Monday, July 30, 2007
in the end ystd really ended up sick D:
like, fever. dizzy. whatever. )x
went to yima hse for dinner.
ho's backkkkkkkk :D
thanks for the earrings :D
i shall wear one pair to school.
provided that it dosent get confiscated cos its a little oversized. D:
but, i mean,
its not 100% our fault that we wear slightly larger earstuds.
whats the point of wearing earrings/ studs when u cant see them )x
today's the premiere for Secret! :D
but it opens on 8th aug.
weird? o.O
i want watch!!
jayyyyyyyyyyyy. :D
wow, we have 3 tests on wed.
eng, chem, ss.
hist is on thurs.
maths is on duno when.
heh, realised that ct is only 2 wks away.
i shall look for a new blogskin
or smth.
Labels: random again :D
Friday, July 27, 2007
mum and dad decided that i shud stay home and rest today :D
but ANW, i have throat infection or whatever u call that,
AND i have a mc
*wait. did i take an mc? damn.*
and im still going for music latr.
found this nice song on youtube.
its duno who's "take me to your heart"
think its quite old.
but nice :D
smth like...
jackie chueng's wen3 bie2 in english.
tchrs always sae ct2 is super near.
right aftr nationalday hols.
but 8th aug seem so far away D:
i wana watch "secret"!!!
"take me to your heart;take me to your soul.give me your hand;and hold me"lol, even the lyrics sounds so long ago.but really, its quite nice.Labels: non-sch-ponner
Thursday, July 26, 2007
i shall update my blog :D
unlike SOME ppl who promised to update their blog in JUNE but dint
*points finger at brother bear!* (:
having a sort of bad sorethroat.
but not bad enough for me to pon sch tmr )x
i wana stay at home to sleeeeeeeep! D:
had phys test today.
think that if im lucky i'll pass D:
i shall study hard for,
my ct2,
nxt yr mye,
whoa.. like that Os dun seem that far away D:
tmr's friday againnn.
the WEEKEND is here :DDDDD
there, weijie, ive updated (:
Labels: update
Sunday, July 22, 2007
yima and ka came over in the morning.
vivo's food republic for lunch.
had that laksa udon :D
niceness. lol.
went to the petshop again.
cos ka wants 2 little furballs *hamsters*
lol, saw this white big furry cat being groomed.
think its weird lah.
groomers trim ur fur, comb ur fur.
thn gt a big grp of people standing outside,
taking pictures.
thr's this big sale at riverisland.
the super nice one that originally costs 123 is 70 now.
wanted it.
but the sizes left were all too big.
walked ard somemore abit.
yima and ka stayed for dinner.
thn left an hr ago to fetch ho frm the airport.
rawr, i want presents~~~
it's monday again tmr ):
saturday and sunday pass so fast de!!
hmphhhhh. )x
i shall go start my homework
havent do my eng summary =x
ohhh! and the nyaa booklet!!!!
i want watch secret~~
or, as brother bear says,
"cannot say de secret"
8 augggggggg ((((((:
invisible targets seems nice too.
nicholas tse, shawn yue, fang zu ming.
hp5 dosent seem that nice now.
Labels: tmr's monday AGAIN.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
sch was actually *gasp* interesting!
bio was the heartbeat thing.
lol, we were seeing who's abnormal.
supeng's graph was so nice lah!
phys was light stuff.
the light rays were like, super prettyyyy :D
took some pictures.
then we were like
"ohh! so this is now they do the ndp and lights and stuff!"
had a farewell party for jordan at the skygarden during lunch.
since its his last day in spore.
1 mth passed so fast eh.
wushu during enrichment.
althou nt as slackish as bridging. but quite fun lah.
the instructor so funny.
lol.. the throat stab!
and the *evil laughters* knee thing.
went for music aftr sch.
isabel and melissa made me laugh like duno what.
esp isabel.
thn every since ian taught her tht lobster and shit game she started to ask me and lynette play with her.
went to sch for phys.
being as punctual as always,
brother bear aka weijie reached 15min before class ended.
jun went for the p5 ndp thing.
aftrnn went shopping with mum.
havent went shopping with her alone for super long lah!
like, real shopping.
not those searching for camp stuff or whatsoever.
gt 2 tops frm topshop (:
its like, super cheap cos of sale or smth.
wanted 2 more.
but since mum alr gt me new stuff on fri and thurs jiu suan le.
i save $ kay!! :DDD
have to admit that
its so weird without having that irritating little guy around.
thn mum sae he was like,
super quiet those few days when i went for camp in june.
gan dong! :D
thn wen yima hse for dinner. ho's coming back tmr! ^^
i have faith in him that he'll get me stuff frm shanghai, hangzhou and hk :D
Thursday, July 19, 2007
has been a year since __.time passes so fast..learn to treasure your loved ones,especially your family,around you,before its too late.something/ someone would be gone before you realise will be too late to regret.i miss you. alot.secret's coming out on 8th aug :DD
and i've decided not to watch hp5 (:
secret. secret. secret. secret.
i wana watch, i wana watch, i wana watch!
anw, midautumn festival is on 21st sept.
come and support
me! guzheng!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
things to be done by tmr.
chem file.
eng argumentative essay.
amaths graph thingy
revise phys spa.
bio wb.
music melody writting.
nyaa booklet.
chi holiday hw.
so i did almost all of amaths.
half of bio.
half of music.
2 ws left fr chem file.
so im left with
revise for phys spa.
argumentative essay.
chi hols hw.
nyaa booklet.
so funnnn =.=
i'll revise phys and complete music
, bio tmr morn.
fill up nyaa booklet during lunch or smth :D
i promise!
i'll do the essay and chi hols hw this wkend!
okay, i'll try.
Labels: blah.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINNIE! :Di'll give you your belated presene SOMEDAYlessons now a days are getting more and more borring.
so borring that
this 2 days
i actually
like, omg right.
anw, today's pe was weird but fun.
knocked down and picked up cones =x
recess time they sang bday song to leon.
mp and i were at the other side of the canteen when we heard it.
went over.
had a little choc cake.
nice (x
aftr sch stayed back for chem file.
thn went for gz.
learning zhan tai feng :DDDDDDDDDD
and nxt wk we'll play jv hua tai ^^
okay, im gna watch finish that episode of kang xi that i started ystd :D
chenguanxi so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! :D
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINGRU! :Dwatching youtube.
kang xi lai le. chenguanxi that episode.
so cute! :D
today in maths.
"why some of you take my scoldings to heart? i dun mean it, i'll forget that i scolded you aftr 1 min! you all can scold me one! its okay! i dun care!"
yijie "FAT ASS!"
idiot! DDDDDDDDD:Labels: maths lesson
Monday, July 09, 2007

the trailer looks nice :DDDDDDDDD
it shall be one of my MUST WATCH.
think it's released in late july or ard aug.
Labels: 不能说的秘密
happy birthday chenyue jie! :DDD<3s!reccently found the eng's version of SHE's 戀人未滿
-beyonce's Brown Eyes.
its like, super nice :D
Remember the first day when I saw your face?Remember the first day when you smiled at me?You stepped to me, and then you said to me,I was the woman you dreamed about.Remember the first day when you called my house?Remember the first day when you took me out?We had butterflies although we tried to hide it,And we both had a beautiful night.***The way we held each other's hand,The way we talked, the way we laughed,It felt so good to find true loveI knew right then and there you were the one***ooh oh oooh**I know that he loves me, cause he told me soI know that he loves me, cause his feelings showWhen he stares at me,you see he cares for meYou see how he is so deep in loveI know that he loves me cause it's obviousI know that he loves me cause it's me he trustsAnd he's missing me, if he's not kissing meAnd when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul**Remember the first day, the first day we kissed?Remember the first day we had an arguement?We apologized,and then we compromisedAnd we haven't argued sinceRemember the first day we stopped playing games?Remember the first day you fell in love with me?It felt so good for you to say those wordsCause I felt the same way toorepeat ***repeat **I'm so happy, so happy that you're in my lifeAnd baby now that you're a part of meYou showed me,Showed me the true meaning of love (the true meaning of love)And I know he loves merepeat ** again He looks at me and his brown eyes...Tell his soul
Sunday, July 08, 2007
ss lesson at 8 D:
was a little late.
ard.. 15min.
like, HELLO, THERE WAS A THUNDERSTORM thunderstorm minus the thunder, lightnings.
went up with xy, gab, aaron.
got scammed lah.
sae its at ava thn end up in class. -.-
anw, it was total boredem.
jus an intro of fpsp.
waste of time..
went vivo aftr much debating and discussion.
oh, and we've a new addition to the family!
maria and yati (:
maria is NICE :D
lol, when we got off the bus at interchng.
twin was like "eh, isnt this east coast?"
xy and i were O.O
and yes twin, we're at east coast plaza.
thn he kept insisting that we're in vivo instead of harbourfront aftr that -.-
wading pool! :D
sheena walked into it without knowing -.-
went to the pet shop =]
the little animals were SO cute :D
esp the fur balls hamsters.
lol, tried all kinds of ways to get into the arcade.
funniest was twin and yijie
went to ljs for lunch.
cabbed back to sch jus in time for phys.
fine, so we were 5min late.
gab, yijie, andy, forget who and who took bus.
shud have bussed.
save the extra $1.20 D:
but the taxi uncle was nice :D
went vivo today again.
window shopped abit.
went to the petshop again (:
and the puppies were all there ^^
saw this little dog having its teeth brushed -.o
tmr's monday.
im getting the monday blues on sunday.
so fun.
strolling in the rain.
dosent my jacket look nice?
sheena and caroline and the BATTLE OF THE UMBRELLAS.
all the pics above are posted because of entertainment purpose.
no offence is meant for the people that are being laughed at.
yeah. right.
Labels: sat and sun plus monday blues
Thursday, July 05, 2007

some very cute otters :D

mp, xy, me.
the horse suddenly tossed its head 10sec ago.
leon and wj, both with the "HUH" look. haha
me, xy, twinnie. those behins us are plastic figures, incase u duno (:
dedicated to mp.

xy and i beside this plant duno what.

the zoo person helping the poor little goat that got stuck D:

okay, this pic is super dark and stuff.
anw, its BLACK twin carring a WHITE rabbit xD

2 little goaties pak tor-ing

bryan's distant relative stretching legs.

crazy elephant exibit A.

crazy elephant exibit B.

xy, me, mp's feet compared to Komali the elephant's.
cai quan on the way thr.
at 1st we were separated into grps.
i was with mp, xy, shuan.
thn when we reached the zoo we got into our own grps :D
ended up me, mp, xy, twin (leon), wj, bryan, auntie (yx), weiliang, zixian.
we joined summercamp grp 8.
*the same grp as jinman, ian & xy's hk buddy*
at the zoo we were happily pointing out who's family is whatever animal.
all monkeyish animals are related to bryan,
all biggish animals are related to weijie,
all blackish animals are related to twin.
reached this rest point when we all gt food.
aftr much thinking,
xy, mp, me bought the stupid ex chicken.
hello! 3 pieces for $2.50!!
and i ended up eating only 1 half piece
1st piece was eaten up by wj, yx, sheena, ian.
thn the last half was eaten by twin.
nvm la,
i drank and ate their stuff :D
thanks auntie!
i drank alot of ur drinks!
thn.. drank wj's diluted coke.
drank twin's lemon tea.
drank caroline's lemon tea.
ate ian's cookie and chips.
so can lah.
dint lose out.
the performance was so so luh..
D-paradise was better!!!! ^^
thn while walking we tried to be socialable.
so we said HI to all the little kindegarten kiddies. (:
mp, auntie and i were like "I WANA GO TO THE KIDDY AREA"
in the end we went to the kiddy animals place.
hence the goats and sutff.
bought kfc back to sch to eat.
stayed back aftr sch to bridge again (:
Labels: ZOO
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
i screwed up for conver!
and it was a super easy topic can!
booooooo! )x
during eng lesson was total LMAO.
weijie drag (literally) bryan out of the cr.
thn bryan was like,
grabbing on to the door.
super comical can!
lol, we bridged like mad today.
frm like, 1.50 to 2.05 we squeezed in 2 games.
thn went down for oral D:
seow laoshi was telling us last min stuff..
went to waiting rm,
starting to freakout.
but, did i manage to freakout peacefully?
oh, no, i dint.
cos yixuan, yongfeng, sheena, mp, xinyi were being lame. -.-
we laughed like shitxz lah.
thn peixuan and zhipeng were "shhh!"-ing us. =x
the passage was okay luh..
but had like, 3 words that i duno D:
tchr asked me 2 qns!
is that gd or bad ):
the worst part was that i talked so little lah!
i noe that i gt like,
20thousand points to blab.
joined xinyi, bryan, leon, waifoon, tzeying and the others who finished.
crapped till super crappy.
LOL, im not making sense.
went back to class to bridge again (:
zhenyao and me always win (:
except for the one time that we let wj and xy win us.
and i won once with yongfeng too.
daidi-ed 2 games.
at 1st i was like.
"damn! i forgot how to daidi!"
went back to bridging again!
thn we were bidding till super high.
xy *screams* "i bid -forgot what!!!!"
sheena "eh! can u dun be so unglam not!"
walked out with xy, mp, sheena, twin, wj, auntie.
xy and i laughed like mad over twinnie's refusing to eat the lettuce.
thn we started to sae that on the 90th dinner he do smth liddat.
rahh, now i wana go for 90th ):
im gna slp early today! :D
ystd i slept at 1030 ((((((:
was happily slping till gt woken up by phone =.=
me- eh, alarm clock? so fast morning liao ah.
*press the turnoff button (same as ans call de)*
*turns back to slp*
thn, "eh! why alarm clock gt ppl talking de!"
LOL. thn for the 1st 2min of talking i still thought its like, 5plus in the morning or what.
tmr 305's going to the ZOO!
we're gna wear caps,
carry sling water bottles,
and whole hands!
oh, that reminds me, i shall go chk if me jersey has dried. Labels: bridge
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
rach- "dragonfiles have finished mating!"
when she saw that thr's no dragonflies in the parade sq today.
xinyi- "what's wrong with bloated up pigs these days!"
on __ this monring.
mschian- "when you and ur partner *eng word for pei4he2* well, it is very fun. it is a game."
during cep.
im like, the 6th person!
booooooooooo!you and ur lousy phone. Labels: quotes and stm and fainting.