Thursday, August 30, 2007
i've decided not to pon tmr :D
worried that my
fans friends would miss me too much :]
gosh, im so thoughtful! ^^
lol, mrchia was in a gd mood today.
he allowed everyone to stay in class,
unlike the usual "never do! out! out!"
thn he was thr saying he dun need anything for tchr's day.
we were like "err, okay.."
10 sec latr he, "eh! what time ah! i no watch, what time ah"
5 sec aftr tht he, "ehhh! ring wear on which finger ah? diamond ring, gold ring.."
"oya! i also dun have necklace"
"and! my shoes are kinda old"
LOL! mrchia, all ur getting frm me tmr is chocs.
zzzz, dunwan blog le.
ohhh, and mp, i go reply ur letter now.
latr u cry sae i bully u -.-
Labels: wonderful me
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
brother bear asked me to update.
so here i am, updating.
ooh, im making sense in a crappy way.
so cool x]
should i pon school on friday?
the end.
byebye :D
feel honoured, weijie
Labels: problem of the day.
Monday, August 27, 2007
typical monday.
was sleepy frm morning chinese till before bio english.
zzz, almost fell aslp when ms seto was showing that video =x
ohno. haha.
crapped almost the whole 2 periods of hist away with junqi.
the stuff we talked abt must've been real crappy,
since i cant rmb anything we've talked. o.O
had gz election thingy aftr sch.
chairman: serene
vice-chairman: ling zhuo
treasurer: suping
welfare&publicity: evelyn house-mistress: yeechin
discipline: olive
assist treasurer: ME!
assist house-master: damien
me, mp, suping were at je mrt station.
hahaa, we positioned ourselves by the coming-down-escalator.
thn we wud be so high when we hear a train entering the station.
so funnnnnnnn.
william joined us for awhile.
the stickers are soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuute!
post pics nxt time =]
left at 3plus.
went to see this showflat aftr tht with family & yima, yizhang.
lol!! the interior designs are very nice~~~~
i was thr "eh!! so cute!!!!" at the furnitures.
have an idea of how my new rm is gna look like :D
went to yima hse for dinner. was thr happily playing chuci's hp,
thn he was like "faster! 1st 3 jiu can see chenguanxi!!"
hai, nt gd to let ppl noe ur weak points ah.
wasted the whole day away.
rotted infront of the comp.
lol, but was in a kinda retro mood,
found some retro songs on youtube :D
take a look ^^
eg, aaron kwok's para para sakura,
jacky cheung's wen bie.
lol! :D
they're super nice can!
ohohoh! and u noe other thn an eng version thr's also a korean version of wen bie?
so cool right! haha.
spent my precious recess, lunch in the music rm practising =x
i nearly starrrrrved.
yes, im pig.
so sue me. D:
haha, ian was nice enough to gimme a sourish sweet, whatever u call that, the long long chewy one. lol. thanks, but i cant survive on one sweet! )x
ponned enrichment to prac, again.
okay, i dint pon, i saw mschian on the way so asked her.
stupid twin, he saw me leaving with my bag.
twin "eh! whr u going? O.o"
me "pon."
twin "-.o"
me "go music rm prac, latr gt music practical, i take olvls music ma"
twin "ohh. but i thought music is for those.. very cultured ppl?"
me "ya, that's why i go ma ^^"
twin "nah, that's why u shud quit"
haha, i was a total nervous wreck when we reached acsi.
my slot was 3.40,
but due to mrwong's unique time management,
mine ended up at ard 5.
lol! thn cos we have ard 5min before our slot to warm up ma.
i was like "omg omg omg! howhowhowhow! melissaandisabel, perlynnandwenyi, jiexiangandvalerie, abcanddef coordinate unti so well!!! howhowhowhow! omgomg! ian! im gna fail!!!"
at 1st he was -.-
haha, thn in the end under my influence he became nervous also.
lol. think i freaked him out with my nervousness.
thn he was like, telling me to relax.
but i think i was more calm thn him when we stepped into the classrm =x
in the end i think it's okay laa.
nt bad :D
considering that i nvr really prac.
heh heh.
and and and! i passed my theory paper!!
1st time =]
so cool la!
we 3 nh de passed together :D
ooh, long post, long post.
Labels: long post.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
was flipping through some papers just now.
saw this article on a guy in china,
has this liu2 in his head..
since he was 2 (he's 30smth now)
cos of that he became disfigured..
and blind and stuff..
kinda super saddd...
and he won't get fully recovered...
while im here complaining abt becoming an elephant,
thr's ppl out thr who's hoping to look human..
think we shud like,
be thankful that we're normal......
haaaa! ive completed my amaths b4 mrchia stepped into class =]
im confused at trigo )x
but really, we dont need to know sin, cos, tan when we go off to work right!
i mean, i dun hear my dad mumbling abt triangles, circles, whatever.
im so not gna choose a profession thats related to maths. (:
think i'll explode b4 the 1st task is done.
got back ss's fpsp, ct paper :D
our grp's the highest for fpsp (((:
and and and! i got 10 for ct!!!!
lalalala :D
xinyi wrote twice my amt and got the same marks :P
also got back hist's ct :D
its like, as good as or even better thn my hist class test! :D
10 also!
2nd highest in class i think.
huijuan got 11!
waaaa, so pro~!
chengwei also got 10.
haha, aftr sch me, lynette, ian were walking to music rm to prac ma.
thn i saw some of our class guys- twinnnn, brotherbear, yijie, and some others.
i started waving -.o
like, super high that kind.
yijie was like o.O
thn- *small waves. waving, waving.*
thn twin *wave! wave! wave!*
zzzzz, gna practise again during recess and lunch tmr
please mrwong,
let me get at least a B3 or smth for my practical.
or i'll cryyyyyyyyy DDDDDDDD;
there's amaths hw again. )x
nvm! it will be completed b4 mrchia steps into the class. ^^
i hope. =x
tmr's friday.
my wkend's coming~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Labels: A1 for my comb. humans ^^
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
ah, whatever. retype ba DI ROCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!
fine, its just a borderline pass.
nth to be real proud off.
lynette came over ystd.
and HAAA! we can play the whole piece through alr!
aftr that ard 4.50 ian called and said that he was done with whatever his doing and wanted to come over to prac.
