Friday, September 28, 2007
facebook is FUN end of year exams SUCKi SCREWED UP for my music was TCHAIKOVSKY and i wrote MOZART.
gosh, how stupid is that!
it was HANDEL and i wrote PURCELL.
you'll know that your in deep shit when your reaction is
"wtf is this! did i even learnt abt this!!"
"wth! i read this before but my mind's totally blank!"
"omg!!! i scanned through this! why dint i read it in detail!"
oh, and..
when u look forward to the time when the paper would end,
even as you dont have a single sensible thing written.
Labels: random
Thursday, September 20, 2007
im not going for music tmr D:
nah, i wun miss much,
since mrwong's not thr tmr
he taught us german and french last wk!learnt "im a big shit" in german and "i want to make love with u" in french -.-yeah, like that would help in differentiating the languages if they give us opera. :Oand lynette, ian are taking notes for me.
but still!
it's like, mrlee's last lesson tmr or smth?
he's transferred to sajc lol.that's kinda sad. we got used to a tchr thn they had to transfer him away ):oh, and yeah, its the last lesson b4 eoy -.-
thanks! )x
but i wont miss midautumn performance for anything :D
ya, watching weijie conduct co is one of the reasons LOLOL!gna eat lunch with junqi and duno whoelse tmr aftr sch b4 going for gz.
she's one of the loyal
fans friends that going to watch me tmr :D
unlike SOME ppl D:
-points at xy, sheena, caroline, mp, twinnn.
haha, jiayu's gna be thr watching her juniors perform.
i think.
thn dad and jun are going.
lol. jun sae wana go watch me =x
haha, still rmb sec1 and 2 midautumn!
sec1 trish, joseph, sengchiy came.
thn last yr jiewei and joseph came.
rawr. this yr no one's coming D:
oh. wait. junqi jus said she's not going -.-
tmr's paper 1 )x
whr's my notes on formats for functional writting!!!
and my gong han/ si han stuff!!
oh, and i screwed my oral on monday!
total GG~
ah wells, at least i interpreted the picture correctly :D
some ppl said gardening thn some said corrective work order!
nah, im not suaning u ppl. hahaha.
but my conver was total schieBer
the B's supposed to be a beta sign(that's german for shit :D pronounced as sch-i-zer)
Monday, September 10, 2007
woke up at 6plus.
to finish up tuition hw since i was planning to go flag day latr at 8.
thn at ard 7 i started to rain whales and elephants -.-
mp and i were deciding if we're still going.
mum woke up, told me that i'll be crazy if i go flagging in suchhhh a big rain.
and anw since dad's still sleeping,
i dun have any transport.
so in the end mp and i dint go.
she dint see the point in going if im nt thr. :]
nah, she dint sae it out,
but its obvious :D
in the end we mapled for awhile.
had tuition,
thn cello aftr tht.
went to yima's house for dinner :D
met css2's jiajun thr.
they went buy ka's hamsters that day.ohohohhh! the hamsters are JUST SO SO SO CUTE!
she's kinda quite nice :D
think she's gg out with ka, is she? =xcos they havent buy the cage and the poor little things cant drink water D:
lol, thn ka told me to wet my finger and let them suck the water.
they were like, SO THIRSTY can!
the little tongues when they suck the finger.
went the cathay resturant for brunch.
the food's okay, i guess.
but i prefer the resturant at isetan =x
went plaza sing aftr tht to get the hamsters' cage.
haha, the cage is super cute tooooo!
went yima house to play with they hamsters again.
they were half dehydrated i think.
ke ai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yima, ka, chuci and his gf came over for dinner to celebrate mum's bday.
HAPPY BDAY MUMMY :Dchuci helped me with my chem :DD
but still, i think my chem's real hopeless )x
sry mschian.
i really tried!!
1st day of term4..
2nd last lesson with mshe DD:
yeah, msng's gd lah.
but no more crapping with chik during hist now =x
me and xy patched up (x
now she's my gf again!
haha, cos we think calling each other EX-bf/gf so ma fan.
when my mum drove past the busstop today,
i saw joseph! :D
haha! 1st time i see him near his sch =x
(kinda ironic since our schools are like, opp)
with his new haircut and obscence sitting position.
oooh!! i'll post the hamster pics tmr!!!!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

twin showing you guys how innocent he can look.
eh, wj, what u doing! o.O

guess who!
i'll give u a clue,
he's big and friendly and always gives the -.- face!

no, i dont wear guys' shirt, that was for fun.
went vivo aftr chi ystd.
with gf, waifoon, twinnn, auntie, aaron. met weijie at the interchng thr.
ate at food republic.
gf, wf, aaron, auntie, me ate that nice laksa :D
and i got scolded by them for not telling them the price b4-hand -.-
but, hello!! all the food thr is kinda ex lah!
and dint u all sae the prawn's super nice and stuff!
my fault ah! D:
thn gf and auntie go add lots of chilli into the alr hot laksa.
tsk! like mummy, like daughter.
aaron, we're the sane ones (:
mp and caroline came :D
twin was scamming mp on the phone that we're on the way to sentosa in cable cars.
hello! u take cable cars frm mt. faber!
haha, thn he did smth damn gay with mp's hairclip.
decided to watch Evan Almighty...
went 7-11 to buy mp's lunch with her.
thn she pei wo go chng.
the movie nt bad lah.
lol, aaron and i are smart (:
we finished our nachos & cheese when the movie started.
ooooh! and SOMEBODY looked jealous when gf and aaron shared a jacket~ ^^
went to shop abit aftr the movie.
almost got chased out of P&B cos we took pictures D:
but they were fun pics, thats all!
gf and i went try on stuff at Topshop.
darn, i feel guilty now, cos they sort of waited for us, sitting outside, looking supre sad and bored.
ohhhh! and i saw 2 super nice bags thr :D
one was the one i saw with mum at wisma,
the other one's a sling one.
but they're EX lah!
looked ard at Zara aftr that.
i wan show mp the pretty jeans i saw at Marina's Zara that time.
thn gf said when we (me, her, mp, aaron, auntie) walked in, the security guard was looking at us -.o
do i look like those people that'll steal?
althou im not rich or what but i can afford ur stuff okay!
not like the prices are skyhigh or what.
rawr i felt like buying stuff to show him lah.
but, duh, that's stupid
and i cant do that,
based on the fact that i have $10 in my wallet..
whatever~! (says it in a bimbotic manner)
walked ard abit..
thankyou weijie for carrying my bag :D
went daiso,
twin and aaron shared a pair of magnetic earrings!
and happily wearing it aftr buying.
but sadly twinnn's drop on the escalator on the way back.
ended up at the arcade -.-
played a round of air hockey.
me and mp against aaron and gf.
dun really like arcades.
waste of $... =x
called mum and found out that i have to GO HOME MYSELF.
cos dad drove the car to golf at east coast. ):
daddy, i dont mind u golfing, but u just went thailand golf last wk!
thought that thr was 961 (HEY I TOOK THAT BUS TO SENTOSA LAST TIME OKAY)
thn twinnn agreed to take that bus with me :DDD
yayyyy! nice twinnn. (((((((((:
but in the end dun have -.-
no, i dint get lost lah :D
hmph, nxt time im not gna take 855 home frm thr.
its like, taking a biggg round!
shud have followed my instincts and took 93 instead D:
oh yea, i saw a squashed cat on the road.
kinda grossed me out...
the girls pigs came to freeload lunch.
-mp, dx, jq
okay, at least jq and dx came quite early,
unlike SOMEBODY who had to came late and leave early D:
jq came a little too early.
she reached at 10plus.
lol. i was gna start on my bk review when she reached.
goshhhh, we have like, so much to crap abt lah!
2 hrs is totally not enough!!!
greatttt, half the hol is over,
and i havent start on ANYTHING yet.
im DETERMINED to complete SOME stuff tmr b4 i leave for gz :D
Labels: tmr., today, ystd
Monday, September 03, 2007

taken by one of my paparrazi friends. xP

crazy people, lucky im not one of them :]

us with mschian! :D

theodore deep in concentration.
focus! focus!
*nah, the ball dint get in in the end*
i noe im safe to post this since nicky rarely comes to my blog xD
nicky, if u ever see this picture, dont hate me :D
oooh, international boy strikes again!
dont stare at me like that! the picture was MEANT to be artisticaly shaky!