Tuesday, August 29, 2006
arghhh. so dun like my overall %!!!! T__T got B3.. D: haiish.
3 Cs T_T
3 As :D
1 B =x
was not 101% disappointed with results la.. onli 70% >:)
looking forward to thurs :D finally. gna go back to ny with everyone else aftr like... 1 yr?
*ok, i noe that i drive thru ny almos everyday. but its DIFFERENT. theres nth beta than being an ex-student, when u can interrupt ur nice pri sch tchrs class and those little kids in the class look up to u :D* hehh. i noe i was like that last time. last time i was like.. seeing all those ex students come back.. then its like.. so wow.. ok. whatever. -.-" but thurs i dun look forward to the part when all nh ppl are gna walk ard the sch.. kinda.. weird.. even fo aces day la.. haha--------------------------waiting for jay chou's newest album--------------------------------------------------wondering how am i gonna get my hands on it asap--------------------------------------------haiish. still have to waiit till 8th nov------------------------
Friday, August 25, 2006
how wonderful. there some frigging prob with friendster. i cant edit my profile. ughh. they gimme all blank stuff. whatever. im gna renovate my friendster site :D
today gt back eng, phys, maths, chi..
was like.. damn disapointed with my chi la... T__T
then... sad for phys (i failed by half mrk) but i sort of expected that. i mean.. i onli read thru the notes the nite b4 n that morning. serve me right ><
eng was quite ok la.. althou hope that can b beta..
maths was gd :D gt 43/45 :D but cud have gotten full mrks. 2mrks gone for careless. how nice.
damn my phys la... at 1st tt that can at least gt b4 for general science.. *was aiming for b3* then.. chem gt b3.. i was like.. quite damn happie. then now phys pull the whole thing down to c la!!! fugg. haiish...
tmr wkend.. again.. jus realised that time pass damn damn fast.. *ok. im lagging. whatever* haiish. everytime din treasure time.. stuff.. ppl.. when they are here. onli miss it like duno what when they are gone..
Thursday, August 24, 2006
iskandar with the present 2o6 gave :D

xf, me, jq, dx on that stage

jr and me :D

3 of us with iskandar (:
i seriously think that smth wrong with me. its like... duno how many days since that stupiid extraction thing. and i still feel that pain. >< haiish..
today gt back chem... hai hao ba.. was abit dissapointed thou... could have done abit beta... oya... i posted some ndp pics. lol... i noe lag la... but cos b4 this keep on forgetting :D
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
history lesson now... in comp lab 1.. comp damn lag lehh!! lol.. spent 10min jus to get here. gave up on friendster le. hehh. hearing some stupiid fone tone ard. kinda irritating. hahas. supposed to highlight stuff in the tb.. siian... then poor xiaoji. her comp is laggier than mine. haha. hers now haven done with hotmail and friendster. muahahaha. -.-" hao leng. then the guys are like.. exchanging porn webs. o.O very nice meh. then mrs raja jus now sae "10 more minutes. then for the last few minutes of the class im gna let u surf the net.." we were like "waa. she so nice!!!" "theres a certain website i want u all to go.." then we were like... "ohh..."today general science paper.. haiish. i definately fail de lor!!! T__T they say nid memorise the list. so i spent 45min doing that. then.. surprise surprise. they din test that. and cos i spending time memorising that.. i din finish revising phys. and other chem stuff. fck.. how nice. i was like.. "wtf la" haha. chik giving me THAT look. cos she sae ii type damn loud. then i be nice type soft. she nt happie D: wad di i do??
Saturday, August 19, 2006
owwww. my teeth hurts!!!!! T__T gt extraction today. T__T when the nurse told me b4 i went for usual check up i was like "huh?? wtf? wad extraction?" owwwww.. its like.. damn pain aftr extraction. nt during the extraction T__T owwwwwwwww.
Friday, August 18, 2006
im typing all these while im thinking wad to type in the email for the piano thingy. so dun blame me is u dun understand wth im writing. cos mayb i oso duno wad im typing. -.-
today is lit ct.. easier than geog and hist!!! (: finished with 5min to zzz.. :D i decided to chk my work instead. then aftr that was damn slackish.. lit n eng n maths is self revision.. then.. physics she came late for 10min.. by the time lesson start.. 16min was gone. and she spent time going thru ws :D (i did that ws!!! all by myself!!) chinese was some compo test thingy. haiish. onli had 45min.. no time to do a dramatic story xD ended it like... 3/4 ? then was scribbling for the last paragraf..
left with chinese, general science n maths nxt wk >< how wonderful. scared my physics n chem T__T bleahhs. gtg le. or else i'll nvr get that email done.
sayonara :D
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
blogging while saving that vj and sending it to chik.. yayy!! i finish doing my part le xD hopefully can work :D if not really DIE le!!! T__T
today start common tests le >< today was geog and eng. for geog that "SHORT" ans qns that part. gt this 6mrks qn. i onli wrote 5lines. how nice. then the mapwork total 3mrks. tink i gt.. 1mrk? eng was ok. except for the fact that i totally gt no idea wad i wrote for the 1st 2 paragrafs. how wonderful. -.- tmr hist.. haiish. on separation. chapt 11.
btw, ystd was nyps founders day :D happy belated birthday (: aww. i miss nyps soooo much!!!! haven gone back for a yr and a day le -.O tchrs day coming :D can go back le!! *like.. finally. haha* then... aftr tchrs day.. SEPT HOLS!!! haiish. its onli a wk T__T but better than nothing (: dx n jq said dat one day they wud definately come over for the dinner =x *they rather come for stewed potato than me. im hurt. LOL* oya, 6h ppl, wana go sentosa again xD this time mayb we shundt eat sakae xD and spend more time at the beach!! xP
im talking bout my sept hols when ct wk just started. what a good and hardworking student i m.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
ytd ndp so rocks!!!!!! will miss it alot alot alot lor T__T so fun la!!! we high till duno wad le :D reached home at 1130 D: then present that we gave iskandar was sooo nice!!!!!! (: shud give a present to jerry too.. since he took care of our grp quite long le.. the fireworks very nice!!!! :D *aftr watching ndp jus now b4 stepping out of the hse i realized that formation 4 ours is still circle -.-"* then aftr finale aftr everything. the big big screen gt show alot pics ma. then suddenly gt this pic ish the head of the AI with his gf de. then gt words "will you marry me?" so sweet la!!!! and that girl said yes. so sweet!!!!! ohyes, then b4 performance gt some hairstylist *not some.. ALOT* came. then me n chik was like there sianning. then saw this soka guy, hair like... botak lidat. then we were wondering how is the hairstylist gg to style le o.O haha. at 1st we tt that must b no fringe that kind. i wasnt freaking out la.. but jq they all were like.. screaming like its the freakiest thing in the world (: but ended up noppx. depended on which hairstylist u go to :D i went twice. the 2nd time went with xj n xf.. went to male hairstylist de. cos they STYLE hair... not just comb. *but they dun put glitter D:* the hairstylist i went to is cuute xD hahas. esp when he speak chinese. =x cos he dun look chinese la!! =x its the same as rach n xj de. but aftr dat. i realized that he style err... too much. so went toilet asked dx help (: she like... feel in luv with my hair.. o.O aftr ndp she was playing with it. ignoring my pain n agony >< *jkn. it wasnt that pain.* ohhya, dx was mentally unstable that day xD the 1st thing she sae to me was "whrs my stewed potato" LOL. dx, u can come for ur potato.. ribs.. whatever. during sept hols (: today went cine with jy, trish, gwen, nicky, jospeh, leon.. the guys were late for 20mins >< color="#6600cc">tokyo drift *nicky was like "tokyo drift.......... tokyo drift........ eeyerr. dont want super ex la.. tokyo drift.." or smth lidat* 0.O cos i sae always we gals choose. and its time to b nice and let the guys choose. then.. went to eat pasta mania xD stupid guys went to eat bk. again. >< color="#009900">2omin of the movie i was listening to my ipod. and gwen, i dont find ur "extremely handsome guy" or whatever u call him. that handsome. during the part when the main character went to sch in tokyo.. those jap students were better :D *arghh. y jap de uniform so nice!!!!* aftr the movie.. the guys went to play lan *AGAIN* ehh. waiit. oya. they looked at shoes b4 playing -.-" then the 4 of us went to take neos!! :D hehhx. went to one of my fave machine :DD aftr that went shopping. trish wanted flip flops n gwen wanted watch. so went hereen. and ended up spending a long time looking at nice acessories that we dint buy. kay, trish gt a hairband. i like that minibits de hairband :D *but mum sae smth like.. if i buy any things shes not gna allow me to shop when go hk end of yr >< cream ="x">gt this white n shiny de hat soo cuuute!!!aftr that went fareast!!! (: yes, i dragged them there. haha. we started trying on shoes (: *ok. i wanted to. hehhh* totally loved this white pair with black dots :D and the one with a ribbon. then we made gwen try on this purple tee *^.^* hehex. dont hate us, gwen. that shirt did look nice hanging there. (: then made jy try a top like mine also.. then by that time it was 5.40 le o.O seperated ways at borders there. jy n trish went to take mrt. gwen waiited for her mum at duno whr. i pratically ran all the way to borders de coffee bean there cos dad tod me to wait there with jia at 5.45.. waiited for 5min for jia. how wonderful. then dad reached at 6 D: gtg le.. laptop batt gna flat D: kk.. smth wrong. i so duno y its all purple.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
can someone pls pls pls tell me how to do that hist logbk on communism thingy. >< color="#ff0000">*ms sathi is so nice that i really feel guilty nt doing her work. anyways, im a total guai kia xD* then revised geog... cos i gt a feeling that if i dun start now i wun start till like.. the day b4 ct? xD aftr dat used comp... till 1.20.. then dad said dat we gtg. so went to chng. bla bla bla. did it in record time!!!! 5mins!! -.-" met with lots of traffic jams ><>. the things are EX.. b4 we left he gt me to try on this shirt..
its some brownish shirt made by uber nice material.. design is bugs bunny and bugs de gf *whatever that bunny name is. LOL* then gt glitterish thingys de. i so love that shirt!!! hahas. but the price is like.. so i was like. whatever. neways mum n yima coming back tmr, the day aftr frm hk :D cant waiit (:
miss yima!!! i want my mummy :D ok, anyways, went to the 3rd level there.. i saw this cute shop selling bags and wanted to stay longer but jia looked sian diao and was waiting outside. so i became super nice n left the shop. T__T then went to minibits. i want hairband!!! i was browsing thru. i was bout to try when my
super duper nice cousin suaned me >< hmphhs. then cos jun wan go library. went to queenstown de. borrowed teens.. went home. watch tv. shower. jia came for dinner. using comp (:
gtg le!!! wana use phone le xD
yayy!! tmr mum come back (: *she onli went hk for 4-5 days and i made it sound like one mth..*
Saturday, August 05, 2006
back frm ndp prac. (:now become super dark le lah!!!!!! u go compare my skin colour in... march. then u see now. dark alot le!!!! LOL.. but then. u go see chik de. when we compare its like.. HEI BAI PEI!!! -.-" im i really THAT white? =X
then 2o6 was like.. the last to leave.. cos of SOMEBODY.. she was like.. "stuck" in the toilet... doing impt stuff >< quite cham lah.. actually. if u think of it. o.O
the sun today was like..
SUPER HOT. my feet and my butt are like.. OWWWWW. then my hair was burning.. >< this is one of the most xing ku training since june hols.. haiish.
wed ndp le!!!! so look forward to it lah!!! but also kinda dread.. its like.. aftr the ndp.. then no more the nice nice AIs le.. esp
inskandar (2o6 AI) haha. must thank him alot. today he gave all of us lots of sweets!!!! *gosh. i sound like some little kid. haha* and alot of times help me keep my mp3 :D and lending us his camera everytime :D jerry also! the trainings in sch last time always give us water when we are like.. 90% dehydrated (: heard dat he even gt scolded for that. D: then still gt those 3 AIs. the 3 that allow the few of us go in n watch one of the combined rehersals *the band part n the parachutes (:*
gtg le. hp ringing xD