Saturday, October 27, 2007
superpoke is so fun ^^
oooh, i shall throw smth at junqi xDD
and i am trout slapping rachel. whatever that is. o.O
okay, thats random. -.-
ystd was the last official school day 2007.
this year passed too fast alr.
not good )x
omg. O's next yr!
(err, not counting nxt wk's chinese)
aww, hope we get back the same classroom nxt yr.
althou that's like, quite impossible.
if not 401 or 402' 07's cr position is okay too. lol.
so picky :O
but i'll miss 305'07 cr!!
the broken window panes! *oops*
ppl climbing in thru windows! *double oops*
had like, almost 4hrs of chinese today.
thn seow lao chi made us do compo.
had the choice of newsreview and narrative.
think i was the only one who did narrative -.-
i got an A can (((((((:
plus seow lao shi sae i can write narrative ^^
lol, wj's telling me how fun obs is.
sounds kinda fun la.
if ur those outdoor, adventure, under the sun ppl.
for me i think its real interesting as long as im not the one doing it )x
like, kayaking in mangrove swamps IS nice,
but for 6plus hrs?
i dun really like it =x
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. saw 3 ants in my room!!
shall put the choc sheena gave outside.
are the words happy birthday so hard to say.
or do u hate me that much -.-Labels: update.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
oh, yay, thr's smth wrong with my laptop's msn and internet so im using my bro's.
but his live messenger gt prob, so using msn messenger. lol..
my thankyou list!
-its sort of in time order.
thankyou jiayu's mum for being the 1st to wish me happy bday :D
thankyou ian for wishing me happy bday plus waiting for me for 15min this morn to gimme the present. :D
thankyou jiayu for being the only person who smsed me at midnight and thankyou for the present plus card and thankyou for going out just now :DD
thankyou mp for smsing me near midnight and thankyou for the jaychou album plus card :DD
thankyou jessica for smsing me early in the morning :D
thankyou junqi for staying up past 12 to do my card and thankyou for the jaychou album :DD
thankyou zhiqing for the jaychou album :D
thankyou jingru for the card :D
thankyou kel for the card and thankyou for the maybelline lipgloss :D
thankyou sheena for the chocolates :D
thankyou xinyi, waifoon, caroline for the big huggable softtoy :D
thankyou caroline for the bear thing present :D
thankyou junqi, mp, zhiqing, kel, jr, verena, rach for the surprise birthday cake :D
thankyou trish for celebrating with me :D
thankyou aaron for solo-missioning to celebrate too :D
thankyou elaine for that super long birthday comment in friendster :D
thankyou gwen although u were super blur and dint get to meet up in the end :D
thankyou twinnie for wanting to sms me at 11:59:59 latr -wants to be the last to say happy bday lol!
thankyou to my 2 dear cousins who smsed and face-booked me :D
thankyou to my little bro for the present :D
thankyou mum & dad :D
thankyou everyone who said happy birthday :DDD loves!
there, the thankyou list (((((((((((((((((:
its gna be edited soon i guess. (x
biggest surprise was at pizza hut.
thanks to them -.-
feel scammmmmmed!
haha! but really nice lah :D
aftr lunch rushed home to shower and stuff b4 going to meet trish.
original meeting time; 4
thn changed to 4.30.. thn 4.40..
lol! :D
shopped ard started at fareast,
-shall fastforward and not bore u with details.
jy joined us at wisma.
walked back to fareast to meet aaron and to buy our stuff. :D
aaron had to solo mission cos NICKY LAST MIN PANGSEH US!
crapped alot alot. (:
went swensens for dinner.
cos of the FREE firehouse.
lol, so cheapskate :O
crapped, sort of gossiped more..
till abt 9..
came online mainly to type out the thankyou list :D
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to myself
happy birthday to me~!
Labels: thankyou list.
Monday, October 22, 2007
the JOKE. aka the taka story!
setting; wisma
characters; me, xinyi, waifoon, caroline.
wf-" whr are we going now arh?"
xy-"she needs to go taka" *points at me*
me- "yah."
caroline- "ohh okay! i like taka! the jewellery very nice" *or smth liddat*
lol lah! i was talking about taka as in ngee ann city.
caroline thought i meant taka JEWELLERY.
so cute rightxzxzxzxz!
thn wf ended up laughing for 15min. -.o
haha. :D
setting; toilet.
characters; same.
wf to xy- "u going home alone latr right"
xy- "yeah"
*cos we 2 go shop somemore since wf and C leaving soon*
wf- "i'll end up going home with a JOKE" -talks abt C-
yeah, thats all, i've promised xy that i'll post abt the JOKE. :D
tmr's my bday!
so fast right.
kinda freaky.
Labels: THE JOKE.
Friday, October 19, 2007
other than chem spa early in the morning,
and 45min of chinese lesson,
today was totally slack. :D
played like,
hundred rounds of daidi and quite alot of rounds of bridge. (:
and brandon learnt how to bridge today,
thn cos me, mp, brandon, yongfeng were playing.
me and mp against yf and brandon.
they won. (eh, i no trump card lor!)
i was like "brandon, u learn too fast alr. not good."
oh, and at ard 1130 we were told to go audi.
waited till like, 1145 thn go in -.-
were supposed to have some art thingy.
thn in the end the speaker din come.
so mrcheng played this dvd for us.
he was saying that hope we like cos its smth tht he got for his nieces.
lol. we were like, "huh???" at 1st.
guess what's the show :D
so cute!!!
and the thought of ard 200 14/ 15yr olds plus 3 tchrs watching spongebob together is funny lah.
went acs to get results.
alr knew results beforehand so wasnt shocked or smth.
anw, passed :DD
quite okay.
ian choi u just wait.
nxt yr lynette and i are gna trash you!
-sticks out tongue.oooh, i wana play pacman now!
go join facebook ppl!
4 more days.
Monday, October 15, 2007
realised i haven't posted the hamsters' pictures :D

at first sight

one of them saying hi

the other one being super cute
went bugis ystd to celebrate caroline's bday :D
thought i was late when i reached at 1.15 (supposed to be at 1)
but apparently, i was wrong and i was like, one of those early ones -.-
lol, i had to walk 15min to find mos burger =x
but im alr the okay ones, some walked for 20plus mins xD
aftr lunching with them at swensens with them,
went to meet gwen.
shopped abit at bugis street.
thn went swensens AGAIN.
to eat icecream.
omgggg. sinful! (x
yayyyyy! nxt tuesday :DDDDDDD
8 more days ^^
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

wang lee hom's autograph thingy at j8.
i sacrificed my day of mugging SS.
(it was the sunday before emaths and ss eoy :O)
but its worth it :DDDD


my friend weijie, aka brotherbear, aka the conductor in black.


quite an ancient photo.
flag day for the zoo :D
cute stickers.
Labels: pictures