Monday, December 25, 2006
haha, alot ppl ask me hows the christmas atmosphere in hk.
its better thn spore.
cos 1st, the weather cold.
thn gt more -alot more- lights n bla.
even in shopping centres gt half the space taken up by christmas deco -.-
heh heh, almost every shop gt discount ^^
haish. havent pierce ears ):
i wan to break tht earrings sch rule!!!! ahh. too direct le. cannot. cannot. xD
nxt few days if gt time thn go lor. ):
haha, thn ystd went to chueng zhou. err... direct translation- long island. LOL.
very fun!!!! haha. bt the sandy beach nt nice ):
the rocky beach super fun!!! ^^
gt slight cold ):
think i used like... 3 packets of tissue today -.-
omg.. think of the poor trees. o.O
arghhh. onli gt like... 1wk till sch reopen!!! ZOMFG!!!!!
*hyperven-duno wad word*
*freaked out*
kk, wan go watch countdown in tv =]
nan de spend christmas at hk, mus at least watch countdown rite?
haha, its mn now.
officially 25th dec =]
Friday, December 22, 2006
ahhh. legs so tired ):
the day b4 ystd went to take tht 25min cablecar ride to tht mountain there.
err.... smth to do with buddha de =x
nono, nt those boring temples. quite interesting de. quite fun also =]
nxt time post pics :D
thn walked alot alot o.O
evening liddat went disneyland.
played spacemountain :D
even mum n dad played. LOL.
thn tht duno wad ufo thingy. haha.
watched the fireworks at tht castle there.
omg. the fireworks very nice!!
its nt tht kind of big big de like ndp.
but they choreograph it with the disney songs n lights n bla thn super nice =]
haiish. reminded me of ndp ):
stayed ovrnite at th hollywood hotel *or smth liddat*
haha. thn th tv gt disney channels in 3 languages o.O
spent whole day at disney th nxt day.
ok, this might sound stupid, but really, in disneyland its like. totally a diff place frm outside. =x
went for dinner at this macau resturant thts near home. reached home at 11plus -.-
today. ahh. wait. ystd. its aftr mn now.. haha.
went for breakfast/ lunch at 11. LOL.
thn took mrt yo huang da xian.
aftr tht met yima they all at prince edward mtr station (its mTR nt mRT here. lol.)
shopped shopped shopped.
frm garden's street (fa yuen gai)
to ladies' street (lui yen gai)
n lastly, shoes' street =]
bout like... 4-5 hrs.
gtg le. its like.. 1230am o.O
nid slp!!!!!
tmr still gt causewaybay to shop =]
Monday, December 18, 2006
tmr going disneyland ^^
dun miss me too much =] onli gone for 2 days :D
ahh. cnt type everyting in detail. bro is liike. SCREAMING for th comp to play his dunowad
game o.O
-love it here :D
-little cousins damn cute =]
-i gt niece leh!!!! 2 summore!!!!!
-ahh. old le. old le--bought 2 nice long sleeved shirts frm IP =]
-shop shop shop!!!
kk, he gna start saying vulgar le. bb!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
ystd was jus too horrible for words ):
woke up with abit of sorethroat. din really care cos kinda normal.
went out for lunch.. at that hotel royal or smth. steamboat buffuet. eat brunch. shuang rite. no. my wonderful sore throat gt worse n worse. ate less thn i usually eat for dinner lah!!!! *thts very little* thn b4 we left the resturant, im down with fever. -.- in th middle of the meal i became like... very slpy.
the 1st thing i did when reach home was to lie on my bed. hugging my blanket. smth was like.. seriously wrong. cos usually if tired thn aftrnn go nap i dun like to hug blanket de. thn ystd my hands n legs were like. freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing. hug blanket hug so long oso no sweat. ): mum took my temp. 38.smth.
brought me see doctor.
reach home. slp.
evening 38 le.. =]
all i rmbed was lying on bed evr since back frm lunch other thn see doctor, blah, blah..
woke up at 1030 last nite..
fell aslp b4 11. -.-
woke up at 9 today.
now fever gone down le =]
still gt sorethroat. but better. x)
4.30 flight =]
Sunday, December 10, 2006
so weird. lately almost everywhr i go wud see ppl tht i noe. lol
cos today went out with jiayu. thn we saw rensyn at cine. haha.
its like.
-walk past this pillar
-saw a girl super familiar looking.
-i walk back
then jy was slower (x she was. "huh? rensyn? ohh!!! hi!!"
heh. lucky is her orelse if some other ppl thn think i weirdo go stare at her. hahaa
ystd fanny said last sat at sentosa she saw me. lol.. so qiao.
tht time went vivo also see alot ppl.
thn last fri saw lin lao shi n mr chiew near dad's office there o.O
went plaza sing with dad to look at fones =]
getting new fone 1st wk of jan :D
cos if too early buy also no use.
cos gna be in hk till jan ma.. o.O
nvm =]
worth the wait.
haha. n dun mind waiting (x
rather wait longer than leave hk earlier. LOL. duh? haha.
aftr tht went to meet jy at shaw. ive improved my time management again!!! *claps*
was onli late for 5mins =]
nt my fault tht she go early early ma xDD
were going to fareast. budden on the way passed by pacific plaza thn i dragged her in xDD
wanted to chk smth =]
aftr tht went to cd shop.
dint like the music they played.
so came out 7min latr. haha.
walked ard pacific awhile.
reached fareast.
i was hungry!! rawr~
so spent 10min on wad to eat. -.-
decided on long johns LOL
went cine.
took neos.
went heeren.
she buy drink.
went wisma.
walked ard.
bought stuff.
i buy drink.
went home.
tmr till wed gna rot at home ):
thn thurs (x
hongkong!! =]
think gna bring this laptop ovr.
if nt then use comp there...
4 more days =]
chik coming back on wed nite (:
ahh. gt so many stuff to catch up (x
she's gna call super late cos she has to spend 2hrs reading thru the smses i sent :D
ciao (x
Friday, December 08, 2006
recieved loads of stuff frm chenyue jie today =] cos she's moving out of her vjc de dorm then gt too many things le. so gave me like... 2 big bags xD
haha. was like.. recieving
EARLY CHRISTMAS PREZ ^.^yay!! thnx!! :DD
went pariss for lunch.. food nt bad (x gt that chocolate thingy!!! haha. that sort of like choc fountain de xDD ur supposed to dip tht marshmallow into the choc till its totally covered with choc. >:D
darn. fat. fat. fat. the food is nice can (x haha. oyster so fat de ^^ okay. shud stop talking bout food. or else..1. u ppl wud think tht im some greedy glutton
2. u ppl wud wan eat eat eat. LOL.
3. latr end up influence by hamster n bearbear xDD *onli chik n mop noe. LOL.*aftr tht jiu walked ard awhile..
saw so many nice clothes n stuff!!!!
must ren3!!!!
6 more days. ^^
err... 6days.360hrs.1920min (i think)still gt so long ):
Thursday, December 07, 2006
still gt one week then go hk!!!!!! ):
1wk7days7x24=168 (correct?)
168hrs168x60=10080(help me chk calculator)10080minno im nt going to multiply the seconds out. -.-ahhh. still gt so long!!!!!!
which means theres still like... 6plus days till chik comes back. ):
ze me ban?
dieing of boredem. o.O
see ar. if chik cnt go out. then mp wun wan to take mrt by herself all the way to orchard or whrever we going. so she wun b going. aftr tht if mp dun go sure dunid ask kel n jr. then if no1 else except me n zq n potato jiu nt so nice le =xthats for 206 de. still gt 6h -.-jy gt dance mon to fri frm 8-6trish ovrseaseveryone else gt cca or no $ or ovrseas. ):onli go out with jy this sun then 2nd jan go with chik they all jiu sch reopen le T_T
ok. mayb cos i minus off the time tht im in hk. n the time b4 piano exam. =x
lol.. no wonder la.. aftr minus-ing onli like.. 2plus wks left. LOL.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
the belated chalet pics as ive promised =]

verena starting the fire
-by then the ppl in the chalet beside us r already eating =x

view frm upstairs.

big bubble!!! =]

no comments.

roast marshmallows!!!

shou qian shou yi bu, liang bu, san bu, si bu wang zhe tian.
-trying out for xing1 qing2 's mv

whoever whacking chik-> i whack!!!!
chik-> i block!!!!

isk n kk pigging out
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

the main point of the pic is the sand. nt them >:)

jean hard at work :D

yes, i noe jiayu's handwritting nt as nice as mine. but still <3 it.

me n jiayujie. 8yrs =]

piece of art
think thats all of the pics taken on saturday =]
renjean, rmb to take hor. think mayb gt one or 2 nvr post de.
ohh. n jiayu, the pic of that ship with the name ____ u ask me to send u kay.
decided to chng skin 1st (x
upload more pics nxt time =]
still gt that time at chalet de.. =x

take 1

take 2

jean n gwen trying to push each other


4ofus again

tsk tsk

a picture is worth a thousand words (:
okay. u win. i admit it. im too lazy to type lots of stuff. and even if type out most probably no one wud read. or onli 1 or 2 wud. so why waste time. lol..