Wednesday, January 31, 2007
today was kinda a )x day.
hmmm.. actually no lahh...
b4 recess it was still ok..
with 3periods of eng n 2periods of e.hist..
aftr recess was ss n maths -.-
mrs sabar separated our grps n made us draw lots to form new grps!
thank you mrs sabar, u only threw me into a grp when im the ONLY girl.
oh, n thnx for separating me n mp D:
ok, maths.
was supposed to have test.
in the end.
one qn gt prob..
then mr chia sae cos qn gt prob n yj nt in class so fri retake. o.O!!!
aftr sch gt gz..
till 6.23..
we're almost the last cca to leave! ):
bt gz was ok la (:
saw the sec1s!
they had their 1st formal lesson today mah..
awwwww.. they are cute can!
haii. sad. sad. no boy boy for jason n damien to bully xDD
gt 10 sec1s this yr!! ^^
nt as much as our batch thou!!
we gt like... 20plus gg for audition then 12 were picked. :D
they sae seniors were damn touched tht yr cos there were sooooo many of us =]
ahhh. i jus rmb my srp's still somewhr in my file, patiently waiting for me to scribble on it!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
first, i would like to thank jiewei for the belated bday prezzie ^^
n for returning my dvds aftr 1plus yr (x
reactions when i recieved my dvds..return 5.. for 3, my reaction was "OH! SO ITS WITH U!"one is "huh? i gt this dvd meh?? o.O"one is "ooh! finally gt back my inital d le ^^"lol.. n hope u like the prez i gave u :D
grad frm ny 2 yrs plus le.. everytime see friends they chng. guys grow taller n usually become shuaier. girls mostly chioer. onli i getting fatter )x
i so so so dun like tues. )x
its super tiring can!
there's chem & phys & bio & 3periods maths!
haii... all my energy used up le T_T
haha, then today on the way to e. hist....
*outside 308*
chik pass her file to jr ask her help take.
jr happily swing file, nt knowing the notes nt filed.
the notes flew out frm the file...
n down.
n down..
frm lv 5 to lv1...
it was really a pretty sight (:
those papers flying n flying n flying...
had to stay back aftr sch for this talk on sunday's cip =x
the talk is at 4 -.-
so aftr sch went canteen with mp, sp, hm n xy..
at 1st i planned to do maths corrections n hw!!
in the end hm n i ate then went lv 2 watch ppl play bball n soccer. LOL.
its like..
face maths. )x
im like zzzz le..
ohh. n ppl, when u watch at 2nd lv right, its super dangerous.
those playing soccer at bball court might send u a flying ball anytime.
we almost gt hit lor!!
if ur those sec2s playing this aftrnn n ur reading this..
yes, ur stupid black n white ball almost hit us D:
haha, its ok, i accept ur appologies ^^so aftr awhile we went back down cos i need do maths correction!!!!!!!
im like, super guai can! >:)
then, while im being a gd girl doing my maths, my dear friends left me alone at the table
copying doing corrections n they went buy food n toilet.
thanks alot.
anw, the cip talk was kinda very sian...
found out tht we are supposed to b doing this mrt thingy.
smth like.. if terrorist attack the train or in the station how shud we get out into safety..
yeahh. smth liddat.
3o5 n a few other sec3 nh de n some nush de gna be in grp4.
whatever tht means.
soo... this sunday im gna waste the whole morning happily playing victims of some attack. walking along mrt tracks, worrying if i might get electrocuted if step wrong place..
whoppee. soooo fun...
oh, n the small irritating fcked up fact tht we're supposed to reach sch b4 8.30..
sooooooo nice.
then its "bb sweet dreams n wonderful slp. hello cip"
im gna b in a pissed off mood tht day.
Friday, January 26, 2007
random photos from the hk trip (:

sunset. pretty right?
i want to grow! i want to grow! i want to grow grow grow!
my cute little 2plus yr old cousin! (:
the other cable car [=
the other cable cars... o.O
at ocean park. :D
a random shop at liu yen gai
disneyland (:
sleeping beauty's castle
man chen jin dai huang jin jia (x
it was everywhr ^^
4ofus! <33s!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
hello (:
haha, shall update bout my shopping trip ystd aftr sch ba =]
chose ystd cos tues is the ONLY week day i can leave school aftr the dismissal bell rings.
yes, i know )x
kay, tht, and cos ka going ns this fri >_<
waa.. time pass so fast!!so, anw, we went vivo :D
ah, yes, think vivo is one of my faves shopping centres in spore
err, another one i like is marina sq, fareast, wisma. we target Pull&Bear first. haha. but nth much very nice de )x
so went fave- topshop/ topman (:
aww. saw tht top. ^^
bt decided its not really worth sooooo much.. althou i so like it.
and, anw, ka said he would design for me a shirt... so... :D
u promised!!! rmb!!!! ^^
aftr tht we jus looked ard, shopped.
pratically walked the WHOLE of vivo's shoppable shops =]
awww. i love shopping.
& thanks to my dear cousin who pei wo shop, even can see tht he abit sian at a few stores. (:
*summary* so. we shopped. n walked.
leaving tht time 2 girls ran pass us.
me- ehh, tht uniform very familiar! looks like nh de.
ka- ehh, tht uniform n urs de like same lehh.
think its nh de, cos they turned back. o.O
haish.. gna b a long time b4 the nxt time can go shop with cousin(s) )x
Sunday, January 21, 2007
happy birthday renjean :Ddont u jus LOVE doing cip? (:
esp when u get to go vivo n do nth but SHOP, PLAY ARCADE, DO ANYTHING U WANT?
okay, b4 i start telling u how wonderful cip is, sae smth impt.
dont use hp in the rain, esp when its like, thunder, lightning. cos today newspaper gt this poor girl she was using hp in the rain n gt struck by lightning. yeah.. so... careful!back to cip ^^
reached sch at 555.. spent the remaning time in toilet. LOL. with mp, kel n hm.
gathered at carporch with half the class.
happily boarded the 1st bus n was driving off when ms chian or who realised tht william is still playing bball -.-
aftr 2min, we're finally on our way :D
arrived at vivo at 6.30.
found out tht the CONCERT is some outdoor thingy. a radio station de.
so wow huh.
hmm.. aftr ms chian took attendence, we stood ard till 7.
then she said..
dont tht totally rock??
we're the 1st class to be let off ^^
yay! ms chian!
so me, mp, sp n hw went shopping! :D
i pratically dragged them to pull&bear. hehh.
saw some nh sec4 there.
was kinda disappointed in p&b. )x
so we went TOPSHOP. (:
aww.. u cna nvr b disappointed with TOPSHOP de! :D
saw this OMG-OH-SO-VERY-NICE top there ^^
its a big, black, long top.
ahhhhhhhhh. i want it!!!!!
ermm... is $46 very ex for a top? =x
i want i want i want i want tht!!!!
anw, we shopped ard somemore..
cos hm wanted to look for bag. lol..
aftr shopping ard, we went find ms chian. haha.
mp called her when we took escalator up to 2nd level..
"hello, ms chian? i'm mp"
-ms chian replies smth. i duno wad o.O
"whr r u? we come find u? im with yw, sp n hm"
-im at starbucks.
"ohh. kk"
*mp turns to us. "she's at starbucks!"
*we- points at the cafe behind us- starbucks.
so the 4ofus plus ms chian went shopping.
haha, walked ard abit.
then went minitoons cos ms chian wanted look for tissue box thingy.
in the end mp n hm bought this big big bag of sweets -.-
ms chian said the guys in arcade.
went join them
played the what-u-call-tht-game game with them.
*ermm, the one with the table then u hit the plate thingy into opponents goal? o.O* haha, we played girls VS guys. (:
we won the 1st round!!
but lost the second )x
then the 4ofus went to play the water place. hahaa.
gt 2 very childish girl girl there splash each other. *mp n hm*
in the end they gt super wet!! MUAHAHAHA. =]
sp n i were like. "hahahaha. huo gai!!! siao zha bo!"
in the end, thnx to the 2 very mature xiao zha bo, we gathered at 9.10 instead. -.-
ms chian spent 10min arranging us ard this car. then in the end she gave up n lined us up at the streetdirectory tht saes "vivo city". LOL.
took class foto!! 1st 305'07 class foto ^^
posed for 7mins.
pose till sian )x
posed for like.. 3 cameras.
4 ppl took for us. lol!
gt kaiwen, mr chia, mr foo, n a duno hu guy. =x
then its like.. 305 so dua pai. o.O
aftr take class foto jiu dismiss le.
walked ard with jy while waiting for dad's car.
she was like.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... i got headache.............................
went home.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
awww. im so touched!! ppl read my posts!! proves tht i dun type for nth :D
anw, today in sch was.. normal..
eng was kinda blahh. cos like.. half the class dint do the vocab thingy n 11ppl dint do srp. then ms seto was like, super pissed so she scolded for 15 min or smth. the main point is... I DID BOTH THE SRP N THE VOCAB! HAA! (:
aftr eng was history.. oh. yay ^^ i so love elect. hist :D
305 n 308 combine*big big grin*
mp was like saying ms ng so pro, can rmb all the facts so clearly.
then i was like. DUH? SHE'S OUR HISTORY TEACHER?
me n chik were discussing some impt stuff bout the subject.
such as, did the poor guy get to eat the cake b4 he get arrested when he shot tht Ferdinand or whoever. OR, did he get to eat the cake b4 he. erm, died in prison?
haish, history is sad lah.
all those innocent ppl die, killed, whatever.
ppl stupid oso their fault..
k, im like, blabbling too much bout history -.-
was usual.
so, nth much to say.
my "mike". my "mike". my "mike". my "mike". (x <3s!!SS was aftr recess.
mrs saba(r?) sae to go to grps of 6 or smth.
thn must mix guys n gals de.
me n mp ended up with andy, leon, yj, wj.
spent like.. 15min waiting for the other ppl in class to find grps -.-
meanwhile i showed mp tht super nice bk. haha. thnx for lending me ar, xj! (:
had grpwork for SS.
andy sabo-ed to be leader. LOL.
maths was last.
usual. )x
mr chia talked n erm, taught.
think more thn 50% in the class still nt tht sure ba. =x
ah, yeah, include me Dx
lol, those 2 infront of me fell aslp.
last 2 mins of the lesson =_=
tchr walked out they oso duno.
had gz till 6.15 aftr sch..
thts bout it..
nth special....
tmr still gt gz )x till 5. ahhhh. i nid my rest/ slp/ break/whatever.
fri still gt music till 6 ):
we so so so totally live a sad life.
-chik, i edited tht, so its NOT a quote.the teens mag on my table looks tempting (:
and im tempted.
and happy birthday to jessica n adeline.
sweet 15 n 16!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
ystd was e learning.
we had to do some bleah hw on edulearn. think cos sec1s gt orientation camp.
i really appreciate the fact tht we get to stay at home while the sec1s are having camp under the rain the whole day.
*muahaha. getting wet n muddy!! ^^*but, stay home. e learning. -.-
was like.. struggling with the vocab exercises while hx helped (:
then, at. like.. 1130, mp told me she found the chi hw.
chik told me is compo.
i was like. HUH. do compo? in like.. 30mins? type out?
then while i was freaking out, shilei told me is handup on mon. handwritten (:
i was like.. wow. heng sia!!
watched this forgot-the-tittle-movie with mum on channel 62..
like.. when the movie gna end, i realised i watched this b4.. -.-
dun tell me, i know ive gt fast reaction and wonderful memory. =x
but hello!! the last time i watched it was like.. 2 or 3 yrs ago!!!
had lunch, chng to uni, stuff pencil case blah into bag, left hse at 230..
reached acs at 1147 o.O
it was like.. raining so freakingly heavy. )x
ka's reaction "siao. rain so heavy still gt ppl play soccer"
lol. bt really!! gt like.. 20plus ppl running ard the field kicking a black n white ball -.-
so fun.
kick ball in the rain.
found the room b4 3pm!! ^^
met some other music students on the way.
lesson was supposed to end at 6..
but the tchr somehow managed to derag it till 6.30 Dx
thanks sir. thanks.
so i was freezing and starving in the small air-con room along with 10 other students listening to tchr- sir. we're supposed to call them sir. not tchr..- talk about the barouqe period.
i was like. "im cold. im hungry. im )x ing."
but the lesson is nt tht boring lah. actually. honest!
imagine 3 half hrs in sch, have music lesson = hell
but tht was actually ok.. acceptable!!
lol, n
the tchr sir said
Teach Less Learn More = TLLM = tui lei lo mo
it means like.. fck ur mother in cantonese.
LOL rite..
we gt 2 tchrs
-i so dun like "sir" lahh. like maid liddat"good morning sir, what do u want for breakfast?" "good nite ma'am." yes rite?ANYWAY. back to the topic.
one SIR teaches us those really theory stuff. like.. chords, modulation.. u know, those in ur theory papers? (my worst part)
the other SIR the one tht told us abt the TLLM de. teaches music history, composing, blahh... (think it's easier. i hope!!!)
yeahh. so its like tht...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
ive decided to stay in 305 (:
and a
super duper duper ginormous THANK YOU to mp! (:thanks for staying in 305 with me instead of transferring to 306.
tmr gt maths test!! ahh. i like.. almost forgot how to do that equation!!!
blahh. dun feel like blogging. )x
anw, cny's a mth away! ard a mth ^^
sooo long nvr visit nyps le D:
also very long nvr see some 6h ppl.
Friday, January 05, 2007
ahh. damn damn damn damn damn.
mp ask if i wan chng ovr to 306.
-okay, almost everybody- there.
but duno leh.. think i like 305 tchrs more =x
how how how how how how how how how how how
why cant 305 tchrs b in 306?
thn DUH, i wud transfer ovr?
n their class is like... not split up into double n trip sci. higher chi n chi.
duno lahhh!!!!
feeling so damn freakkingly fustrateddddddddddddd.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
back to sch~
oh. wow. dont i sound enthu?
okay lahh... 305'07 is better tht wad i expected.. xD
even if dun like oso nid learn to adapt wad. lol.. aftr all its like.. these ppl are gna b my classmates for 2 yrs!
cr's on the 5th level -.-
nice huh...
its like..
401, 402, 305, 306, 307, 308, 403, 404.
ahhhhhhhhhh. 304 on level 4 ):
zhiqing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh xD
bt weird lehh.. like everyone seperated.. =x
onli noe form tchr is ms chian
maths tchr mr chia
ms chian figure so gd, everytime see her zibei le. LOL.starting lessons tmr.. T_T
oh.. tht reminds me, i need to find my tbs =x
hmm.. the last time i saw them they were in a popular plastic bag in the piano room....
gtg.. nid find books n bag n throw everything together o.O
ahh, slp early ppl! =]
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
went out with chik n mp today.
watched a night at the museum.
2 thingys went wrong.
1. forgot today public hol, $9 a tic
2. chik read THE cathay as CATHAY. so we cant use tht 1 for 1 tic thingy. -.-
anw, the movie was nt bad. ^^
worth watching if the tic price is like.. $7 or if we have tht 1 for 1 tic thingy.
nt so worth watching if it cost like.. $9.
found this quite interesting thingy on friendster. lol[ ] got detention[x] hugged someone in school [ ] kissed someone in school[ ] gotten suspended[x] made a friendTotal = 2[x] cried in school[x] wish you could take something back[x] made new friends[ ] gone to a danceTotal = 3[ ] watched a school football game[ ] watched a school baseball game[ ] watched a school volleyball game[ ] watched a school tennis match[ ] watched a school softball game[x- err.. interclass de..] watched a school basketball gameTotal = 1[x] stood up for someone being madefun of[x] argued with a teacher[x] got kicked out ofclass[ ]got sent to the office for getting in troubleTotal = 4[x] got a 100% on a test[x] walked to school[x] drove to school[x] got dropped off at school[X] heard a rumor about yourselfTotal = 5[x] missed school when you weren't sick[x] failed a test[ ] failed a classTotal = 2[x] made up some lame excuse forhomework not being done[x] the teacher believed your lameexcuse[ ] crushed on a teacher[ ] hit on a teacher[x] hated//disliked a teacherTotal = 3[ ] involved with a sport[ ] student council...[ ] in a club[ ] got a scholarship..[ ] got an awardTotal = 0[x] fallen asleep in school[ ] had your phone go off in class[ ] had your phone taken away[x] lied to a teacherTotal =2[ ] laughed so hard and you cried inclass[ ] eaten lunch in the bathroom[ ]missed more than a week at once ofschool[x-june hols? lol]Excited for summer[ ] taking summer schoolTotal = 1Add up your total and times it by 2.then repostsaying:"school was __%WASTE OF MY TIME46%
Monday, January 01, 2007
im back!! ^^
haha. okay, i was back this aftrnn. o.O
ahhhhhhhhhh. miss hk! ):
haish... but.. nvm lah...
miss spore too (x
the 1st reaction i had when step into the hse was- omg, since when our hse so big de??
lol, cos hk hses most quite small mah. haha.
my bed!!!!!!!
my blanket!!!!!
my room!!!!!!
missed them so so so soooo much!!!!!
oops. i shud be saying how much i missed my friends instead. =xto tired/ lazy to do the whole hk trip thingy today xD
heh. shall post pics when transfer frm laptop ^^
see u guys in...
s..schh... school... on wed...
happy 2007 people ^^
ahh. wait ar. watching qian ji bian on tv.
the one tht chenguanxi look super omfly shuai de.
very fast.
ending le.
nvm lahh. watched tht movie like... 5x le -.-
lol, was packing luggage half way thn dad on tv n realised tht gt the movie.
ahh. reach home at ard 2.
went yima hse.
like. family gathering..
wang wang -my 3yr old cousin- so cuuuute!!!!!!!
ok, i sae tht everytime i see him -.-
mayb cos too long family dun have baby le!!
panpan -8yr old super cute cousin- eyelashes so long, eyes so chio.
thn bout 10plus me, ka, ho n kaufu went walk downstairs. ^^
yima hse in causeway bay. THE place in hk.
the people is like. alot. alot. alot.
imagine... vivo or orchard at its busiest time, x10. yea. liddat.
but thts y its like.. so fun ^^
kan shuang kan shuang xD
wanted to walk to times square - they have this countdown there. all the dua pai stars go there perform de.
but when we like... 2 streets away frm there, too crowded le. stuck.
so went back.
argh.. returning to spore tmr ):
1130am flight.
already missing hk T_T
gtg le!!
nid wake up at 730am tmr D:
ahh. used to wake up at 10plus 11plus now ):
shall do a detailed recount of hk trip when reach home =]