.
ended up somewhr near NTU.
drove up abit more, ended up in old chua chu kang rd.
dad chose to check the directory when we're surrounded by cemetries.
took bus to night safari.
gf got scammed lah. lol!
she thought the ride would take 30min but it was only 15min.
walked almost all the walkable trails thr!
haha, caroline were holding hands thn bryan and twin started doing the same.
oh, wait, no, they hugged each other or smth. we dint!
managed to see some animals in the darkness.
lol, quite fun lah.
although half the time we were all scaring ourselves -.-
in the end aftr walking some of them wanted to take tram.
i dint lah, cos its like, quite very ex, takes a long time, just went thr few mths ago.
went to sit down at the food place with brandon, zhenyao, bryan, twin, xinzhi.
omg, brandon zhenyao and bryan are like, addicted to psp lah.
bring to nightsafari play! -.-
bryan sort of self invited himself to take my car back.
but being a wonderful, kind person, i said okay.
twin was being super LOL at some points.
1. asking me "u wore the volunteer tee to orchard ah!"
-cos i told him i was stuck in a jam for half and hr thr"ohh! i know i know! u say u volunteer thn get others to let u go 1st right!"
2. walking at that place to see giraffes.
can see the whole of mandai lake and stuff.
he suddenly commented "whoa, martial arts" -.-"
gz exam!
played super well in the warm up room.
but when i stepped into the exam room.
kinda screwed D:
but hopefully my overall playing's average =x
went to yc's for bbq!
the satay and chicken fillet's nice~~! :DD
broke lots of charcoal with evelyn. LOLOL.
and ughh, and hands were super black can!
played this stupid reaction game with damien.
conclusion; he's ungentleman!
cos he hit me super hard. hahaha.
fine. i hit him hard too. but so!! i'm a girl!
okay, thats stupid. hahaha.
went back to yc's place with yanglu and juangshiow early cos they wanted to karaoke and i wanted to sit down in an aircon place. haha.
Labels: night safari and gz
Monday, November 26, 2007
it's tmr!
if i screw up tmr, i'll be totally screwed lah.
i'm disappointed with those of you that up till now still duno what im talking abt.either;1. YOU DONT CARE .2. YOUR REALLY STUPID.anw, its abt my guzheng exam tmr.darnnnn, shud have started practising earlier.
like, maybe.... 2 mths ago!
argh, and its early in the morning somemore.
like, 1110am lah.
plus nid to reach 20min before time.
wish me luck okay :D
thankyou jq, isabel, joel, serene, twinnie, gf.YES, THAT LITTLE PPL WISHED ME LUCK.PATHETIC. wait, i think actually more ppl wished me luck but i forgot.oooops. hahaha.rawr, i'm hungry. D:
Labels: gz exam tmr
Saturday, November 24, 2007
newest phone record;
4: o7: 49 (4hrs 7min 49sec lah)frm thursday to fri. haha.
was aiming for 4 half hr, but somebody decided to got eat his noodle and hung up -.-
rawr. :O
anw ppl,
"the way people treat you is their loss, not yours" more personal would be
"the way you treat me is your loss, not mine"
yeah, u can quote me.
but if you are some loser asshole thn i won't advice you to use this quote.
okay, thats so random.
today's open house was kinda boring,
not really boring lah,
but meaningless.
hung ard with jq and zq.
ohhh, jq was pissed with me cos of __.
ask u come talk to me thr thn dun want dun want.
ur loss xD
was supposed to lunch with them but they decided to pangseh me to sit in the harp rm!
omg, almost 1 mth of hols have passed.
think that i've wasted a mth.
ah well, but if i pass the gz exam nxt tues thn its worth it lah.
goshhhhhh, feels like another yr have passed alr.
so fast! ):
nxt yr jiu sec4 le.
no more play.
i shall be a MUGGER nxt yr. :D
or, i'll try to!
Labels: my quote (x
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
sunday's gathering.
highlight; joseph's silk blanket which jy and i fought over 5x.
summary; it was succesful, cos abt 20 ppl turned up :D
in detail;
jy came over at 11 plus.
went down to fetch her.
when i saw her i was like "whoa, our dressing so alike!"
both of us had jeans, black top, shiny hairbands. haha.
crapped abit in my rm,
thn dad dropped us off at paragon to meet joseph they all.
met them at Starbucks and
thankyou uncle (joseph's dad lah) for treating us frapps :D
aftr that all 7 of us
-me, jy, joseph, nicky, leon, sengchiy, unclemanaged to fit into the car. haha, kinda miracle.
at joseph's place, the guys resumed their no life lives.
leon and sc played dota.
nicky and joseph played nba'04.

jy and i had this conclusion,
when guys play these, the only things they speak out loud is
"OHMYPETTY!" (invented by leon. hahah)
"omg that bastard!"
and stuff like that.
quite intersting to watch leh. haha.
we saw ard for like, 30min b4 going into seph's rm to talk.
joseph, ur kid photos are so cute!!!!
told her quite alot of stuff.
oh and yes, we fought over the blanket there.
1. the blanket was really soft and nice and cuddly.
2. the aircon's really cold. (even aftr we adjusted the temperature!)
sc left at 1plus
pearl came at 2plus.
lol, she went play neopets or smth -.-
ordered 20 chickenwings, 20 spicy drumlets, 1 pizza.
haha the guys were saying tempt sc with food.
soon aftr everyone else started coming.
talked, played cards, learnt a little mahjong, watched a little tv and stuff.
mentioned by someone that it seemed like "a family gathering"
to think of it, yeah, its kinda true. :D
left for dinner at ard 6.
had grp photos!

took bus to orchard, went to eat pepperlunch!
me, pearl, jy, joseph (top), trish & nicky (below).
renjean taught me the proper way of cooking the rice and stuff!
haha, nvr knew u had to wait till the sizzle's gone b4 pouring the sauce!
grace came! she's migrating to hk nxt yr D:
smth amusing happened outside pepperlunch aftr we had our dinner...
dun worry, he's not sissy, just metrosexual. thats jiayu's bag lah -.-
lol, took this picture using the x'mas lights in orchard as backdrop.
a little touristy in my opinion. haha. but i was the one who suggested a picture.
went back to joesph's.
played cards again and again! haha.
cos seph's not cold and jy's playing mj.
i was being horrible i think,
threatening to jean and claire
"if u put some super big card IM NOT GNA SEND U HOME HAAA!"
thn carol interuppted "psst, i can send u home!"
ohh, and in this game of bridge!
me, joseph, kenny, claire.
kenny thought i was his partner!
LOL! cos we both bid for diamond.
towards the ending,
me "yay, claire and i won" (or smth like that)
kenny and joseph and claire "huh how u noe!"
"i saw her cards."
oops.. heh heh.
jy, trish, theodore came up.
my blanket got snatched away D:
but we started playing heartattack so it dint really mattered.
poor theodore, kenny, seph,
they hit each other so damn hard.
*cos they had this principle not to piak girls real hard haha*
jy and trish decided to stayover at my place lol.
thn when we're gna leave that time nicky and aaron said they wanted to come over to watch heroes but they're only gna leave aftr the episode ends. -.-
so we went back 1st.
showered and stuff.
gossiped alot alot.
showed them some real old and a little scandalous and nostalgic photos.
no, im not gna show u the scandalous ones, only the nostalgics ones :D

grad party at jiayu's.

last day of sch. most of 6h's guys.
aftr grad ceremony. in the canteen. 6h's girls.
haha! gosh, missed the old days alot!
the guys came over at 3plus -.-
lol, when they entered the house i was like
"shhhhh~! dun talk!"
oh, and they did smth horrible,
instead of thanking us for opening the door, staying up
(fine, we're not planning to slp, but still!)all they did was to plop down onto the matress and the bed, or to charge their phones or to ask how to operate the dvd player!
so much for being thankful! )x
they started their heroes marathon.
correction; leon was the only one really focusing.
the rest of us were gossiping.
note; when guys gossip, they are so much meaner then girls!
eg; saying that _ is _'s dog.
but honestly, thats the fun of gossiping.
although its real mean!
watched ratatoille
(wtf how to spell!!) for awhile.
jy and nicky wanted to watch.
thn jy fell aslp in 3min.
nicky said the subtittles were screwed so wanted to chng back to heroes -.-
talked abit more with trish.
before falling aslp on the mattress.
note; aaron's sji jacket is nice, why cant we have cca jackets! lol.
hahah, leon kept saying how sneaky i was with the tv remote control
i kinda half slept and turned the volume down somehow (x
woke up, watched abit of heroes and realised its actually not bad if u dun watch the gory parts.
LOL, the jap guy's realy cute lah!
awwww~! haha.
all of us except leon and aaron fell aslp.
till 8plus.
i was like "EH WAKE UP I GOT CCA AT 9PLUS!"
all the pigs ignored me. ):

pigs= those who took the bed= jy, trish, nicky.
nicky was the piggest!
he was still slping when i left.

hugging some gigantic pillows. -.-
left them watching heroes on the tv in the living rm.
they went to renaldo's at 11plus.
Labels: gathering :D
Saturday, November 17, 2007
went out with gwen the other day.
she called me in the morning when i was at this foodfair in expo.
(food fairs are actually kinda really boring!)
met her at ard 4 in wisma.
walked ard abit.
went to topshop whr i carried the bag i fell-in-love-with-for-1-yr-but-dint-have-a-hundred-bucks-to-buy.
talked at starbucks.
she bought a drink but i dint.
actually not cos i wanted to slim down but cos i only had $5.sarted our conversation normal enough,
with her asking me abt nh.
walked ard in fareast aftr tht
and on our way to taka to get takoyaki balls,
the conver started to get crazy.
cos we saw this sch having a prom at Hyatt hotel
and started commenting on some ppl's dressing.
she started the crazy conver.
think i shudnt post the whole specific conver in my blog
anw, it was smth abt
someone who has to row her own sampan to sch everyday cos the family lives in an offshore island of Singapore.
thn cos she wanted to go prom really badly but the family's very poor, she wore her mum's wedding dress and rowed the sampan to somewhr near the hotel the sch's holding prom at.
picture this.
a slim and ave looking girl,
in a wedding dress with makeup running down her face
*cos of sweat* and hair blowing all over
*cos of wind* and rowing a sampan to prom.
okay, thr's no such person who do that.but if u feel insulted or anything, no offence meant okay. sry.isnt really funny when i post like that.
but was really hilarious when we said that.
i was laughing like some mad woman on the bus back home
and the auntie beside us kept staring at me.
Labels: sampan loving gwen
Friday, November 16, 2007
i don't want to be your substitute friend.
that suck.
whenever you come to me when your in need,
and leave me alone when i need help.
so fun right.
you cant just walk out of my life for a year and turn back to me,
expecting to be treated the same as before.
that's unfair to me.
in case you are wondering, those are meant for 2 different ppl (:these few days are kinda extreme in terms of friendship.
as in, there were some really nice times and some horrible times and some.. confusing times.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
watching titanic for the 9th time..
yawen #23 ; bLitzkrieG. ;twin says:
boat sinking D:
[ junqi ] D: says:
[ junqi ] D: says:
quick dieeeeee
yawen #23 ; bLitzkrieG. ;twin says:
[ junqi ] D: says:
show only waddddddd
yawen #23 ; bLitzkrieG. ;twin says:
commercial now.
[ junqi ] D: says:
meant to die oso waddddddd
yawen #23 ; bLitzkrieG. ;twin says:
but very sad~~~~~~~
[ junqi ] D: says:
rather den suffer so long might as well die quick
yawen #23 ; bLitzkrieG. ;twin says:
yawen #23 ; bLitzkrieG. ;twin says:
sometimes i really feel like whacking her -.-

if u see carefully, u wud be able to see allen and likhoon posing for the camera.
them walking down wobbling.

note that wj and bryan are looking super friendly. that's because they were carrying the huge nemo they won. and ooops, my fault, for not being able to capture it in the photo.

watched titanic so many times alr.
this is the 1st time that i think its super sad and actually feel like tearing.
Labels: chalet pics.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
dammit, facebook's mindjolt games are super addictive!
got woken up at 7.17am,
realised had a miss call frm pearl -.-
so i called back.
she asked if i wud want go nyps with her.
with nth better to do in the morn,
i said okay.
she came over at 11plus 12.
gossiped abit,
thn walked over to nyps.
she came with me to nh to wait for me while i had chem.
lol, smth damn funny happened.
she was thr loner-ing in the canteen.
thn nicky and his frens walked passed.
they were like "eh, who's that girl in green! some netball senior ah!"
"ehhh, ask for number!"
even nicky dint recognise her! -.-
ohh, and smth amusing happened in chem too.
cos mschian was asking leon some chem stuff.
thn he was like :O !
so he chnged subj.
"eh mschian, u heard jay chou's new album?"
hahaha, ms chian was chao excited lah.
she started talking abt jay.
*althou we dun mind, but we came for chem!*
aftr awhile "er, mschian, chem now..."
anw, thnx jy and pearl for waiting like,20min aftr 4.
cabbed to suntec, cos i want go buy mrstang's retirement present thr lol.
ordered the gift.
ate our lunch.
(it was alr 5 plus!)
thn mrt-ed to dohby cos pearl wanted to meet her boyf. -.-
so we walked 20miles to the mrt station and stuff,
but when we reached thr, he wasnt thr!
*cos we said that if we dun see him she'll treat us*
thn we prepared to go back suntec.
while boarding the train,
the boyf called,
she ran out of the train -.-
zhong se qing you!!!
jy and i went back to suntec to collect the thing.
it was finally ready at 7plus )x
but it was super nice,
so its definately worth it! :D
she took my car back home.
made plans to have lunch the nxt day tgt. lol.
thnx for waiting for that thingy with me jy :D
reached home at 8plus! T.T
ohya, mp, my explanation!
cos i wasnt sure what time chem wud end.
plus think that thing wud take quite some time, so made other plans.
but thanks! :D
had gz frm 9-1.
since harp starts at the same time i arranged to meet jq to give her the bday present b4 going for cca.
i was thinking "hmm, the taka paper bag is kinda nice, musnt squash it or anything"
she threw the bag away cos it cant be stuffed into her bag!
gossiped alot during gz =x
we did practise too okay!!
-sticks out tongue.
went over to jy's aftr gz.
had lunch at kofu in anchorpoint.
i was starrrrving lah.
ate breakfast at 8. had lunch at 2~! )x
went queensway cos jy's helping amanda buy fbts.
aftr tht walked back to her place to slack.
thn she started playing lame games in her tablet and left me to talk with her soft toys. -.-
LOL, i noe all their names now!
thr's xiongxiong, lollipop, heart, nanyang A, B, C, orange ellie, trish-the-doll, pooh.
talked and talked and talked aftr she finally chose me over the stupid but fun games.
parents came to fetch me at ard 7..
yeap, that's all.
dun ask me for his address.
i hace no idea too.
its robin close smth i think.
nah, nvm, i doubt u all wud see this anw. lol.
Labels: ystd and today.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
305 chalet (:
left together with everyone aftr physics.
we mp wf xy and caroline waited at the canteen for the guys to finish soccer -.-
mp and i wanted to play the canteen piano.
but cos 2 sec4 guys were playing for like 10hrs, so we had to wait super long lol.
anw, aftr the guys left we went over
and i made mp hate me by playing pianobattle part2. (x
okay, that was -.-left sch went macs to wait aftr awhile.
waited for like, 30min before some guys came.
waited another 30min before the other guys came.
by the time we reached pasir ris it was like, 5plus -.-
took bus to aranda cc.
lol, at the lobby we were like
"shhhhhhh~! countryclub leh! quiet!!!!"
went into the rm and "wowwwww"
thrs 2rooms one with double bed on with 2 singles, a toilet to each rm, a kitchen, a balconey, a living rm with sofa. anw, it was super bigggggg.
laze ard in the rm.
played daidi.
i won quite a lot or rounds.
thn when they started to play money,
i started losing. )x
or winimg quite little.
had subway for dinner.
the staff thr were kinda.... =x
walked ard aftr dinner, gossiped,
or rather, listen to xy wf c gossip. lol.
went back at 9plus..
reached at 1030 the nxt morning aftr sending da yizhang and naini
(grandma) off at the airport.they were playing blackjack when i reached.
and were soooo concentrated in the game that i was ignored -.-aftr some incident in the morning, c, me the guys went find yanhui, huijuan, hweemin, likhoon at the foodcourt for lunch.
in the end we had to wait 45min plus plus for the guys.
walked to escape happily with our 7 free tix.
at the entrance the guys started to chng their minds.
thinking that it might rain, etc, etc. -.-
we were like "wtf! aftr we waited for so long!"
but they chnged their minds AGAIN and decided that they WOULD go.
gosh, so po po ma ma. -.-
had a fun time at escape. :D
although we only played like, 3 things.
oh wait, i played 2.
since i dint go on inverter.
lol, the inverter.
i was taking pics of them on it.
so i kept looking up ma.
thn at some time i saw this row of ppl waving to me when theyre upside down.
at 1st i was "huh?"
thn realised it was wj, twin and yj lol.
spent quite some time at the carnival games.
caroline won a small cow-car-thing.
twin gt a small dog(?) and that cow thing.
wj and bryan won this gigantic nemo.
that i happily hugged and squashed its face.
ohh, and since i brought a bag everyone threw their stuff in.
nah, the girls put it in with words of thanks while the guys jus stuffed everything to me -.-
but it was ok since i carried a short while only.
anw, thanks c for sitting behind at the wet&wild so i wun get totally soaked! ((((;
went back for bbq.
mp's thr alr and she rmbed my doraemon cards! :D
the bbq was okay.
duno if i ate alot cos everytime smth came mp and i wud share it lol.
ohhh, and the choc with banana was nice. haha.
okay, pics now :D
wait, theres some stupid error D:
some other time thn.
Labels: 305 chalet
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
206 chalet (:
after checking in we slacked ard abit.
thn me, jq, huijuan, xiaohui, jingshi, likhoon went rollerskating! :D
only js and i know how to skate =x
we went by pairs lol.
xh and i were kinda behind.
turned out to be lucky,
cos the 4 of them fell down together. :O
anw, jr and kel came aftr awhile,
so i went join them skate (x
but 1hr passed super fast! ))):
went to walk walk with jq mp and zq.
xy called.
her "yawennnnnn~!"
me "xinyiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!"
her "boyfriennndd~!"
me "girlfriendddd~!"
uhhh, the conver's smth liddat.
met jiayu twice. :D
lol, we so you yuan (x
but her class' at aloha.
so cant go visit her anytime )x
oh and we said hi to lynette too.
anw, me zq jq mp went to sit down at some bench and crapped for really long.
haha, its fun sitting ard with ppl talking randomly.
yes you can quote me.
finally met xy when we were heading back.
she pulled me into the mud before going back to her friends.
so much for a caring gf -.-
anw, we walked back to eat dinner.
dint really eat much lol.
went to downtown east aftr dinner.
ohh! thn when the others went arcade,
me jq mp zq kel jr went to the kiddie one.
the one with those grab-a-softtoy thingies.
thn went see the others.
walked ard.
saw some nice stuff.
but NONE OF US brought wallets out -.-
nvm, mp said she wud buy that doraemon poker cards for me (x
went back,
the others went beach,
me jq mp went back chalet to join kel and zq.
crapped randomly, watched tv (thrs no scv!!! D:), ate and ate and ate.
haha, nah, we dint eat much lah!
jus a few otahs, jq and mp or someone ate chickenwings i think.
played cards.
the others came back.
aftr awhile i left.
went back at ard 9 this morn.
lol, one room was full of ppl playing cards,
thn the other was zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
i though she wanted to cont with
"we could have gone to fetch u!"
instead, she disappointed me with
errr, thanks verena -.-
went nxt rm, sat ard with jq and xh.
the others finally showed signs of live aftr 20 thousand yrs.
jq and i went to wait for zq's arrival b4 going eat macs :D
dao bao-ed verena's breakfast for her before going back.
sat ard abit b4 leaving with jq and zq.
or else i cud have gone back to chalet ):
(cos jq and zq going home straight frm vivo)
went thr to get jq and my present!
but dint manage to find the thing that chik wanted )x
had a hard time finding the CD shops =x
found sembawang.
and cos the stocks have not arrived yet i preordered and got a 2008 jay calender :DDD
yay. lol.
had lunch at the foodcourt.
browsed ard..
b4 leaving went to check if the stocks arrived.
they did, so i went home with the album (((((((:
yeapp, that's all!
<<我很忙>> album!
although read abt the album being disappointing,
i think its okay.
mayb its not as super good as some previous albums,
but its still nice.
so far my faves are
nui zai hen mang,
lv hua zi,
yang guang zhai nan. :D
pu gong yin de yue ding,
tian tian de,
wo bu pei's not bad too!
Labels: chalet, 我很忙.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
31st oct;
halloween, chinese O's and of course, zhiqing's bday! :DD
the paper was alright i suppose..
though the ans i wrote were average D:
paper2 was better thn paper1.
i think.
cos paper1 the zuowen part i think i dint really elaborate well on some parts.
horrible )x
went marina aftr the paper to celebrate zq's bday.
haha, on the bus chik and i were talking super randomly.
frm childhood to prices of houses to ipoh and hongkong to syf thn back to childhood.
anw cos my morning was kinda rushed as i woke up a little late.
in the end forgot to bring zq's present =x
thn found out tht jq forgot to bring her card :O
sry zq! heheh
so we decided to get her a cake.
but realised that marina dint had any cakes within our budget -.-
jq and i walked over to suntec to buy. lol!
xj, rach, dx left early.
left with the 3 of us.
walked ard in marina before going suntec.
i wanted to see this new MY.playground place.
it was kinda a disappointment.
like, very little ppl and quite little shops )x
hahaha, took neoprints thr!
havent taken since super long ago.
cos we dint noe how to stop that machine deco thing
(it was in jap and we tried all the buttons and dint work, in the end one of the pens gt prob -.-)thn we were like "we hui bu liao jia cos of this! omg! hahaha"
ohh and i had quite a hard time resisting all the on sale stuff in topshop.
everytime something caught my eye mum's face wud appear infront of me threatening
"ya, buy that and i wont buy u anything in hk"
ok, she dint sae that, but she meant smth like that.
but mummmmmm!!
its WINTER over thr,
all the stuff wud be long sleeved or thick!
ahwells, at least it was liddat last yr. hahawhatever.
just 1 plus mth more (x
horrible, we're going for only 2 wks and 1 day )x
chalet nxt wk :D
and junqi smsed me ystd to tell that jay's album is only released on 6th! ):
but its alr released in taiwan and some places.
oh! im gna make ic on monday! :DD