Thursday, November 30, 2006
about our fave algebra thingys (: the Ps n the Ds.
okay, to make things not so complicated we shall just talk about the 1st subject. =] im being kind.
thank me.
ur welcome. =]
back to the stupidly fckedup subject. o.O
oops. getting vulgar!! =x
she's a total _____.
-the end-
Sunday, November 26, 2006
alot ppl say they dun understand my previous post bout ___, ___ and ___. haha. n dear jr said that i was doing algebra. o.O right. like algebra or maths wud keep lying to u n keep bullshyting. whatevers. i shall summarise it tmr aftr my piano exam when im in the mood =]
SERIOUS. I WASNT EVEN SO SCARED DURING EOY. cos eoy u gt chance to chng ans n redo n all.. oyeah, and the small fact that this ATCL performance exam cost me like.. duno how much $$ n EOY is like.. free. o.O but thts nt the point. the point is. WTH WUD HAPPEN IF I SUAY SUAY..... *touch wood!!!!!!!!!!!!*
okay. i shall pray that bach, mozart n britten wud bless me or smth when i play their music tmr.
oh, n hope that the examiner is like... super nice n all..
argh. omg omg omg omg. what happen if tmr i play till damn lan!!!! *touch wood. touch wood.*
so... hope that all of u ppl out there wud pray n hope n wish that i play well tmr. n pass my ATCL performance.
btw, u shud NOT try to play piano 4 half hrs a day even if ur piano exam is tmr. esp if u played like... 3hrs of piano the day b4. n ur ave prac time for the past wk is 2hrs. or u'll end up having super tired arms like me D: i really admire those ppl that like.. play 6hrs a day or wad.
cross ur fingers, toes, webbed feet, chicken claws, mop strands, sotong tentacles, wings, whatevers. n wish me luck =]
-im so freaked out-
Thursday, November 23, 2006
was reading ___'s blog just now. in one post she mentioned ___. okay, lets call the 2nd ___ P. so u wun get confused with ___ n ___. LOL. fine. i shall get to the point or u ppl wud say "wtf is she doing?" n close this window. =x___ mentioned bout P a number of times in her other posts. haish.. duno how to say la.. k, shall tell frm the start =]P n i were close frens in p6.. we talked on the fone, gossiped bout others, crapped under the noses of our tchrs in class, told each other small secrets, went out with frens together, all the typical stuff u wud do with ur close fren when ur 12..
it was someday in may, i think, that all the f shyt started. she sort of tod me bout some of her frens. n all of us started talking on the fone. eventually, i became close with her frens n they became my buddies too. sometimes all of us wud talk together, sometimes i wud talk to only her, or only to ___ number3. lets call him D.
aftr like.. a few mths, P began introing her D n gang to our other frens. so.. some others noe them too. but i was like.. the closest. so.. everything was fine n nice at that time. budden its like..aftr sometime. one of my frens, J was telling me that she think P n D n gang r kinda.. weird.. its like, suspecting them. i started to take note, n yeah.. J did make sense.. but, wad can i do? P's my close fren n so r D n gang.. so i kept quiet n hope that aftr awhile, it wud all go away. how wrong i was.
yeahh, it did go away for awhile. but came back. even worse.. sort of..
althou J was still telling me not to believe them, i din listen.. i mean, yeahh, J's a gd fren. but i was closer to P then.. or mayb part of me was denying.
aftr some time.. P, J, and i went to diff sec sch. (D is older) so i thought.. oh good. its ovr. no, nt that i dun like P. we're still gd frens. but was...
anyway, P n i kept in touch on the fone. we still chat till late at nite. we still gossiped. n i still talked to D, too. then someday in march P said that she gt a bf.. so, my reaction was the reaction that all gd frens gt. happy for her. esp aftr she sae her bf is some shuai de frm ___.
then.. aftr some time, she asked me to intro some of my nh frens to her. so i did. i introed a few. BIG MISTAKE. she like.. immeditaley became super close to one of them. okay, i admit. i was kinda jealous. i mean, they're my frens!! few wks latr, she sae that one of my frens intro her to some other ppl in sch. gt 1 sec3 or smth.. then more of sec1 de. by that time i was really starting to feel kinda pissed. i mean HELLO. UR IN ____ IM IN NH. DUN U HAVE FRENS THR?
-bleahs- i think i say more than enuf le =] lets jus end it by saying that i realised that P was lying.. n this yr or so she realised that i noe wad shes doing n stopped doing that. needless to say, we drifted apart..okay, end of story. $10 each pls (:duno if anyone wud read this.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
doing programme notes for piano pieces *again* ): haiish... nvm la. if do nice nice can gt the 10mrks then worth it lor ^^ think of the poor trees that are being cut down everytime i reprint the note =x aww, i feel guilty -.- lol..
today spent 1half hr running ard with mum searching for shirt for exam in orchard. o.O ya, u wud ask. "aiya, white long sleeve shirt thats fit for performance only la.. very hard to find meh?" yes, its super hard. actually, found a nice one within 20min. but... the price.. $79 -.- so... aftr another 1hr, finally found a nice suitable shirt that has a normal price ^^ aftr discount was $53. -.- abit ex ba... for a shirt that i wud onli wear once. but mum sae that she wud wear. so.. still ok ba... haha, saw lots of ppl looking for prom dress. saw this super *ahem* chio, short girl looking at a dress that totally dosent suit her -.- sad case. n also saw this nt bad looking girl looking at a fugly dress =x even sadder case...
aftr that we joined dad for lunch at crystal jade xDD
then went sch for gz.... bla bla bla..
haha, made plans for nxt wk le xDD finally free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait, im not free yet, i wud be free aftr mon, when i step out of the piano studio :DD ahahah!!! cant wait!!!!! yes, i love piano, but.. aftr so many long yrs T_T *sounds dramatic* LOL.
nxt mon aftrnn going marina with cy jie.
tues mayb with chik they all.
wed cultural pot =]
thurs duno. mayb slp at home.
fri with chik they all.
sat 6h gathering at sentosa.
Monday, November 20, 2006
haha. mp ask me post to push the pics down =x i shall be nice n do so ^^kay, bout ystd..cos mum in psg (parent support grp). then they always like to have those weird weird family trips =x ystd's was to my to see firefly -.- anw, it was like, super cheap? so mum dragged us, cousins n aunt, bro fren family. yeah, so like... 12 of us? LOL.. alot la... they sae total gt 100plus o.O thats alot.. right? haha. saw 4 tchrs, 3 sec 1s.. i think... 5 sec 2s.. 1 sec 4.. or mayb im such a loner n dun recognise ppl. D: haha. woke up at 5.45am. T_T thanks? bus finnaly drove off at 7 plus -.- they tell us reach at 6.45. ate breakfast at this duno wad place. coffeeshop la... thats like.. 9plus. i onli ate this small bread thingy n drank h2o =x so im like.... starving. D:1st went to this place to buy those tu chan thingys. like i wan buy -.- aftr super long 20min, we left. on the bus.. bro n his fren (shuan rong) were... er... behaving like all 10 or 11 yr old boys does. -.- yeahh.. u noe, when guys 1st "discovered" the words like.. u noe wad i mean la. =x the tour guide put on this video.. some movie.. duno if theres anyone watching.. its like... those shows that u noe the ending at the starting. u noe, every one dies except for the main lead, he n she gt happy ending thats at least pg rated.. smth lidat lor.. cos in those wonderful movies there wud b alot gunshots. explosions.. -.- me n wanteng were listening to my ipod, hao n jia were also listening to music, bro was teaching fren how to play taidi. LOL. cute la!!!!!! so, wad i heard is smth like.. "qu nian de sheng dan ka.. *BANG* hao xiang gao shu *BOOM*" its like.. u get into the mood of jay singing a super nice sad song n u hear even louder gunshots frm tv. -.- not to mention the 2 of them behind us "ehh.. i put 2 queen n 3 jacks can?" "nono, cos i put 3 aces n 2 threes. look at the 3 de!" hahaa!!!! went to this orchard 1st. was raining -.- anw, there gt 2 orstrich some goose (think charlotte's web's goose) 2 monkeys, some super cute goats, chickens (ehh!!! chik!!!! ur same type!!!!!) 1 poor snake. hahaa. the monkey was like whacking that snake? sad ): but super funny. fed the goats ^^ they are omg-so-damn-cute. then my wonderful cousin fed me with leaves too. u ppl shud try them. nice n sweet when eaten fresh. when its overcooked it wud have a rotting taste. best eaten raw. -.-" its ok. dun nid to comment. duh, saw some plants. ok, fruit trees was super bored so decided to go toilet with everyone else =x IMMEDIATELY regetted my decision. THE TOILET IS EWW. its like, dark. smelly, wet, no flush, no tissue, duno how ppl use. aftr tt went to a honey place... actually its the same place as the fruits. jus diff side. listened to a person talk bout the wonders on the raw honey they harvest. -.- then went to this temple place that gt herbs de. o.O saw this type of redish orange insect. alot on a duno wad plant. 2 of them were..... shhh... its was super boring.. no wonder gt ppl stay in bus =x we went up like.. 10min aftr we alighted. LOL.. finally. lunch!! xDD travel to this ulu ulu place by the sea (duh, we eating sea food -.-) the lunch rocks (: duno y i so hungry. ): bleah. anw, the food was super nice. gt lobster somemore xD sad jai n hao have to eat at another table D: cos one table onli can 10ppl ma.. aftr lunch went to this shopping centre, or at least, wad the tourguide sae.. think his defination of shopping centre is totally diff frm mine.. heh. actually its not bad la... ^^ stuff oso super cheap :D gt a belt for like.. S$4?? saw this nice cap for $15. but decided not to buy, thinking ts not that nice aftr all. =x din buy alot, cos mum sae dec go hk then buy ): cos she sae there de more "in" n price bout the same.. lol... whatevers. bout 3more wks. haha. jyjy!!!! aftr that went to this mr sotong shop. haha!!! jh!!! all ur type de. gt chilli de. dried de. cripsy de.. everything. LOL.. then went for dinner. eat whole day lidat. hahaa. was seafood again ^^ gt crabs this time (: aftr drinking the soup i almost promised that i wun complain anything bout home de soup forever. =x was supposed to see firefly aftr dinner. but nice nice, gt thunderstorm -.- so went back. haha, sort of go for nth. budden they sae if go its take a small boat to near the sea there. at mangrove swamp. super dark, cant on lights. jia sae gt crocs D: duno real or scare me. haha. so mayb heng din go, or i'll b freaking out =xon the way back, this duno wad movie bout dogs was put on. i tt that "orh, dogs, shud b quiet :D" but duno wtf show is that. was noisy in the end. n my ipod batt flat ): so its like... ugh!!! but in the end i slept for... half an hr. lol.. the rest slept on the whole trip back. -.- reached sch at 11plus..reached homt b4 1130...slept at 12....bout tt in morn tchr sae i improve n sae nt bad le!!! ^^ yay!!! :D chao happy. hahaa...went for gz in aftrnn...slacked like a pig frm 5plus till now. -.-mp, that shud push the fotos down? haha.=]
Thursday, November 16, 2006
for some wonderful reason, i cant sign in to msn D: hmph. so i decided to blog. woke up at 9... cos last nite slept at 11 (: hahaa. aftr mon slping at 12plus n tues slp at 2 plus waking up at 7plus every morn D: ive decided to slp early!!! -.- haha. went supermarket with mum.. then came home.. she brought bro out to je cos he go ice skate with fren o.O he's fren sis (my fren) oso went. lol... i din go.. was guai-ly practising piano at home ^^ cant slack le!!! exam onli 9days away!!!! OMG. SO SOON!!!!!! 9 DAYS!!!!! $%*#@ fck.. i tt still gt 2wks.. k, i noe gt less then 2wks le.. but duno so damn fast T_T hell..... anw, i stayed home.. played comp.. then prac for bout 2hrs. yes, i was shocked that i can sit there practising some super irritatingly long sonata for 2hrs. -.- aftr that watched kang xi n yu le bai fen bai. lol... half half of both..n abit of mtv b4 blgging these boring crap. =x
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
today... was super bz..woke up at 7.45 aftr getting a pathetic 5plus hrs of slp ): *note. shud not tok on the fone till 2 with jq when theres sch in the morn*left for gz at 8.45.. i stepped out of the hse at 8.45 la... then by the time get into car... 8.50 le =x i tried my best lor!!!!!! (:reached sch at 9.05.. NOT THAT LATE WAD. onli 5 mins ^^ walked up with hanzhe.. reached gz room, chng finish plaster le. realised tchr today not coming -.- er supposed to zi lian. err... self prac x) i was like. "zao zhi dao tchr dun come then pon la!!!!!!!" oops!!!!! dun let seniors see this :DD hehh. so we all slack slack self prac.. at bout 10plus alfred came in -.- hahaa. ahma reaction so damn funny xDhad break frm 11 to 1130.. i left i 1130 cos nid rush over to miss lim's for aural.. aftr aural (1pm) rush home... then had lunch.. prac piano for awhile.. aftr that at bout 2.20 left home (again) for piano lesson. this time went to exam that studio to prac.. on this grand piano.. okay.. the sounds produce is nice la..(duh. its grand piano -.-) but play weird weird de... prefer home de piano ^.^ hehh. haha. the studio so diff frm wad i expected. i was like.. thinking bout that abrsm at that ymca de choral studio. one super big room. wood wood de... one piano in the middle. very got feel de. :D hahaa. end up. one small room. carpet floors. wall paper. one grand, one normal piano. =x LOL.. so diff can!!! o.O reached home at 4.40... gt laptop frm bro jus now... then blogging now lor.rarely in my life im scared that i cant get what i want. and for once what i really want is not you.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
no, im not joking. they're really 20 n 18. althou they dun act like it :Dmy 2 wonderful bodyguards =]
on the way back to sch frm some old folks place.
3ofus <3
yes. the guy in yellow actually said swings are childish. -.-raymond n sengchiy. 2005 dec
2004. march. night safari.yes, i know u cant recognise lots of us.
poor raymond gt kicked. who ask him jump infront of us like superman while we take pics? (:
2004. cr 6h, nyps. most of us girls. :DD
my bro, my 2 cousins, me, my bday cake :D
enjoy ^.^ its mocha :]
hahaa. hx say at my tagboard ask me post. =x nth to say.. so post some pics la.. :D haha. 2 are taken on my bday. (: then... the others are jus some old random pics :DD oops. i mite get whacked for posting SOME of these photos xDD
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
CHALET!!! ^^ystd chalet so fun xDD sad i cant stayovr D:hmm...rushed there aftr piano..reached at bout... 4.40? lol..was going to wonder whr the hell is c-09. then..suddenly..i saw...POTATO and TOMATO :Dlol.. then saw rene they all behind. went to the small shop with the 2 of them.. then went to chalet. think i heard them b4 seeing them. hahaa. typical 2o6 style xDD will so so sooooooo miss them nxt yr T_Twent upstairs to find chik they all.. then aftr that the 5ofus were sianing ard. *i think* ok.. all of us slacked ard. then me, chik, zq, dx went to that shop again. OYA. DX. U OWE ME $$$!! D: lol.. back at chalet there. saw vereeeeeena sacrificing herself.. her hands at 1st normal normal de.. then suddenly become blackish -.- hahaa. then all of a sudden everyone appeared. lol.. aftr like... i-duno-how-long. our fire was finally ready :DDD then.. we saw nxt door ppl eating -.- and they start fire latr then us can!!!! T_T so everyone ate. n ate. n ate.then... the 3ofus plus potato n tomato went to the shop. AGAIN. -.- think the auntie see us oso sian -.- LOL.. andy gave $6 to buy one bottle of f&n orange ^^ hehh!!!! used the remaining $$ to buy SPARKLES!!! xDD and that bubble thingy AGAIN. xDDD hahaa.. thnx andy!!! :DD hehh.go back chalet.. going to play that time.. realise. NO MATCH -.- so cool rite. the 3ofus went back to the shop. and bought. then my wonderful mei bought blue ice. -.- went back. open. she sipped. i tried. mp sipped. kk, vereeena oso gt try. i was like... EEE. I LIKE THAT CARAMEL WINE MORE :DDD haaa.. then in the end duno wad happen to that blueice the 5 of us plus kk went beach. fine. we WANTED to go beach. budden walk till the grass there. we were like... erm... nvm.... LOL. its FREAKY can!! lol.. that white circle oso.. D: anw. we played SPARKLES!! the type that gt sound de xDD so fun!!!!!! but its like... 5min (plus trying to light the stupid sparkles) jiu finish le. D: potato n tomato went back 1st.. aftr awhile. kk was like.. EHH. ISK COME LE!! so we went back. OMG. lucky the others noe the way back can!!!! i was like. DAMN. HOW TO GO. hahaa. back at costa sands kk lead us thru this shortcut. kinda.... -.- yeapp.. went back... saw ISK :D aftr that went upstairs. yc was telling ghost stories =/ quite fun ba.. althou kinda spooky. LOL... they went beach.. i stayed.bbq-ed marshmallows :DD so fun!!!! hahaa!!! potato was happily playing with them la -.- ate some stuff again -.- darn.. im seriously PIG can. D: took some pics. then dad came le.. walked out with rene, potato n tomato n isk. cos isk leaving le ma. reached home. showered. then kinda start to zzz le..3plus..felt vibration... -.-i was like.. HUH. HU MSG ME AT 3PLUS. cos at 1st i tt alarm clock. LOL.. then i was like.. EH. I DIN SET ALARM CLOCK WAD =x hahaaoso replied mp's they way to maths. saw jy n her bbt -.ooso saw mp. lol.. i saw mp 1st then mum sae jy 1st.aftr that saw potato osowalking towards cr104 saw zz the classroom is so cant b compared to cr206 :D maths.found out ms teo gna retire le D:kinda sad la..she taught us for 2yrs a fotoframe (:but no yrbk D:bleah!!!!!!chik sae yrbk ready le lor!!!!
i went for yrbk de lor!!!! D:aftr maths.went canteen with mp cos she wan buy food. walked down to gate with mp n joel gor. seriously. gor. ur hair. UGH. =xsaw dx n zq waiting for zq mum..asked chik go meet mp to get the card i gave her :D it was NICE can (:whatevers.then mum go pick jun. went home. watched lake house. just gt the dvd on sun. its nice la.. but din really gt the last part. =/ jiu nth much le...happy bday kel (:you you you
Monday, November 06, 2006
jus replied jy's post at our blog.. was bout lijin..
omg. i miss her so so sooooo much!!!
oyeah, im gonna get sentimental in this post. yeapp.
rmb p3 that, jy, claire, lijin. formed this grp. we were supposed to be against GOHSENGCHIY and his grp of frens. hahaa. orange juice!!!!! LOL. and this eggfaceman guy.. err.. if not wrong is called ernest. gep de. hahaa. was SUPER FUN. ^^ cos p3 was aftrnn class ma. then had cca b4 that n wud always play that idiotically fun game xDD the 4ofus had this secret hiding place u know :D i still rmb whr!!! i think... hahaa. its below this staircase. at... i think level 4 or 3.. =/ jy was like... our leader? -.-
AND AND AND!! that "haunted" staircase!!! ^^ think ALL nyps-04 batch wud rmb. bout this painting. duno wad happen. jus rmb one day during reccess, alot of ppl come down frm there and the nxt thing we noe, they said its haunted -.- hahaa!! and mr ting -pause- was it mr ting or mr wu. WHATEVERS. either one of them. came to clarify during assembly. LOL.
oyeah!! then p3.. p3 was the year i became besties with trish ^^ hmm... that time.. was SUPER DUPER close with jy, claire, lijin.. think yuhan also. :DD then that time lijin, claire, yuhan like jiewei =x i think heard frm jy de. during one of our "meetings" at the wonderfully dirty, dusty "meeting place".. ehh.. was it lidat? duno. my reaction was. "orh... jw, that weird looking guy" xDD HEY. HE DID LOOKED KINDA.. DIFF IN P3 KAY.. hahaa.
oh!! and dance!!! 1st yr we use campus 1 de studio!!! and and and!!! it wasn't airconditioned yet!!! we were complaining to huang lao shi la!! :DD so fun!!!! then every last 10min of dance he wud give us one qian bian mi yu that kind ^^
it was SUPER FUN LA.
lijin went to america...
yea.. we kept in touch...
for the 1st 2yrs...
aftr that...
older, busier...
i mis her lots can!!!!!!!!! haiish...
and of course. happy birthday to my retarded chiky mei!!!! :DD sorry have to give belated prez D:
Friday, November 03, 2006
Yawen, you're an Impulse Shopper
Were you born to shop? Maybe it's the allure of new things or the fun you have along the way. Or maybe you enjoy shopping to relieve boredom or stress. Either way a little retail therapy seems to do the trick. We wouldn't be surprised to hear that you headed to the mall for sandals and came back with a new winter coat. It also wouldn't surprise us to find some clothes in your closet that still have the price tags on them. A seasoned and enthusiastic shopper like you knows that things are here one day, gone the next. So if you like it, it's best to buy it when you've got the chance. And you'll definitely use it or wear it… eventually.As for gift giving, you might have a stash of goods that you picked up at some point that you can draw from. If not, it's probably not that much of a stretch to think that you wouldn't mind going shopping for something.
What's not to love about shopping and the thrill of the hunt? It's fun, exciting, and a great way to bond with friends. And if you find a few things for yourself along the way — even better ^.^
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
me n big c at vivo entrance. chik is then one in black top. mop is in red. that green bag is dx de.
me n chik at that scary merry-go-round. i know it dosen't look scary. that's y they sae DONT JUDGE A BK BY ITS COVER.argh. my hair is so so so messy D:
the duck n pig chik gave me.
me n big c at the weird seesaw.
act tourist!!!! =]
awww.. so sweet. the TITANIC pose. >=]
the long tube-ish top does this really look zebra-ish????
any kind soul gonna buy the top for me? ^.^
the sweater. nice? xD
all are pics taken ystd at VIVO (: