Saturday, June 30, 2007
nyps funfair.
clever me knew that joseph, sengchiy and nicky wud be late
so i dint leave home till joseph and gaybue reached.
met them at the courtyard.
and i finally realised how
tall big sengchiy is. =x
looked at the pics outside the GO's wall..
pointed out who's who.
ect, the security guard who screamed at us is now some guy with a position.
ect ect, the teacher with the scary big eyes.
saw pearl with her bf,
she dint recognise us at first. o.O
walked ard the bball court/ track.
saw mrlim being dunked.
and he's such a nice guy!
hehh, bought macs for us aftr p6 dance syf. ^^saw jess!
havent seen her in suchhhhh a long time.
we called nicky to check that he dint drown in the shower or whatsoever.
since 45min ago when we called him he was showering.
he super stupid can!
duno which gate to go to.
joseph was like "the one nearest to ur hse!"
in the end we went out to find him -.-
walked ard somemore.
saw gwen.
watched mrting being dunked.
the funfair quite boring luh.
missed our own funfair!!! the p6 one (((: that one was really OURS, like, we had our own games. made our own food. not like this, it even has hagen daz la. not that i dun like, but just.. so. un studentish!so in the end we gave some remaining coupons to ppl.
-those cute cute kiddies. haha, we were like, "nono! that one not cute! give this one!"
walked back to my hse.
the guys debated if my guzheng is a chinese piano/ harp.
or what wud happen if its an electric gz -.-
miracle of miracles!
they're nt hungry during lunch! haha.
thn we were talking abt our sch stuff.
gaybue's taking some IB or whatever u call that?
thn joseph taking SATs instead of As.
so weird can!
the last time we sat ard the table,
we we're worrying for PSLE stuff!
capped awhile in my rm.
jess face was so LOL when i pointed out who's __missed those p6 times!
when every now and thn ppl wud come over..
chased them out at 1.20 cos gt tuition at 130.
jess went back to ny,
thn the guys went to bball court to bball.
went for my first cello lesson aftr that
and realised that cello is actually much harder thn it looks.
dun judge a bk by its cover!
waaa! u scammed me lah!
sae latr go online talk!
ive been online for half an hr alr!
Labels: nyps funfair
Thursday, June 28, 2007
weijie!! what's ur problem!!
hit me with the soccer ball twice today! >_<
okay, so the 2nd time was cos the ball hit the wall, rebounded and hit me.
my face gt write "hit me" ah! )))x
haha. whatever.
anw, zhipeng's aussie fren is joining us for lessons this mth.
then monday, mschian said.
"australia culture is very interesting, the cars thr are very cheap."
and today during chem she suddenly talked abt australia's wine.
monday during hist,
msng was talking abt some stuff in china super long ago.
thn sae smth abt those poor ppl selling their daughters to be concubines of rich old guys.
she said smth like "they dun think its smth to be ashamed of, cos if they keep their daughters by their side, they might starve, but if they sell them, they can eat, GET FAT and have nice clothes to wear"
1st wk of term3 is gna pass,
and i have like,
no ying xiang of what i did the past few days.
and i've yet to complete my hols hw.
okay, im being super random.
Labels: random again.
pictures! :D

xy and i, somewhr near the light house.

view frm kampong10

yixuan aka xy's mummy aka my auntie :D

i found this super cute

we named the black male one ryan xD
family photo =]
ignore the small one drinking milk
see! this is what happens when u go live in the wild without a comb
no, it cant be eaten.
auntie, me, xy on the buggy :D
it started innocently
and ended astonishingly
yeah, its super bright
haha, look at aaron and brandon
auntie helping out
william tries to save my jersey too

the view frm 832 :D
xy and i
dixin allowed me to take the pic with the condition that she gets to eat potato
tzeying, me, xy, mschian
some guy singing dui mian de nv hai kan guo lai
that shud be all! :DD
camp rocks!
Labels: camp pics
Sunday, June 24, 2007
seeing junqi blog abt camp make me feel motivated to blog abt it, too! :D
oh, wait, before that,
one colour per day :D
1st day!
woke up at 5plus )x
to last min try stuff everything into my carrier.
met a totally frantic xinyi who told me thrs a chng in the grping.
so me and sheena went bulletein board to find her.
found out we're in BUS 2, GRP 4 :D
same bus as
tzeying, waifoon, yixuan, william, zhenyao, gabriel, shuan (those 305)
mschian and bennyng were in charge of our bus :DDDD
anw, went to some lighthouse.
climbed like duno what )x
but the view frm the grassy place was quite nice ^^
had lunch at eagle ranch.
i stayed at kampong10 :D
with jasmine, julianna, sharmaine and this other girl (sry, i forgot her name D:)went to canoe aftr that.when the guy pushed my canoe away i was like,totally "OMG! HOW DO YOU DO THIS! AHHHHHH!"joel gor was thr "EH! u pedal abit can anot!"as if i dun want lah! )xbut in the end i pedaled okay :Dthn laughed at gor when it was his turn.xy, me went for 2nd round xDDDwent for jungle trek aftr that.surprisingly, it wasnt THAT bad.quite fun.with stupid xy beside me singing some song she created.HAHA, then gabriel was like "i duno you 2"cos i was zi highing singing, thn we saw this place gt goat,she started singing ba ba black goat -.-dinner was okay.went for NIGHT TREK aftr was kinda funnnnnn!and i saw a FIREFLY!!!!!yayyyyy!and the stars were prettyyyyyyyy (:2nd daywent to xy's rm b4 was feeding the fishies.saw this BIG BIG catfish. haha.thn xy and i ate with weijie, zhipeng and songko.the food was...kinda...ughhh.even the milk and milo taste weird )xended up eating a little beehoon.aftr breakfast saw the other grp canoeing.saw jiayu and ian.HAHA! THEY LOOK, worse than me the previous day :Dtelematch.was okay.grp4 won quite alot! :Dthn this brick thing,think its acid river or what.xy, me, guanzhi, weesern, weijie (tay) went 1st.we were SUPER FAST CANyes, having long legs DO give u an advantage.but we lost in the end la.thn wj was like "let other grps win abit".one of the games is that 5 ppl walk thingy._ almost came behind me.heng last min guanzhi came btwn.heh.went for abseilling :Dokay, i hesitated like, 1 min b4 gg down =xmschian and bennyng went too!!hahaha!mschian was so freaked out lah!and before that she was happily shouting "dun be scared!""L shape! L shape!"LOL.archery nxt.yixuan was like OMG SO PRO!and i was not bad kay! :Dtotaly 10 arrows.6 of them hit the board :Dand 3 hit those coloured thingys. (:i rock.obstacle course ):lets nt really talk abt it.ate dinner with all 305 grp3&4 ppl and mschian.treasure, disaster.haha.cant find our stupid clues la!thr was campfire.kinda okay lor.but kinda sian. =xthe np ppl were like,asking everyone to get high.we were thr beating mossies.hahaha.went to xy, wf, ty rm.gab, yixuan, zhenyao.played abit.snacked abit.thn aftr tht yx and zy sent me back. this keychain for jun.and a necklace for myself.but think tht place is kinda sian la.had lunch at this resort place.xy, ty, me sat with yx, gab, and most of the bus' guys.william kept wanting us to chng with the 3 other we duno the girls in the end dint chng.LOL, most of the guy's appetite freaked us out la.they ate like,their weight of rice.hahaha.went dparadise.funnnnnnnnnnnn!pics latr!dinner was super LOL.out table dint like the catfish.thn... in the end..that dish.. haha.checked into everly hotel!!!!!!it was total WOWOWOWOWOW!anw, xy and i shared a rn,thn it was SO BIG la.we go toilet together. LOL.yx and william came ovr.went down to buy cake.haha.aftr tht we went yijie, aaron, brandon join all the 305 ppl.misschian came too.played blackjack.thn when they played murderer i went to join waifoon, aaron and tingchen on the sofa. or couch. whatever.they were watching jamesbond. lol..when i was abt to doze SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE me.-.-went back ard 1 cos they sae gt check.talked to xy till 2plus when we fell me"ehh! talk"her" talk what"me"jus talk! u ask me qn i ans"aftr 6minher"ehh! no qn le"me"haiya, we go slp la"HAHA.4th day.woke up at 620..xy ask me wake up at 630 i woke up at 640 and woke her up at 650.weird since she ans the wakeupcall -.-suddenly i gt the urge to wear my jersey that went to wash it.thn tried drying with hairdryer.LOL.anw, we went down for breakfast at 730.heard that some grps left at 745 o.Oaftr tht yx and william came our rm.asked yx to help me dry my jersey while i packed.haha.he suggest "go iron la"me "HUH! I IRON! i still want my jersey leh!"him" haiya, i help u la"LOL. then william"haiyo, u noe anot"thn in the end the 2 guys were fussing ovr the iron thingy -.-lol, wore my volunteer tee in the end.since the jersey seemed wetter thn b4. =.=stopped to buy local some sweets.hahaha.went for tour aftr tht.quite fun la.thn had 20min for a bag and xy and i bargained.the nice shopkeeper :D
lunch was...okay, ur btr off nt knowing.aftr tht jiu go home.haha, bridged the way home~~~((((((((((((:bridge is funnnnnn!LOL.bus2 was the 2nd bus to reach sch! ^^bus3 was 1st.bus1 was 3rd...okay, i gtg le.i hear my hw screaming desparately for attention!
pics nxt post!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAYU!<3s!!!!!i shall blog abt camp tmr or latr or smth.
im lazy now.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
tmr's sec3 camp!
lol, duno if i shud look forward to it,
or totally dread it.
-eh wait--back-went to pass nicky pe go thru the itinery (:
jungle trek+team building+night walk
jungle trek- wad if i see tiger?
night walk- how to differentiate btwn snake and rope in the dark?day02
outdoor training x2+sightseeing
omg, outdoor training. dosent sound that funday03
city tour+sight seeing
yay! slack!day04
visit kampong
yay! slack!okay, now i regret not going taiwan with lanxiu D:
anw, happy birthday weijie!
in advance :D
im nice huh! (:Labels: my wonderful itinery
Thursday, June 14, 2007
i want my newzealands natural! ):
hmph! come tell us u got vip card after we got our drinks!
and, nxt time, i want that berrylicious that abby drank :D
awww, sentosa was so fun (:
i wana go again! :D
except this time we shall
1. get tammy to treat us smoothie.
2. not eat sakae!
3. go vivo earlier to catch a movie
4. camwhore more
-and i shall rmb to charge my camera.305 bbq tmr! ^^
but thrs like,
only 5 girls going. -.-
LOL, idiot was telling me smth.
find it damn funny.
feel like telling herstupid _ i dont like you. cannot ah (:so, hate me thenrawr. nxt wk's adventure camp D:
junqi said that we pay money to feed mosquitos.
xinyi was planning to drag me go toilet with her,
cos "yawen! yawen! i scared! dun dare go toilet alone! i scared got tiger!"
i told her thrs no tiger, only tarzan.
im doing my film review now (:
completed my bk review and emaths ^^
i shall do homework.
i shall complete all my homework during th wkend.
i shall try to complete them during the wkend.
i shall complete all my homework when sch reopen.
i shall go and do my film review now.
see (:
brainwashing works.
Labels: random
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

joseph wearing aaron's shrek ears.
too bad he's not a natural shrek, unlike gaybie xD
shall post pics today! :D
fact-> when guys camwhore they camwhore worse than girls.

and lots more.
in order not to lose to them too badly, we camwhored too.

anw, enough of pics frm toyRus.
we took pics at sentosa too :D
jean's work or art "6h loves looloo!"

yeah, i noe the pic is super big.
not my fault that i forgot to tell the guy how to zoom in right. i assumed he knew.
yixun and sengchiy trying to push each other down.

jean and her female sea shit
all of us girls!
lol, and we're helping tammy to promote newzealand natural

our masterpiece! while the guys went cycling.

us and our sandhill sand castle sand structure!

trish-our-hero. and her best friend the menu.

after eating. outside sakae. *again*

all the guys. minus kenny.
think thats abt it :D
Labels: camwhore
Saturday, June 09, 2007
me- "SHEENA! i hate you!"
sheena- "why???"
me- "duno!!"
sheena- "-.-"
me- "cos.. cos.. cos ur gd to hate!!"
sheena- "???"
went for CIP today.
the games at the badminton court place is borrrring!
my old folk buddy wanted to leave aftr lunch cos
"thr's nth to do here! only listen to ppl sing song!" (in canto)
lol, but overall the whole thing was okay :D
dad dun allow me go taiwan with lanxiu! )x
cos she's gg back with her mum on the 20th.
thn ystd we planned that i wud go with them on the 20th,
return to s'pore on 27th.
and! the air ticket is nt that ex lah!
since its not really the peak times or smth.
lanxiu noes taiwan like, superrr well.
and she said all the shop owners noe her!
so both of us happily planned a little.
miraculously, mum agreed fast and was encouraging me to go.
lx was like "haiya! nvm lah! the sec3 camp nt very fun de! that time i went, bla bla bla.."
*shes frm nh also*mum was like "try nt to miss too many days of sch loh. go lah! fun leh"
thn dad dun allow ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):
no more chance nxt june alr,
since she has to work during her summer vacation in US.
*mayb its some uni thing?*nvm, i'll go for the taiwan tour nxt dec (((:
the one that her, tunlun and ho went when they were sec4 or j1 :D
they said its superrrr fun!
that stupid girl xinyi came back frm malyasia camp today!
she smsed caroline and i ard cip ended that time.
i dint reply her.
heh heh.
i wana watch shrek 3!!!!
anw! im touched! :DD
(eg, twinnie) actually come to my blog and read!! :DDD
i exceeded my smses
Labels: random
Thursday, June 07, 2007
gt a pair of jeans at topshop ystd :D
a little ex luh..
$90 plus..
but its nice (:
damn! thr's discount for almost all the other jeans BUT the pair i chose is nt one of them! D:nvm, proves that that pair is ONE IN A MILLION =]went to pete's place for lunch today.
-beside fareast thr dewent fareast aftr that,
gt a pair of pumps :D
nice (:
okay, my vocab seems limited.
all the words i use are NICE.
ah, whatever.
dun feel like blogging much.
im having a totally fcked up conver with ___
i so feel like hating ___
can be such a _ sometimes.
like, its my fault.
i shall go ask ka if he wana go shopping the nxt few days :D
but if go jiu have to go late or wkend D:
since he "works" now.
(ns)and! my dear ipod is still halfdead D:
Labels: shopping :D
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Labels: fuck it
Monday, June 04, 2007
woken up by mum at 830.
me "yahhh. its only 7plus now lahhhhhh"
reached sch at 1.05..
waited for xy and saw everyone walk pass till 110 -.-
rushed up to class.
saw everyone sitting outside.
aftr 10min..
px recieved call frm mrchia.
asking when's our lesson -.-
so instead of starting lesson at 1, we started at 145.
aftr maths ended,
xy, sheena, caroline, me
went queensway.
s and c last min decided that they wud go with us.
thn on the way to the bus stop i disfigured xy's earpiece D:
sorry!! ))))))))))))))))))))))))):
the busuncle charged xy superrr ex la! D:<went ikea 1st.
those 3 got the hotdogs.
looked tempting.
in the end i got the salmon sandwhich thing.
lol.. sheena was super funny while eating.
forgot wad she said.
jus super funny.
went to find fbts.
found 2 shops that sold them quite easily.
got a black curve one.
lol, super funny la,
xy and i were in the shop thn c and s stood outside.
they sae like husband and wife go shopping -.-
aftr that we walked ard somemore..
saw some nice bags =]
thn they sae the laksa smelt tempting.
so, went to share.
think all i did in the day was to eat!
and eat!
and eat!
walked out to bus stop.
abt 100m away frm busstop.
saw 153.
me "shud we run?"
xy "nah! wont make it"
c "RUN!"
haha! so we raaaaaaaaaaaan!
fastest 100m i ever ran can!
the kind uncle waited for us :DDD
went 7-11 to find xy's U weekly.
only gt this wk de.
she wanted last wk's. -.-
by the time reached home was 6.30 le.
sheena gt the idea that she wanted borrow movies.
in the end they kooped like,
20 thousand -.-
gave xy a 7min manicure.
cos s was like.
"i wana go home~~~"
stupid xy left her cd in my laptop.
gna pass her tmr -.-
since, ahemOR HAPPY.
since xy and i together. :DLabels: today
Sunday, June 03, 2007
ehh! tmr maths nid to handup emaths hw rite?
do which qns ah =x
i think i nvr take down D:
latr tmr scolded by mrchia )x
ehhh! ppl who noe can msg me the qns?
no matter how late or how early u read this.
jus msg me the qns ((((:
somehow i got a feeling i'll still have to ask ard -.-ahhhhhhhhhhh.
ystd slept at 1am
aftr a 2 half hr long phone conference. LOL.havent conference since superrrrrrrr long ago.haha, then we called nicky to sae happybday.stupid pearl scam him sae she's jy -.-ard 1230 everyone sae go chng fone,call back the end pearl and gor fell aslp or smththen only licheng called today morning got woken up by bro at 8plus
i need my 9 hrs of sleeeeeeeeeeeep!
haha, i think mum noes my hols class schedule btr than me =x
damn lah.
this june hol super disorganised.
forgotten class schedules,
misplaced hw list.
havent decide on day to go out with trish, jess, nicky, joseph, everyone.
havent comfirm which day chik they all come freeload -.-
gtg liao.
gg yima hse for dinner.
and jun INSIST on gg thr early.
cos yima sae today she bake banana cake.
idiot msged ystd! :DLabels: nth much
Saturday, June 02, 2007
talking to 2 idiots on the phone now :D
havent talk to them for 20 thousand yrs.
kinda weird at 1st,
like, nth to talk.
then now like back to normal.
okay, i think im talking weird.
had ss remedial ystd.
met caroline and aaron at parade sq thr.
then we saw gabriel.
so 4 of us went up together.
LOL, we went to take lift up.
gabriel started teaching aaron how to press and unpress the buttons.
then they started playing with the buttons!
chuci came ovr for dinner with yima they all (:
havent seen him since.. last yr?
thn ka was like
"ehh! u gt any photos when i still gt nice hair?"
me "got dye or nvr dye?"
him "got lah!"
me *searches my folders*
"ehh, i take so little photos!"
him "arghhh!"
me *jus nice scroll over chenguanxi's foto?*
him "thats me!"
xy's and c coming ovr to stayovr on mon :D
i think :D
&, happy bday nicky :D
ok, i doubt he wud read this anw -.-
Labels: update
Friday, June 01, 2007

caroline and i in arts musuem during CIP last saturday :D
305 day! :D

Labels: 305 pics
our last time playing together D:
nhgz! 2007 syf batch :DDDD
we rock!!!
ARTISTE! :Dno autographs today.
a picture's worth a thousand words.
there, i've just posted two thousand words on cultural pot! (:
Labels: cpot pics