took the
idiot dumbo blur guy 40plus min to hail a cab -.-
hahaha, im crazy over lynette's guitar!
and i drove her crazy with what i was doing with the guitar.
hehh :D
had gz.
thought that yinglaoshi was coming, so everyone ate lunch real quick and rushed upstairs to practise, but when yeechin called laoshi to check if she's coming, she said no. lol..
thn mrsyeo sae since come alr,
might as well prac.
haha, mschian came up halfway.
thn kept asking bowen and me to play juhuatai.
i can play the whole of zhantaifeng :D
err.. real slow without left hand la =xrawr, dun wana retype the whole long thing.
Labels: i passed chem :D
Monday, August 20, 2007
lynette scammer!
say today got harp cant practise.
in the end junqi sae dun have -.-
jiayu also!
say going nanyang with us to see
me us play.
thn in the end sae got dance -.-
is today the official scamming yawen day?
my eng marks suckkkkkked.
and i failed bio.
my amaths okay! :D
lol, thn xy and i had a nice time playing with twinnie's ruler during bio.
the ruler very cute~~
oh, and i finally gave twin his super belated bday present.
so, aftr sch ian and i went to nyps to prac,
since jiayu reminded me thrs 2 pianos thr.
and cos all the ppl we noe staying at nus hostel cant open door for us today -.-
i went to find mrstang to ask for permission.
lol, when she saw me she was like,
so surprised and happy :DDDDDDD
mrstang i missed u tooooooo!
anw, she allowed us.
and brought me to see this tchr incharge of music rm or smth.
mstang, i think.
so we went to the music rm to prac :D
just like any other non-nyps person,
ian oooohed and ahhhhhed at our campus (:
and wowed at the lift, the courtyard.
okay, i mean, yes, its big, its new, its pretty,
but seriously sometimes dun understand why ppl make such a big deal out of a pri sch having lifts, track, clocktower, dance studios and 2 blocks.
-oops, obvious that im showing off my wonderful pri sch eh.haha, but althou i dun understand why ppl make such a big deal,
it dosent stop me frm beaming to the max when i show others ard the campus.
oh, wait, im talking to ho.he's online! :DDDDDDDDDDDDokay, i'll type the rest real quick thn talk to him.
aftr prac went to serene centre for macs.
yeah, we walked thr,
I lead the way.
and we DINT get lost. :D
but, yala, i mean,
who can get lost thr at her own neighbourhood.
saw trish at macs with her frens.
lol. so peng qiao one.
gna practise the giutar & piano one with lynette tmr :D
shudnt be hard since we have wonderful mo qi eh (:
im totally in love with pianobattle2!
and Secret.
and the duet.
and pianobattle1.
pianobattle2's the total love!
Labels: rahh. the official scam wonderful yawen day.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Follow the notes upon a journey
At first sight marks one's destiny
Once the voyage comes to an end
Return lies within hasty keys
Ctrl C-ed it frm jiayu's blog :Dso nice right~~THANKYOUJIAYUFORTHESCORES!!:DDDDDsight read Secret and PianoBattle2.loves!;DDDDDhaha, ka's learning pianobattle2 now.ate lunch at taka.
walked ard.
bought some stuff..
went to meet lynette and ian at nus hostel to practise for our pracitcal the coming friday.
i was the FIRST to reach!!!
an absolute 1st time.
lynette came 5plus min late D:
and left me in the rain.
okay, fine, i wasnt in the rain.
ian, get a bigger umbrella please.
i feel so guilty for not practising the duet
haha, the one with lynette's okay,since she dint practise either. xDnvm,
ian! i promise that i'll practise that stupid duet tonight!
hmmm, i'll probably practise Secret and PianoBattle2 first thou.
yayyy, lynette and i have good mo qi (:
lynette left 1st -.-leaving us behind.i ended up being the FIRST to reach,LAST to leave.saddddddddd!
ahhhhhhhhh.i wana go play pianobattle2!!byebye :DLabels: I've got all the Secret scores. HAAAAA.
Friday, August 17, 2007
my ct is totally GG-fieddddddd.
ah, wait, i go see fireworks 1st.
just turn my head to the window can see le :D
eeyer, now all small ones, cant see. -.-
nvm, i shall concentrate on my blog post :D
1st day of ct!!
eng and chi!!
stupid papers.
made me see hope in ct2.
emaths and e hist.
no time complete whole thing.
chem and ss.
its so unfair la!
i revised and did chem cal.
and still!
went to send ho off in the morning.
his going to u.s for U alr.
so fast!!!!
phys paper.
lol, but phys lesson was fun.
had waves.
thn mrschiang asked the guys to demo.
went to find mrchia with mp during lunch.
thins that he's actually very nice.
if only he dosent shout that much in class =x
and mrslimlyesim confiscated my pretty pretty shoelace D:
amaths and bio and music
during enrichment went for this financial thing at the auditorium.
mradraintan was talking.
althou dint get to revise music stuff it was quite fun luh.
okay! i shall go maple with mp!
haha :D
Labels: GG LIAO
Friday, August 10, 2007
went to marina's pariss for buffet lunch ystd with family, yima's family, chuci.
longggg time since ALL of us are together.
the chocolate fountain dissapeared DDD:
replaced with some ice kachang thingy DDD:
okay, i shall not talk so much about food :D
but the cheese scallop and that chocolate thing is just SO nice!
the other stuff were soso..
saw a really pretty pair of jeans at Zara.
and some nice tops.
but saddddd, the jeans are kinda ex ):
$99 D:
walked ard abit aftr that.
bought some stuff.
went to marina golf course/club/whatever.
to watch helicopter, the dunowhat plane, parachute ppl, fireworks, the canon.
although can see almost all frm my window,
but kinda diff feel. haha.
the fireworks are :DDDDDDD
only sort of down side was waiting frm 6-7plus for the things to appear.
but i had stupid nice twin to sms. lol.
did some emaths today.
the fact that ct2 is like, 3 days away seemed so unreal.
even the fact that sept hols are coming seems more realistic.
sian diaooooooo.
miss last yr's national day D:
it was like, super funnnnn!
our hardwork :D
really brought us closer eh.
the best AI isk!!
oh, and of course,
all the boring unhealthy kfc meals.
best was waiting at the indoor stadium :D
this yr's ndp's not bad lah.
not as gd as last yr's ((((:
like, duh!!
i we were thr last yr!!!

Labels: ndp
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
不能说的秘密 is super nice!!!!!!!!!except the ending was kinda unclear.
oh, wait. i understand alr!
brobear explained to me :D
my faves was the piano battle part.
yuhao and jay were like,
cos yuhao play 1st ma,
and its alr like "wow"
thn jay play "super wow"!
and the part whr xiaolun and xiaoyu play duet.
they have so much mo qi lah!
and its super super nice.
must go watch kay!!
worth it.
natoinal celebration was sian as usual.
wud not have gone if not for dissection of frogs -.-
lol, the funny part was whn brobear gt saboed.
thn he tried pullin yijie up with him.
but in the end he saboed dawei.
dissection was okay.
better thn what ive thought.
kinda gross
but kinda cool.
reached cathay at 12.40plus.
when went to meet with trish, aaron, leon.
saw dad on the way.
lol. so coincidental!
sengchiy went buy food. haha.
waited for nicky and gwen.
so ended up missin 5min D:
nicky so lol la,
he and gwen same lift yet he duno tht's her -.-
i dripped nacho's cheese onto my jersey D:
haha, lucky trish dint like the cheese,
no one to fight with me over it.
gwen rushed off to meet her mum at ps to watch another movie.
caused some traffic prob on our way to ps.
stood at the entrance for 15min to decide what to eat.
sae gaybie's dad.
finally decided on pastamania.
went to eat.
sat thr for abt 1 hr..
thn walked ard
while waiting for gwen
and also spent the time decided what to do nxt.
aftr lots of changing of plans and stuff,
(and also aftr 2plus hrs)
they decided to come over.
i wana go gaybie's hse!!
everyone sae super big thn i nvr see b4 D:
slacked ard.
finally gave trish her bday present. lol..
watched night at the musuem.
thn chased them out at 8.40..
b4 tht they spent 20min deciding whr to eat.
aftr our eoys come stayover kay!!
scared nxt time no chance alr D:
and yes, nicky, ct2 is on monday.
oooh. kinda late.
Labels: today

camwhore no.1
saying "hi" :D
it looks kinda wrong..
LOL! he dint want to let go of the pig and the banana.

no comments.

international! lol.

see, i told u he was hogging the pig!

heh heh.

mp and i at bio lab.

me and my *ahem* bloody gf.

aaron looking emo cos he dun wana dissect his frog.

xy and sp proudly presenting to u their chlorofoamed frog.

sheena concentrating.
the following pics are rated m18.
please dont see them if u have a weak stomach.
the pictures taken are solely for SCIENCTIFIC purposes.

zhipeng smiling like some mad scientist

brobear's frog.
i took a zoomed in pic but its kinda super gross.
sort of too gross.
even for scientific purposes.
zhipeng's frog in the end.
yeah, there's more pics.
but its all super gross de.
dint realise they're so ugggh when we're desecting them.
Labels: frogs and other pics
Sunday, August 05, 2007
im highhhhhhh.
i did my WEEKEND HOMEWORK today :D
did my compre,
some phys,
half of emaths. (:
and im planning to complete emaths latr :D
felt so.. so.... studious!
feeling accomplished (:
yeah, but if i did hw everyday i'll only have compre for the wkend.anw, sorry xinyi!
dint call on fri cos i was super tiredddd.
and my phone was charging lah.
mrwong dismissed us at 730 D:
like, omggggggggg.
he said cos nxt fri no lesson,
thn the following wk jiu test alr.
ah wells, at least lyneete and i went late. =x
ss test till 325.cos mrteo came 20min late -.-but still! that's 3 plus hrs of lesson!
went for phys in the morning.
had tuition in the aftrnn.
went out to some Peach Garden place for dinner.
lol, havent ate dinner out for quite some time.
the food nt baddd xD
haiya, ppl pigggg ma. let me crap abt food abit.liked the chinese beef steak.
and the tofu.
the rest were okay.
gg watch SECRET on wed :DDDDDDD
why must we dissect frog on wed. D:
now if sch dismiss late thn cant go for dissection liao )x
the others dismissing so early.
lol, nicky ponning that day.
but i wana
dissect frog watch ppl dissect frog!
siannnnnnn! D:
wkends are passing super quickly T_T
Labels: wkend hw
Thursday, August 02, 2007
rachel, im not a stalker!! D:
and twin, i did not pass my illness to u!! D:
had hist test today.
wj said the qn is gna be on appeasment,
so yeah,
i only studied that.
but in the end it was on the soviet-union pact.
anw, he's more screwed thn me.
*complaining on how screwed it is* ALL YOUR FAULT LAH.
me- HUH. me? what i do!!!
bb- nothing!!! your face!!!!
haha, thn aftr that cos i dun wan walk down alone.
so twin
nice nice blur blur walk with me :D
lol, aftr walking abit, he,
he- eh, i not going down leh
me -no reply
he -my leg infection!!!
me- haiya! walk abit lah! latr u unhealthy! die! how???
him- latr tmr i come to sch with only 1 leg how!
me- then i carry ur bag for u and we go take lift lor!
him- i left with one leg still wan me come sch ah!
mp lent me hp7 on tues :D
spent 4plus hrs on it.
thus screwing my chem test horribly the nxt day D:
but the bk's nice (:
thankyou mop!!
thr's ss test tmr ):
i shall go study latr (: