Saturday, March 31, 2007
ystd's bio spa was funnnnnnnn.
haha. actually, bio's nvr boring.
with mdm yong argueing with the guys every lesson,
every 10min or smth.. ((((:
im starting to have an interested in bio!
ANW, abt ystd's spa.
we're supposed to do some nutrients in human body or smth like that..
mp n i shared that iodine n benedict thingy.
she did the iodine *the boring one*
and i did the benedict test *the fun one*
but her's was EASY.
all she had to do was to wait 5min, take sample, drop iodine.
wait another 5min, do the same thing.
wait another 10min, repeat procedures.
mine was harder!
i had to HEAT the thing to let it chng colour! (:
yesssss, and usually, fire and i dont go well )))):
but ystd, somehow, I GOT LUCKY. :DDDDD
soo.. i did the experiment.
and the results were goooood ((((:
mdm yong was like,
"gd! this is the 5min one?"
me- *nods*
"this is the 10min?"
me- yah.
"ok. latr u do the 20min one n show me"
me- ok.....
aftr awhile she was like,
"everyone! keep ur stuff! i gt another class!"
"yah, all keep. except for that girl who's doing the 20min one!"
i was like o.O im "the girl who's doing the 20min one" ?
mdm yong~~~~
i have a nice name! )x
lol, so i did.
then in the end me, mp, xy were taking pics of the thingy turning orange =x
but the colour was so preeeeetty! :D
mdm yong was like "ehh, u all like that also need to take pic????"
mdm yong- -.-""
ystd's mep was stupid. -.-
mrlee ended his lesson at 3.45
so we went for break till 4..
when mrwong's SUPPOSED to come in..
but he dint.
so the class slacked.
and wasted 1 hr.
at ard 5, mrlee came n said that he jus realised mrwong's on mc..
we waited for like... 1hr la ))))))))))))):
but it was ok la ^^
reach home ard 5 :DDD
25 more days till syf!!!
ohh, and frm the comments i got,
guzheng played not bad/ ok on thurs.
haha, mschian so cute :D
she said the guzheng ppl so pro, play tht time the body wud also move.
co's on nxt tues, jiayou co! (:
Labels: bio spa
Thursday, March 29, 2007
read a newspaper article today.
abt some andy lau's fan's father committed suicide cos andy dint spend enuf time with the daughter during the fan club thingy.
its in the lian he zao bao "live" section.
i was watching tv, then mum was like,
"eh, read this"
so i read.
n was like, total "huh???"
performed during assembly today.
for both upper & lower sec.
we totally screwed up for the upper sec tht one la.
n the principal helped by telling huiting that we wud get bronze..
and told the whole sec3 & 4 that we dint play up to usual standards.
thanks. alot. -.-
yeahh, n plus the fact for saying that the THIRD ROW (gz 3, US) looked distracted while the firt 2 rows are concentrating.
i was like, totally WTF.
superrrr piiiisssssseddddd. D:
we WILL get at least a Gold and show was better for the lower secs' but still..
co's performance was GOOD lah.
think they gna get gold (:
jy co! ^^
dint really hear band..
cos the upper sec one we were talking abt our performace jus now.
then for lower sec de we were at backstage.
dint manage to see mp D: *stupid mop, hide somewhr! x(*
but i saw kel n jr n ian.
aftr sch had gz again..
was super tired.
n was in a total sian diao mood luh..
duno why.
not only me thou..
like, quite a few in weird moods. )x
lol, the nice part of sch was tht only had an hr of phys thruout the whole day (:
ponned maths xDD
and ms seto left aftr 15min of eng cos she gt drama thingy.
midyr is coming.
and my phys n chem is still crappp.
hope the study thingy with xy on sat would help (:
Labels: andy lau, assembly, guzheng
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
errr... think forgot most of it.....
let me recap~~~
i rmb le!
pe lesson was LOL!
haha, 2 wks ago mr(jonathan)tan said that we gna do bballing this term or smth ma.
then today we did shooting. lol..
he said smth like, to help us shoot better, he pasted the red circle thingy on the board.
then ask us aim for them, then if can aim for both the dots ball jiu sure get in.
so we shoot.
n shoot.
n played
half quater court. *LOL.*
aftr the lesson he was like,
to improve, u can get a ball and practise at the courts during recess or lunch! :DDD
we were like, "errrrrm... ohhkay...." =x
but yeah, he bothers n made the effort.
nice tchr.
had phys aftr recess...
think my phys SUCK.
as in, real shyt. )x
have to revise n look thru or i'll totally HUH during phys lesson.. D:
lol, xy n i were reading comics :D
had dental at 330 aftr sch..
so went canteen to lunch with gz ppl..
when we were finishing our meals the subj of
"wad hairstyle to do for syf???"
came up..
so ahma started using my hair to EXPERIMENT.
LOL, we must have looked weird luh..
one grp of girls crowding ard seeing one experimenting the other's hair. o.O
hmm, smth wrong with the sentence structure..
met xy at 3 for her dental..
then she waited for me...
n we saw bryan had a filling..
poor guy.
had gz aftr that...
usual prac...
band was having percussion practise at the ava?
haha.. so guai4, we gzing then hear drums or whatever.
prac till 6.30..
then dicussed abt tmr..
gna leave the class at 930 :DDDDD
getting my fone back tmr aftrnn :D
miss it so much~~~~~
im bored.
byebye. :D
Labels: again., school
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
shall blog abt sch for the past few days. :D
had gz sectionals again.
honestly, i find it a little weird.
althou it did help us (3 shen bu ppl *gz3*) to play louder.
alfred & chenyuan came to see us (:
lol, n alfred gt us foooooooood.
thn towards the end of the practise damien n i were looking thru U weekly.
and he said chenguanxi is not as shuai as wuzun! D:
i was like "whr got!!!!"
n we started debating/ discussing which singer/ actor is gd looking or bettet looking than the other. LOL.
lunch time.
kel had to leave cos she had piano exam.
so we nice nice sent her off.
come back that time..
we met blim.
*we were walking back frm the gate to canteen then she was walking frm canteen to staffrm*chik was totally like, "OMG!!!!!"
anw, blim stopped us, n she was like.
blim-"girls? u all playing truant?"
us-"errr... we send our friend off, she gt piano exam"
blim-"playing truant...."
me n chik-"how to play truant without our bags n wallets?"
*i dint bring wallet down*LOL.
we were lucky (:
she seemed to be in a gd mood. :D
had health chkup :D
was 1030 to 1115.
i was like- "recesssssss~~~"
xinyi *stupid stupid*- "1115? then we can pon phys!"
me- "recesssssssss~~"
xy *finally rmbs*- screams "MY RECESSSSS~~~~~~~~~~"
anw, seow lao shi was kind n let us off at 1010 to eat :D
then aftr health chkup me, mp, xy, caroline dint feel like gg back to class for phys. =x
sry mrschiang! nth personal ya (: its just that we are little kids and little kids dont like we ponned till 11.45. LOL.
during electhist aftr that.
me n chik were like, totally zzzzzzzzzzz.
n the stupid what u call that was not working so we dint gt to watch the video.
haha, we were like
chik- "LENIN is no.*!"
me- "no. *??? NO WAY MAN! HE'S NO.*"
chik- "nonono!!!! no. *!!"
me- "mp! what is grf's number?" :D
heh heh. mp, dun angry =x
xy, phionna, caroline, gabriel, brandon, n some other ppl went queensway to decide on
class tee class jersey thingy.
think final decision is the blueish adidas?
anw, I WANT MY 305'07 CLASS TEE :DDD
xy n i talked thru the whole chi lesson while the rest were watching wusong abusing the little tiger soft toy. =x LOL.
its like, whats the point of watching some violent drunk abusing animals? =x
but actually, think seow lao shi's nice to let us watch these thingys.
i mean, some tchrs dun even bother.
like, that time seow lao shi let us watch wangleehom's mv :D
chem spa was FUNNY.
the colours thingy.
gtg le.
dinner time :D
n i wana watch tv :D
Labels: school
Sunday, March 25, 2007
i remembered what i wana blog jus now le!!! :DD
my braces got removed ystd! :D
but still have to put the retainer n stuff )x
rahhhhhhh~ duno nid out how long...
LOL, i jus found that maths edusave form this morning.
gooooodddd right. D:
think i got bio & srp to do..
tmr got wad lesson ah.....
i really shud take down the new timetable...
nvm, xinyi's kind enough to msg me the timetable when i need it, RIGHT? :D
seriously right.
think i should start to complete all my hw on time...
ok, at least, try..
its like..
midyr in may..
then syf's on 25th april...
no time to study.
Labels: random?
i was there having a nice time, scaring myself like duno what, watching that
gu zhai xin huang huang. starring twins and duno who de..
i was alr at the last 20min or so..
watching the part when the butler holds a knife in his hand
chionging walking
(he's too old to chiong) when suddenly the channel changed to ch55. -.- *cos i recorded it down last nite b4 going for the nygh concert* i was like, totally, WTF!! i wana watch the ending! and its the last time it's showing this mth la! hope nxt mth gt.. )xthn on fri i sacrificed my recess,
part of my lunch,
and all my free time,
doing that concert report. -.-
haaa! and i completed most of it in sch!
i was like, totally, "huh?? can so short??" when i saw lynette's report. -.-cos ian did like.. 4 pgs.i totally freaked out when i saw his report. LOL.anw, thnks for lending me ur report ya :DANW, focus on ystd's nygh concert..
their guzheng is like SO DARN GOOD.
not the techniques, as in, techniques we're not bad too.
its the FEEL they give out.
their actions are so so so sooooo neat can!
and althou a little kua zhang, but!!
still OMG~
and the scariest part is that they play is
-totally no rushing of tempo
-eye contact
-really got feelings de
-have i mentioned their actions?
if they get gtold with this standard right,
we hor..
and so wonderfully,
we're like.. after after them?
ohh, their co is pro, too.
and trish said that its not up to their usual standards or smth liddat.
yes, trish performed :D
and i dint noe until i saw that performers' list. =x
ahhhh, i rmbed i wana blog bout other stuff, too...
but forgot wana blog bout wad. LOL.
you you you you you you you you you you you you you youand junqi, JUST ADD * LAH! :DLabels: nygh concert
i was there having a nice time, scaring myself like duno what, watching that
gu zhai xin huang huang. starring twins and duno who de..
i was alr at the last 20min or so..
watching the part when the butler holds a knife in his hand
chionging walking
(he's too old to chiong) when suddenly the channel changed to ch55. -.- *cos i recorded it down last nite b4 going for the nygh concert* i was like, totally, WTF!! i wana watch the ending! and its the last time it's showing this mth la! hope nxt mth gt.. )xthn on fri i sacrificed my recess,
part of my lunch,
and all my free time,
doing that concert report. -.-
haaa! and i completed most of it in sch!
i was like, totally, "huh?? can so short??" when i saw lynette's report. -.-cos ian did like.. 4 pgs.i totally freaked out when i saw his report. LOL.anw, thnks for lending me ur report ya :DANW, focus on ystd's nygh concert..
their guzheng is like SO DARN GOOD.
not the techniques, as in, techniques we're not bad too.
its the FEEL they give out.
their actions are so so so sooooo neat can!
and althou a little kua zhang, but!!
still OMG~
and the scariest part is that they play is
-totally no rushing of tempo
-eye contact
-really got feelings de
-have i mentioned their actions?
if they get gtold with this standard right,
we hor..
and so wonderfully,
we're like.. after after them?
ohh, their co is pro, too.
and trish said that its not up to their usual standards or smth liddat.
yes, trish performed :D
and i dint noe until i saw that performers' list. =x
ahhhh, i rmbed i wana blog bout other stuff, too...
but forgot wana blog bout wad. LOL.
you you you you you you you you you you you you you youand junqi, JUST ADD * LAH! :DLabels: nygh concert
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"so ppl that are plump tend not to have wrinkles"
quote from mdmyong during bio :D
hahahaha, i shall be WRINKLE-FREE 40yrs latr!!
and u skinny ppl with gd figures would have ur face FULL OF WRINKLES!!
conver btwn zhipeng and mdmyong.
mdmyong- u will have spa 2 wks latr...
zp- huh? real one ah?
mdmyong- got nt real one meh?
im starting to <3 bio :DD
last saturday went kamboat for lunch.
havent been there for like.. 2 mths..
like.. not alot ppl liddat..
must be becos i dint go (:
ANW, other than we 2 families,
uncle's fren/ ho's new boss and his wife joined us.
aftr lunch we
(except jun cos he gt soccer -.o, n ho n ka cos they went lan -.-) drove to sentosa to see uncle's fren's new place. at sentosa cove or smth liddat.
the houses there are like!
omg omg omg omg omg!
a house by the shore..
*there was no sand there, so wasnt excatly by-the-beach* real big that kind..
desinged super wow-ishly
like dreamhouse :))
yeahh! really like that!!
there were some like chalet that kind la..
those one blk one block de..
the view for those.
its like living in a seaside resort 24/7!
i took pics of the view ^^
shall post nxt time :D
sunday was
for both me n bro!
1st day of term 2..
LOL, got that lightning duno wad thing the whole day -.-
but still saw ppl playing outdoors and dint get struck =x
so so so so so!
dun like 305's new timetable can!! )x
its like..
and and and! worse still!
no malay!!!!
i need those 2 periods to do hw/ revise/ slp!whatever happended to our wednesdays and thursdays!
hahahaha, then during gz.
duno why but hanzhe n i started talking bout *size.
leihoi joined us :D
then damien also joined in the conver o.O
so LOL lah!
hz was so ji dong at one point that she was totally shouting :DD
but prac was fun la (:
and 2 seniors came back!
xiaowei n cindy.
there's gz everyday! till syf that day..
i don't really mind practises.
althou its like.
SUPER time consuming n stuff
but if we get
GOLD or hopefully *corss fingers!*
GOLD WITH HONOURSits really really really worth it :))
Labels: gz, hses at sentosa, quotes
Friday, March 16, 2007
some photos i took ystd (:

the camera shy guy who shopped with me for 2hrs :D
my *loves!* shoes :DD
my load )x
they're HEAVY!
ok, this is random and has gt nth to do with shopping ystd.
MY BAOBEI NO.19 QIN!!! *loves!!* :DDD
Labels: photos
Thursday, March 15, 2007
my butt hurts and its junqi's fault! :DD
haha, actually i also duno why i sae it's chik's fault. LOL.i noe!! cos she dint warn me!!wait.. she herself also stupidstupid duno. -.-guzheng ended at 12 =]
we got on the bus at like.. 1230 -.-
reached the bus stop outside sch..
me- ehh! that guy looks familiar!!
chik- *tying shoelaces* huh?
me- he looks like weesern!
chik- who?
me- is he weesern?
chik- *finally looks up* YAH!
so we waited for 96 with ws, hx they all..
they were laughing abt smth.
then me n chik were thinking "since they stand nearer to the rd they shud flag the bus"
so we were happily talking.
-bus 96 drove pass-
all of us- EHHHH!!! THE BUS!!
haha. we finally reached kfc at like... nearing 1. hehh.
i was like "heng i msged ka to sae we meet at 2 instead :DDDD"
anw, to cut all the story bout eating short, WE REACHED AT 2!!
*thank you, thank you*
went to chng.
n i * while happily talking to chik -.-
aftr walking for X km, we found the macs at bugis st!!!!!
lalalala. hahaha.
i was like- whr is ka?
this big shadow booed me.
ka appeared -.-
while waiting for mp, the 3 of us walked ard.
saw some nice shops but dint really go look into it...
mop came aftr N hrs. *omg, im algebra-ing!*
went to take neos! :DD
hehh. my cousin rocks!
he stood there waiting for us! =]
aftr that we 4 split ways.
cos i sensed that ka is getting bored.
as ive guessed..
the 1st shop we went into aftr saying bye to mp n chik, we went into a shop that ka likes.
aftr that we walked ard somemore in the shopping centre.
then we both decided that bugis street is more interesting *big grin!*
so we went bugis street and spent the nxt 2hrs or so there (:
shopped & shopped & shopped! :D
we looked for the shoes i wanted 1st :DD
n i got a pair at C&L
they were having some kind of sale and all the shoes are sold for $15 a pair.
but.. somehow.. unfortunately...
i think the heels are a little too high..
and aftr wearing them i think im 175cm... =x
thats little too tall..
i wana go chng the length!
mayb to an inch shorter or smth...
aftr getting my *loves!* shoes, we started looking for ka's shirt.
he wanted to get those abit formal de.
as in more formal thn t-shirts.
those for clubbing. -.-
bt other than that he also shopped ard for other shirts.
in the end he got this a-little-formal-just-for-clubbing-shirt.
he looked not bad in that shirt to know (:
cos he's shoulders broard mah.
then wear this kind nt bad.
-wait. why am i telling u all these stuff-
yeahh. so we shopped.
looked at some bags for me.
dint really mind =]
since i want another bag ^^
then at bout 6 we reached simlim to meet dad.
aftr awhile ho came.
reached home at 7plus.
missed like.. one third of hua yang. )x
went marina with mum for awhile.
got a top frm topshop :DD
kay, im tired.
bye bye ^^
i want you so bad.Labels: bugis, marina, shopping. (:
Sunday, March 11, 2007
abt ystd's concert =]
on the car *6.50pm*
dad- what time the concert ends?
me- wait ar.. i chk ticket. see if gt sae
-checks the ticket-
dad- huh???
me- wait
-grabs handphone-
-franctically tries to call lynette or ian-
-no one ans-
me- ze me ban~~~~~
dad- =.=
lynette *smses me* - HEY. i reached le!
me- LOL. kk, dad. cont driving. nth happen~
dad- =.=
reaching spore ch soon *7.05pm*
ian calls- eh u call me isit.
me- -.-
- eh, the conert is at 8pm?
ian- really ah? *chks ticket*
- omg! really!
me- -.- ur smarter thn me :D
reached sporech.
screams out- LYNETTE! WHERE ARE U???lynette appears out of nowhr.u believe arh? -.-saw lynette! :D
n we sat inside while waiting for that lanchoi :D
lynette- ehh! those 2 frm our class!
me- huh?
lynette- that guy n tht girl!
me- oh! that girl! who's the guy?
lynette- frm our class la!
me- really??
lynette- =.=
saw mrwong on the 2nd lv.
he talking to the guy & the girl.
lynette- lets wave!!!
*she happily waves*
me- haiya! mrwong cant see u de lah! wave for what?
-2 seconds latr
*mrwong waves at us*
aftr awhile huishan joined us.
hs- anyone else reach le?
me n lynette- the guy n the girl!
*LOL. laugh like siao*
hs- isit jiexiang n valerie?
lynette- nono! the other one!
me- LOL!
aftr another like..10min...
almost everyone reached le.
me -*hands cold*
*grabs lynette's arms*
lynette- OWWWW! PAIN!!! SUNBURNT!!!
me- but im cold~~~
lynette- *takes a random stone frm the "pool thingy" behind us.*
*tries to stone me*
jiexiang- *randomly* hey, u noe, in taiwan, its illegal to take stones
lynette- *drops the stone*
at 7.42pm..
everyone goes up.
except me n lynette.
*calls ian*
us- if u dun arrive at 7.43 we're going up w/o u!!!!
he reached at 7.46 -.-
ian - *walks damn fast*
*walked pass us* (cos we sitting down beside this BIG drum)
lynette- AYE!!!
me- shhhhhhhhh!!!! ur supposed to let him chiong all the way in!!!
ian- -.-
went upstairs.
found out that they rearranged our sits! D:
i was like - WTF!
LOL, i looked damn shocked can!
lynette gt separated frm us )x
anw, she wasnt alone lah.
she sat beside valerie.
the 1st 2 songs were kinda very boring..
lol, was looking thru ian's fone for songs n nice images.
bt tht idot onli have like.. 20songs -.-
so in the end he was happily kooping my songs.
the 3rd song was quite nice.
smth that i recognise :D
aftr that, it was INTERVAL! ^^
those 2 ate sandwiches.
ian treated us :D
bt in kind :D
i only asked for a 50cents drink =]
the stupid tehtarik was so hot -.-
aftr tht me n lynette went up 1st cos we duno whr he disappear to.
lol. he was like. the last to come back -.-
b4 the song started the lights dimmed ma.
then jus nice i was using ian's fone the msg chik n mp to tell them abt * :D
this usher guy came n POINTED AT ME D:
lol, i dint noe at 1st la.
then aftr th guy left ian was like "EH! THT GUY POINTING AT U LAH!"
me- why?
ian- ur supposed to off all handphones.
me- -.-
hello! other ppl were also using phones can!
why u nvr go point at them?
huh? only point at me )x
and the ppl behind me also talking nt that softly n not really watching concert!
hahaha. ian gt pointed too.
he was drinking softdrink.
anw, the last song was really really long n kinda sian.
i almost fell aslp. o.O
valerie n ian took notes.
damn. i dint n i forgot almost everything. D:
nvm, shall ask them for notes xD
LOL, aftr the last song ended i was there clapping damn enthu-ly.
the ppl behind me also la.
then we saw the conductor walk in n out n in n out n in.
n they played encore T_T
i was totally OMG! there's encore!
finally the whole thing was over :DD
went back to auntie adeline hse there cos they having bbq there.
mum n everyone else havent leave ^^
there's FOOD.
but i only ate like.. one spoon of salad n one hotdog n drank soup. =.=
cos i saw this wonderful choc cake there :D
bt dad sae its not cut yet.
so im like "hey, mayb latr they wud cut it."
in the end, no, the choc cake is still in the box )x
hahaha, chik they all coming to freeload dinner -.-
stupid freeloaders! hahahaha!
Labels: concert
random pics! (:
all of them are like.. at least 7 yrs ago.

who's the pretty girl wearing the pretty dress? :D
at maritchie reservior when i was abt.. 3yrs old?
hmm... i wonder what am i writting
at a hotel in hk with nice seaview when i was 4yrs old.
that is so long ago
at the zoo! 10yrs ago. =] with ka n ho :D
snoopy's cute! but we're MUCH cuter!
me n bro at america forget whr. 1999 that time
Labels: random pics
Saturday, March 10, 2007
woke up at 6.40 today )x
nice way to start my march hols huh (:
gt chem lesson at 7.45 mah.
then bro gt soccer at 7.30.
mum sae leave together..
so left the hse at 7.10 lor...
reached sch at 7.35 -.-
by the time i walked up to 5th lv it was nt even 7.40 =.=
when im like.. 10m away frm 305cr, i heard caroline's SUPER LOUD VOICE telling xy on the phone that "*duno duno what* .... EVEN YAWEN REACHED LE. WHR R U???? * smth like tht*" then when i reached there zhipeng was like "EH. caroline. u talk damn loud can!" hahaha. -zhipeng was also alr there.
aftr waiting for like... duno who long..
no one appears...
we were like..
mschian sae cant b late lor!!!!! T_T
waaaa... ms chian! u scam me!! T_T
hai wo so early wake up T_T
anw... aftr oh so long...
everyone arrived at the same time.
then we found out there was no key!!!
*ms chian chiongs to find duno what*
brandon, zhipeng, aaron, william went in thru window -.-
ms chian came back.
n nvr found out tht they went in 1st. LOL!!
left early cos nid go ymca there to provide piano accompaniment for jun..
yay! he's using choral studio!!!! :DDD
the studio i used during grade 7 n 8 exam ^^
love tht studio!!!!!
zi high~~~~
sian. dunwan blog le.
at 1st this was meant to b a short post -.-
rah!! lucky xinyi gt to go taiwan!
lucky gwen gt to go hk!
~oops. i seemed to forget tht i went hk for like... 3wks last yr :D
happy bday hweemin
Labels: start of march hols
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I SHALL NOT SHOP FOR 4 HOURS AFTER ROADRUN. NEVER!!!!!i was actually stupid enough to agree when gwen asked me to go vivo to shop.
and was actually stupid enough to suggest that we go fareast aftr tht.
ok, today's roadrun!!! :DDDD
fun fun fun fun fun!! hahahaha!
we walked the whole thing!!!!
LOL. then walk like... 10min..
the 1st guy ran past -.-
then wx was 2nd.
duno who was 3rd.
saw hx, jh, kw, ws.. alot 206 de. haha.
aftr another 2min,
saw the 1st gal on her returning journey -.-
we so zi high.
aftr tht was interclass things.
we lost T_T
anw, think all the players played well :D
haha, esp zp the goalkeeper!
and and and, 309 dint win in the end. xD
miraculously, we got dismissed at 1pm!! prompt!!!
so the 3 of us went to macs there wait for mum! :D
she wonderfully drove us to vivo!! :D
yay! mummy!
went toilet to chng n everything 1st..
omg, my face was like. TOMATO CAN!!
i was like.
waaa..... 1st time burnt till soooo cham!!!)x
called gwen to asked if she's on the bus.
she sae yeapp. asked us to go eat 1st!
went to ljs..
ate the seafood combo!
dint realise tht i was actually starving till i ate the 1st bite. -.-
the last time i ate was, what? 6.35am??
so its like..7plus 8 hrs!!!!
dint eat the bread thing the sch gave cos it dint look appetising. yeah...omg, 7plus hrs of no fooood!
running walking 3.smth km.
n under the hot sun for N hrs.
surpirse tht i dint actually faint or smth..
called gwen when e started eating, jus to make sure she's nt lost or anyhing..
ok, so she was not n appeared nxt to me 7mins latr..
quickly finished food as i dint want gwen to wait long :D
im kind!!!!!
we left chik n mp slowly chewing their food.
pei-ed gwen to the animae shop.
stayed there for like.. half an hr? LOL.
but nvm lah :D
she pei-ed me walk fareast to find earrings aftrwards. hahaa.
thn we saw this super interesting looking pet shop.
so we went in.
its like. so active n naughty.
keep playing ard.
took duno how many fotos of it ^^
ke ai!!
aftr tht we went IPzone.
since the clothes are OMG-SO-CHEAP:D
but dint see anything super nice...
went to RiverIsland.
its new(ly?) opened ma.
so we went in.
saw this very very very nice denim onepiece.
omg omg omg!!
but... the price... $123...
disappointed, we went forever21.
met the 2of them.
lol, chik has alreadly bought a top. so fast.
aftr tht went TOPSHOP!
show this top tht has nice nice pattern bt nt nice nice colour. )x
nvm, i gt my ways~~~ ^^
rahhh.. the 2 tops i
like love has disappeared D:
n i forgot what jeans n liked the other time. LOL.
saw a nice jacket n top. :D
soon jiu wana go fareast le..
think they 2 left bout same time as us. haha.
aftr like.. complications, we reached (:
yay! haha!
tried to find the shop that sells the top i saw in teenage.
but duno leh...
dun have...
mayb its at heeren. =x hope!
we i looked for earrings!
bought one pair.
n gwen gave me 3pairs!! :D
yay gwen!
thnx gwen!
ok, tht was my bday prez.
n she wants those sunglasses to b hers -.-
mum say she can fetch us home! (:
no nid to walk to the super far bus stop to wait for 174!
walked to wheelock instead.
on the way there smth really scary.
scary as in frighten, not FREAK OUT. that kind..
really scary happened..
on the way back.
me- ma! i think im sunburnt..
mum- ya, u so red. like xiang xia ppl liddat.
me- maaaa!~~~
gwen- muahahahahaha. *sliently at the backseat*
me- ma, at home ggt bai fen anot? very redddd leh!!
mum- got!! alot!!!
me- really arh? whr?
mum- flour!!!!
me- -.- yah. yah, must add water somemore.
gwen- laughing like mad bimbo :D
reached home at 6.40...
ohh, n think it was the day b4 ystd.
spore experienced earthquake!
twice right, once at noon, once at 2plus..
cos it was maths ma..
then mrchia was going thru the emaths paper.
the qn i gt right..
was sianning.
bent down head..
starts to zzz~
*turns ard to look at everyone else*
no reaction. -.-
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, dun wana go sch tmr!
i havent do zuo ye!
and im TIREDDD.
think i wana zzzzzzzzz le.
Labels: shopping aftr rdrun
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
oh. WOW.
i failed my chem n hist.
ok lah, gt an a1 for emaths :D
but.. STILL!! its like.. fckingly bad can!
fine, i admit that chem.. fail... its acceptable....
hist... msng sae its normal. n i almost passed.
so... its not THAT bad.. althou mp n chik gt like.. 8 n 9. )x hmphs!
phys!! im so damn fckingly disappointed with my phys!!!!!
i really really really revised phys!!
i even spent like.. 45mins on saturday asking ho to go thru kinematics n blah..
AND. i really put in effort to revise.
could have gotten a B lah!!
but then i stupid stupid careless in section A and lost 4 marks.
so so soooo pissed!!
n mrschiang compared us to 309 n 311. -.-
maths lesson.
it sucked!
ok, mayb our class DID do damn badly for e maths.. althou i gt a1!! ^^
bt hello, mrchia, as our maths tchr, u shunt keep like.
scolding us or what..
n shunt compare us with 309.
we're diff ppl what!
our class gt ppl bad in maths what!
n maybe we put in effort n win 309 in the end leh?
haiya, nvm lah.
wont be so bad.
since he gave us angbao n all... ^^
but seriously hate it when tchrs compare classes lah...
experienced it for the 5th yr.. -.-
p6- 6h! hahahaha. we were like.. one of the worst behaved class.
naturally, tchrs compared us.
sec1- ok lah, 106 was goooood!
sec2- 206. LOL. dunid sae le. so obvious.
now, 305- ok, so we're not the most hardworking class, not the best behaved class.
but it still sucks to be compared can!
tchrs dun like it when we compare them, so how do we like it when they compare us?
ur back on top of my wants list now. =]Labels: aftr ct
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I PASSED!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED MY DIPLOMA!!!!haa! im officially a diplo.. err.. diplo...
is there a specific name for tht or smth? o.O
yay! i passed!!
dint wast my 2 yrs.
dint waste all tht $$.
oops. i failed my aural section. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
march hols are coming!
im free on tues & wed's aftrnn!
free on thurs n fri n wkends!
alr made plans with ka to go BUGIS on one of the days.
he sae his.. er.. wad u call those little grps of ppl who share the same room in NS?
ok, anw, he said some of his roommates wana go too.
i was like. "huh? thn i go with a grp of uncles????"
jq, mp, whoever, go together kay!
im insisting on going with ka cos he jus have tht super eye for fashion. ^^
&! having chik n mp n everyone else ard will be fun. :D
i wana buy shoes. jeans. skirts. tops. assecories. anything. everything.
hmm, i'll make sure mum&dad understand that. =]
and! i wana go sentosa again!
i wana go with jy! jean! gwen! 6h!
i wana go spend half the day at the beach doing nth!
crapping with them!
playing with sand! ^^
&! go vivo aftr tht!
eat at sakae and have another $100plus bill!
or at that super ex foodcourt!
Labels: I PASSED MY DIPLOMA. n march hols.
Friday, March 02, 2007
lalalalalalala.. CT IS OVERRR!!!!!
omg omg omg.
yah, right, sleepless nights. -.-ok, anw, im most likely gna fail bio, chem, hist.
with luck, i'll pass the rest.
in sch.
nth much.
had phys ct..
finished it last 2sec or smth..
heard some dint finish..
during the pure hist ct was doing bio wb. LOL.
yeap!! i did it myself!!!!
feel so proud :DD
haha, n mrchia was drawing out the map.
from boonlay mrt to his hse. o.O
during chinese we totally dint have lessons..
aftr ke qian 2 min n some stuff seow laoshi brought us down to buy bks. haha.
so sian lahh. reminded me of sec1 tht time when we did this thingy.
i did half of the whole thing myself!!! T_T
aftr tht was phys.
thn was bio!
today bio so nice!!!
no lesson too!! ^^
mdm yong came, ask us do wb, went thru one or 2 of the diff ones.
thn ask us complete the rest of nutrients.
haha, then cos weijie, aaron, brandon n zhipeng or smth nvr bring wb.
mdm yong was like, asking them wad they wud do if nvr hand up by mondya 1030.
so LOL lah!!
aaron was saying minus half a mrk,
thn in the end mdm yong threatened to minus half of the mrks. LOL.
i love bio lessons. (:
during lunch i practised my photographing skills!!! ^^
but, failed.. )x
its like.
so far. -.-
aftr tht was cep.
voted for tht sky garden n summer camp thingy.
we chose the ZOO for summer camp!!! :DDD
haha, like. all the girls voted for tht.
2nd choice is musical fountain at sentosa (:
at first wanted the amazing race or smth.
but... $20...
jy accompanied us to acsi today!
cos she wanted ride to the bus stop! hahahaha.
no lah, cos she misses me :DD
during break time went to search for a water cooler. -.-
lynette rather stay in class n discuss amaths n bio instead of pei-ing wo go find water!
D: eviiiiiil!!!
so aftr 3min of searching, i was super deperate for WATERRRR.
so we decided to ask ppl.
ok, ian decided.
but I asked.
cos i look more you3 shan4 ^^
so, we found it! aftr walking for Xkm.. )x
i happily refilled my water!
n was abt to heed back..
this grp of super ke ai little boy boys.
n told us.
-u sure u wana drink that???
us- HUH?
me- there's poison????
ok, i almost said tht.
them- nono, u 2 wana come into of lab n see?
us- uhh, ok.....
think they doing some kind of exibit thingy.
abt water de.
like, whats inside a drop of water. or smth like tht...
so i looked into the microscope.
it looked interesting lahh.
but anw, i drank th water n nth happened :DD
walking back tht time ian was complaining how little time he left to use his tablet. -.-
bt at least he went to find water with me.
nt like lynette who stayed n discussed maths n bio T_T
yay!! ct's overrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp!!!!!!!
Labels: ct is over. and the search for water in acsi